I have no idea where to put this so im putting it here. Is there anyway to get custom emblems to yourself or your outfit? I have seen some that feels like custom so that is why i ask.
Greetings, those custom emblems were from a previous occurrence. Unfortunately at this time we do not have plans to support further new platoon emblems.
It's from the player studio which was cancelled years ago. Like many things, they teased that they were gonna bring it back and never did, I guess here he confirms they gave up on it. It's not like the player studio generated some of the best items in the game while offloading the work from the artists. Thankfully they've diverted the many ressources the player studio required to focus on fishing, mech suits, making the audio worse and overall just the important things this game needs. Really another example of how out of touch they are with the community. The players who design better things than the devs, and the devs who, presented with 90% of their workload done better than they would've ever had (cuz the community is passionate, unlike the devs) decide to once again spit in the players face and shut down one of the game's best/most popular features for no reason. Guess the game really doesn't need our money.