[Suggestion] Crouch cooldown?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Terrince, Mar 7, 2021.

  1. Somentine

    *The starting post

    *I'm not even the one that said crouch spam, but reading is hard.

    You're probably one of the dumbest people i've replied to on this forum. Makes reddit medkit and heavy threads look brilliant.
  2. NotsiMadz

    Yup, I got shadowplay. I never thought of using a shorter buffer though, thanks.

    I don't think the others in this thread are speaking of what I'm speaking of. I think I'm the only one speaking of that lol, and it's obvious from one catch if you know it already, but if you don't, it'll probably take a few.

    You can also try it yourself. You come face to face with an enemy infantry (preferrably a heavy that can tank more), you shoot as you do every time, but towards the middle or the end you quickly tap crouch and all of a sudden, all your bullets are hitting.

    I made a bug report about it here :


    That's for accuracy and shooter's hit detection.

    On the receiving end, if you shoot someone spamming crouch , your bullets don't hit him as much even if you are aiming properly. (that one I won't make a video of).

    As I was looking for my bug report I found a post by another player (an old player I know from Cobalt) who reported that.

  3. JibbaJabba

    So I think I said "instant" before. The crouch is not actually instant but in this game it's pretty close.

    If you tap light enough on the duck, the duck will end and you'll need returned to the standing animation right away. Your aim/crosshairs and POV all do this instantly. Your animation though has to finish some sequence.

    Not sure if this is the phenomenon you're talking about. It doesn't improve aim or make stuff hit. It just doesn't impact aim negatively very much while at the same time making trouble for enemy aim.

    The effect disappears with a deep duck (which moves your aim) or anything beyond a flicker really.

    Is this what you mean? Or not?

    There are other animation disconnects too. Some sequences must run to completion others can be interrupted. Jumping has to run to completion for example so a direction change before landing can be jarring for an enemy aiming at you.

    Then non-motion nuances too...
    Peeking with a corner to your right because your head model tilts that way during ADS.
    Aiming below horizontal when behind a baby gate to make your head model stay low.
    ...stuff like that.
  4. NotsiMadz

    I started redording gameplay, I'm gona try to also show it from my perspective, when I do it, I think it'll be easier to talk about once I've made the video.

    That's unless I ragequit the game first because of Wrel's latest "3-5 hour small map on low pop" lol

    (I'm laughing about it, but I'm "this" close to quitting right now..)
    • Up x 1
  5. JibbaJabba

    You are such a bore.

    Going digging through posts to find something 7 years ago to prove your point. Now stringing together lots of cherry picks without context. You just want me to be wrong sooooo bad.

    I mean you quote this..
    ..and then move on as if I contradicted myself when calling you a whiner. Here's what was really said...

    And here is further context..

    You sir, are whining. If you don't think so, good for you. Don't tell me about it.

    You failed to convince me of whatever point you are trying to make and I'm bored with you. Go follow someone else around and bite their ankles.
  6. Somentine

    Too many infils in a 3d game (1 month ago)
    I'll probably quit when the Condensate nade releases (sep 2020)

    I know this is real big brain stuff, but it wasn't about when you posted, it was about what. It also meant that any post, from anyone, about changing anything was a whine post; even the best players in the game, and even about bugs. Try to keep up.

    Hey bro, news flash, animations are part of mechanics.
    Also bro, the vast majority of mechanics in this game are used against other players.
    Real hard concepts.

    Want more contradictions? Your first post:

    That's spamming according to you (at first), and you also call it ineffective. That gif is roughly 3 crouches in 3 seconds and an LA with bad aim. I post a vod with 2 crouches in (at best) 2 seconds, but it's a good player, and now is it not only not considered spam, but it's also effective.

    You go on to try and backpedal that one seemed more practiced and deliberate (don't disagree with this point), but the absolute truth is that it was aim that was the real difference in both; which isn't a surprise: it's not hard to press crouch.

    I mean, I could say the exact same, and add more: You're incapable of following even your own logic, you contradict yourself constantly, and you piggy back off of other (good) players.
  7. JibbaJabba
