[CSTB] New Conglomerate Strategy And Tactics Bureau RETURNS

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by JetFireIII, Aug 2, 2017.

  1. JetFireIII

    Welcome To The Bureau

    If you're reading this, you've taken your first step towards a greater PlanetSide experience. If you're a potential recruit, wishing to join us in dominating our foes, read on. If you're not a potential or have a question, head over to our website and send in a application stating you have a question, or post on this thread.

    Who are we?
    [CSTB], the NC Strategy & Tactics Bureau, is an NC outfit based on the Connery West Coast server of Planetside 2. Our ultimate goal is one we feel all outfits should have: the betterment of the NC. Rather than farm all day, every day, or head into the big fights and zerg it up, we take the jobs that need to be done, such as preparing defenses at a location, heading into the thick of the chaos, guns blazing, redeploying to stop an enemy cap, cutting off enemy lattice lines, or provide support to a friendly zerg. Our bottom line is "tactics over numbers"; to achieve this, we focus on the map to see where we can be the most help, relying on stratagems favoringsquad organization and composition, mixed with spec ops maneuvers and unorthodox tactics, all to benefit the greater NC and have fun. That said, we may seem very aggressive and serious, but we have our fair share of laughs. We maintain a perfect mix between relaxed and serious gaming, with a thick slice of hilarity thrown in.
    Tactics & Events:
    Being the organized outfit we are, our useful tactics are plentiful and effective. All tactics we develop and perfect are discussed on our forums before being implemented so all members can put input into the idea. Some of these tactics include, but are not limited to, smoke screens, smoke-outs, Tech Plant gun platform sabotage, Air Brigade, MAX crashes, Engineer walls, Light Assault swarms, Steel Rain, gate crashes, and playing zombie. These tactics are only effective, however, when people are trained to do them, and because of this we always run "casual training", or constantly training in real combat zones. Scheduled training's are Thursday evenings, which is used for game basics that take a long time to really perfect, such as effective cover and accuracy. Friday nights are our Outfit Ops Nights, which are always a blast, and Saturdays are our Joint Ops Nights with several other NC outfits. No events are mandatory: if you can't make it, oh well. Real life takes priority. In addition to all of this, we have scrimmages against other outfits fairly regularly. All of this practice and playing has lead [CSTB] to become an outfit that is both feared and respected.
    Rules and Regulations:
    1. Teamkilling is not permitted, unless the situation permits otherwise (such as certain members asking for an ***-kicking0
    2. Negative comments should not be said in proxy chat; this includes but is not limiting to discouraging comments, cussing out other NC, screaming in proxy chat out of rage, trash talking other NC, and badmouthing outfits. Any raging should be kept to a minimum.
    3. Anything negative said about players not in our outfit, or negative things said about other outfits, should only be said in a secure channel: this is typically outfit chat or Discord.
    4. “Trolling”, “griefing”, and other similar acts are not permitted, unless the situation permits otherwise
    5. Orders are to be followed at all times, and voice is to be turned on at all times so players may hear the squad lead, unless permission is given otherwise; an example of this would be when Discord is in use.
    Director: Outfit Leader, Commander-in-Chief of all operations. Represents the face of the outfit.
    Strategy Officer: Outfit Officer, in charge of broad operations within the outfit, seeing to it that operations in as well as out of the game are running smoothly. Normally represent the finest of the fine within the outfit skill and leadership wise. Fill a variety of roles from leading squad and platoons to helping see to it the website runs effectively and efficiently.
    Tactical Officer: Squad and fireteam leaders tasked with mastering the ability to lead small groups of players into battle and to accomplish tasks that would otherwise call for 12-24 people to complete. Each CSTB Tactical Officer represents a well accomplished history of individual player skill and value, as well as an excellent knowledge in CSTB strategies and operations, as well as superior leadership that is evident in combat.
    Trooper: Forming the backbone of the Bureau, CSTB Troopers are the muscle behind the squads and platoons we send out to conquer enemy territories, or to dominate alerts. Passing basic training and being known within the community grants Troopers a truly permanent place within the group.
    FNG: The CSTB FNG is the new recruit/individuals who do not care about advancing at all. You have to complete basic and be an active and well known member of the community to advance out of this rank.
    Monday-Wednesday: Recruiting/Private Training/Casual Squads
    Thursday: Outfit-wide Training/Inter-outfit Scrims/1v1's
    Friday: Ops Night/Hardcore Squad
    Saturday: Joint Ops/Scrims
    Sunday: Farm Squad
    To ensure effective communications and random chit-chat, the Bureau uses Discord to communicate. This is an out-of-game chat client, similar to TeamSpeak or Mumble. A free download can be found at https://discordapp.com. Our server invite code is 7asfmD8. Feel free to hop in anytime, just make sure you message an admin when you enter the general room so you can be assigned to the correct server group. Admins are individuals with the roles of "Director" or "Strategy Officer".
    Requirements to join the Bureau:
    1. Microphone
    2. Discord
    3. Age 16 and up (for maturity level and voice)
    4. Can play relaxed and seriously
    5. Does not cause issues with other’s wanting to play and enjoyment of the game
    6. Stay active, both on the website and in-game (two week AFK period permitted without warning someone of a player being AFK)
    7. Fill in an application IN GAME. No worries, it is short.
    While we do focus on Planetside 2, we also play other games. In the end, we're a community looking for like-minded people. If you're in to having fun while getting **** done, we're your crew.

    Website: http://ncsandtb.enjin.com/

    Looking forward to working with you, and live free in the NC!
  2. JetFireIII

    Bump for a good outfit