Current Helmets - Target Audience?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spartan 117, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Karth

    I would roll TR if this were to appear...
  2. Shasbot


    ^ That's not actually PS2 artwork. It's from Aquanox 2 revelation. It pre-dates PS2 by almost a decade.
  3. Spartan 117

    Your correct. It was posted by another user during one of the previous cosmetic discussions & Vanu players were all over it. So in their best interests I wanted SOE to get on it. Lots of Vanu players want augments etc. There are a few other pieces of art that are not SOE property as well, but fit the dark military sci-fi theme I think we all want to see.
  4. VSDerp

    ya protos helmets looked dumb on the picture on forums but i bought it for my infiltrator it actually looks cool.
  5. toxs

    They need to fix the NC heavy assault composite helmet. It looks like i made it. I suck at drawing.
  6. JonnyAFKay

    I think the new NC Titan helmet looks pretty cool, it reminds me of Dead Space.

    I do think it is a bit lazy of them to release the same helmet across each individual class for 600SC each though...
  7. Pikachu

    I think the welder helmet for NC is kinda nice. :) The TR on the other hand is just ugly. The vanu is just an infiltrator helmet available to other classes.

    As others have said, we want helmets that shows the eyes.
  8. Deadeye

    The concept helmets in the OP are called the "Sci-Fi" helmets. They have been modelled and are slated for release in GU08 from what I saw of a twitter post from the concept designer. There was a post discussing them and showing the in game models on the planetside universe forum.
  9. Zenanii

    Bought the protoss helmet, since it's the only headwear that looks good on medic.
  10. spoono

    also they would never buy any other helmets again :)
    and there you have the answer to OP's question :)
  11. Morpholine

    I picked up, and completely love all of the Protos helmets. Now SOE just needs to release an all-chrome "camouflage" for infantry, weapons, and vehicles so I can happily play a Cylon.