[Suggestion] Crushing Redeployside

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DQCraze, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. Reclaimer77

    I think you people have actually convinced yourself that fast paced tactics like Redeploy means it's not a tactic at all. Pure rubbish.
    Oh well god forbid we have good fights now WITHOUT waiting for "vehicle zergs" to happen. Infantry actually has a place in Planetside 2, but don't worry, more vehicle buffs are incoming! So you guys can finally get your way and force all of us to play your game and have to pull vehicles of our own to do anything and get anywhere!

    I'm a Planetside 1 veteran, and let me tell you, what you just said here is pure nostalgia. Those "awesome" times lasted about 6 months. Then the game no longer had the population to support such tactics.

    So what we were left with, was a freaking mess.

    Planetside 2 is a much better game is just about EVERY conceivable way. I suppose you're now going to tell me how BFR's were such tactical powerhouses too that promoted good fighting for everyone?
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  2. axiom537

    It doesn't work the same, redeploying happens instantly on hard points in the bases. Defenders have the advantage of looking at the map, seeing 12-24 in the area and the point flipping, they know if you throw 2x -3x that number of players, you will easily zerg the point and destroy any sunderers in too short of a time for the attackers to respond. I see it happen day after day after day as do must everyone else that sees redeploying as an issue. Yes it does work for attackers as well, but it isn't the same and as stated it still takes away tactics and logistics and reinforces ZERG play.

    That's why we call say it takes away logistics and tactics, because if you are thinned out or over extended or at a different front it allows you to zerg here, zerg there, zerg, zerg everywhere. You can defend every where, but you need to play your pieces strategically so that you do not over extend yourself...

    And neither is having 1 - 2 platoons of your average zerg fit all redeploying constantly to steam role over every fight that is less then a platoon, that they know they can easily over run and clear in a minute.

    Bring enough to hold a base? How many is that...As long as the maps show the attackers strength then the defenders will always with in limits be able to redeploy and hit you with Attackers strength x 2.

    Agreed, Zerging is a tactic and that is precisely what the current redeploy mechanic is. Pull up your map see a base has 12-24 players attacking it, make the call over command channel for 1 or 2 platoons to pull up the map hit redploy and zerg the attackers with 2x -3x their force in a matter of seconds, wipe them off the point and crush their spawn points with over whelming numbers. How would you define that other then zerging? There is no real thought into that type of attack, no logistics, no risk.

    I'm not the one that complains about vehicles in ever other post and pretends like they are not part of this game or meant to be part of this FPS game as you put it and I was just returning one condescending remark in response to your condescending remark.

    No one is asking for people to sit in vehicles waiting to get into a fight. And I'm sorry you spent 5 minutes driving a sunderer to have it blown up by a MBT 300m from a base, that sounds like horrible planning, poor strategy and just bad game play on your part. I can understand why you would want to dumb the game down to redeploying everywhere. Some of us would have packed our sunderer full of Infantry to hop out and kill that MBT when we came across it, or we would have had an attack support vehicle to help defend against our sunderer asset.

    I do not expect this to be some sort of grand strategic game, but I can see a broken mechanic when I see one. And being able to redeploy almost anywhere on the map, near instantly with no consequences is an issue. And you know what else isn't fun to have players redeploy into bases with 2x -3x number of attackers and wipe them by numbers alone, then have them redeploy elsewhere a minute or two later.
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  3. Ronin Oni

    I would love to see lots of battle bus zerg fights.

    THAT would be AWESOME
  4. Ronin Oni

    Cost nanites for spawning in another lattice lane AND have a spawn delay for spawning in other lanes AND have a "reinforcement throttle queue" on top of THAT to prevent too many players all redeploying in at once (10 second stagger per player).

    Transporting from 1 base to another should be the most preferable way of moving about the map but for the lazy, who pay a cost in nanites and have to wait a duration that could have gotten them there manually anyways.

    That's ALL redeploy should be for. People too LAZY to play the damn game.
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  5. Ac3s

    I agree with Ronin, re-deploying needs to cost something and having a 10sec timer per person would be awesome too, no more mass teleporting all over the map.
  6. Kirppu1

    Sacrificing yourself for greater good eh?
  7. Crashsplash


    Redeploy used to be more limited but the scope was widened to make getting to or finding a fight easier and as a result squads would recall to the warpgate pull a gal then move out. But the last time I played I just solo'd (partly because I played outside of peak time) and bounced around via redeploy to wherever there was a hack with no other object than just going for the dakka.

    Back in ps1 you could only redeploy to the nearest base, tower or ams or of course to sanctuary, but it was a slower more tactical game.
  8. DQCraze

    World of walking had 10 million subscribers that seemed to think getting from point A to point B was fun even though it took 30 min. Im betting if you took a poll you would, in my opinion, find most people dont like it. All i hear in game is ******** about it.
  9. Unsp0kn

    Sometimes, I usually try to bail out before impact lol but yeah, I die a lot from this method of getting to the fight!
  10. Donaldson Jones

    Just make it cost you a death. KDR should be effected for re matrixing.

    Trust me this would make redeploying a last ditch thing for MANY players.
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  11. Unsp0kn

    Sort of, I'd still take the redeploy death over giving some other jerk my death XP!
  12. Kirppu1

  13. Yuki10

    What's the point? Stop people from getting to the front lines? Are you trying to make bad game worse?

    I think deploy screen should always have the following options:
    - warpgate
    - every base along the front lines
    - sunderers along the front lines

    Right now if you try to redeploy from warpgate you get what? oh, that's right - a few bases around the WP and nothing at locations you want to go. I will still make 5-6 hops but won't spend any resources on air/vehicles.

    If they take away resource upon redeploy they will kill this game because people won't want to play it. A sure way to get Virtual Darwin Award of 2015.
  14. ColonelChingles

    You know, after thinking about this for a bit, I guess sometimes the most simple solutions might be the best solutions.

    Low-skill casual players are unlikely to turn the tide of battle and just want to run around and mindlessly shoot face. They also tend not to care about their KDRs. Implementing this change would probably not affect the casual players.

    High-BR MLGpro players who don't care about certs anymore are incredibly possessive about their KDRs and other stats. These are also the players who abuse redeployside the most.

    So just make it that for every hex you redeploy across it costs you 10 deaths and a 1,000 missed shots with your most accurate weapon. Also make it so that this information cannot be parsed out of the API so third party stats sites can't sort through it.

    In that way no high-BR, high-skill player would ever think about redeploying but every average-Joe player who doesn't care about how terrible they look can still have fun.
  15. Yuki10

    No it doesn't... because from WP redeploying to action may take 5 hops...it's already a borring waste of time, putting a timer on it would only make it worse. All redeploy options should be at warpgate or at front line bases.
  16. DQCraze

    Some of the best fights ive had in this game are between bases. Maybe we could stop redeploying and actually promote the land battles that lend themselves to everyone, infantry, air and ground vehicles.
  17. Unsp0kn

    Pull a flash/harrasser/ESF and get your *** to the fight that way then, cheese. Jump in someone's Gal, gun for a Lib pilot, do something other than being a deploy to fight dummy. You're missing out on one of the best aspects of this sandbox style MMOFPS and that is the semi-large world you have to explore. Playing from the spawnroom seems boring to me 100% of the time. If you want that style of play, stick to Battlefield and CoD.
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  18. OldMaster80

    As far as I see it the passage to a new company / team leader might be an opportunity to fix the mistakes they've done in the past. Maybe they will take the opportunity to complete all the features SOE left unfinished and re-think some serious game design mistake such as the current redeploy is.
    It's time someone in the developers team takes the responsibility to decide if this game has to steer once again towards the CoD-Casual-Kid style of if we can hope for some tactical depth.

    Because honestly it sucks that we have a 8x8km map, spawn beacons, drop pods and transport vehicles, but then everyone has a free mass teleporter. This is ********.
  19. CapperDeluxe

    Of course its a tactic, which is why everyone does it to win.

    That doesn't mean its a fun mechanic, which is why we would like to see it changed.
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  20. Unsp0kn

    I think it's a lame "tactic" spawning 2 platoons on location 2 minutes before base cap + a zillion lone wolves following in suit. I want to see more proper use of transport vehicles, it's much more fun to fight into the base being attacked. Sure you should be able to redeploy at that base when you die, just get their a more legit way than redeploy hopping. Unless you like that kind of boring thing...
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