Custom Loadout Saving Bug

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Lukas Lopes, Dec 5, 2019.

  1. Lukas Lopes

    So for each of my classes, I have four custom loadouts.
    I'm using all of them, and they're working well.
    Except for one gun. Whenever I equip the "Warden", when I disconnect and reconnect, the "Warden" is replaced by the gun that was there before.
    Each time I connect, I have to re-equip the "Warden" on each classes and that's pretty annoying.
    May you correct this ?
    Thank you !
    • Up x 3
  2. JobiWan

    This was introduced with the DX11 update. It affects all 1st gen battle rifles. Any BR equipped will revert to the default gun for the class when re-logging and sometimes when switching continents.
  3. FunkFest

    Seen this mentioned for quite some time on reddit. Just adding my vote needs some love.