Creative Psychological Warfare

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by MisterSlim, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. ezaroo

    The best one I've been involved with was in a particularly fun terminal sniping session, a whole 50+ zerg had just marched through and clearly all decided to get vehicles but! Me and my fellow infi, who I was showing some spots to, decided this time we wouldn't kill them, we'd shoot them all in the legs... You know what happened? They all assumed it was tking and completely destroyed each other! Was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen :)

    Aside from that you have to love killing repairing tanks while stalker cloaking, I did once have a lib land next to me but I only managed to get one of them :(

    Not an ifni one but tonight I was playing LA at quartz ridge and there was a engie up on the hill with an av turret, snuck up on him, placed C4 by his feet, then walked round to the front of the turret right after he fired and jumped he looked confused, I blew him up :) we had a nice chat about it being funny :)

    But the best thing you can do as an ifni is get in places you aren't expected and make sure you kill all the bad snipers... The ones who stand still and never move... Even worse if they are on a hill -.- who snipes from hills anymore? >.<

    Ohh! Actually the most fun, is to drop in on fights between the other two factions when they come across bases with some particularly "I win"/"god mode" spots where no one will find you. Those are great fun if you type in yell and comment on the quality of the fight, or suggest they don't go to certain places or you will kill them lol and calling locations of spawn points gets interesting reactions!
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  2. RobotNinja

    This wasn't with my Infiltrator but I was on top of a Tech Plant today as a LA and I told an enemy player in a turret, "You have been randomly selected to win a prize! Press [E] to accept!"

    He accepted the "prize." ...It was bullets.
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  3. Neo3602

    @RobotNinja that's hilarious, I liked the one where you send a question to a flash driver and snipe them when they stop moving.
    Just wondering have you tried doing that with infantry running to another base as part of a zerg?
  4. RobotNinja

    I have before with very limited success but if they're on foot it's easier to just shoot them or spot them so my allies can shoot them.

    The trick with the flash drivers used to work immensely better before they introduced faction colors to chat but I still pull it off sometimes.
  5. Baccano

    I was on the bridge at Auraxis Firearms Corp, NC defending TR attacking. I was using Stalker Cloak to kill the engineers repping the vehicles the TR were using to shall us from the bridge. After a few minutes I saw a TR Max coming down the bridge on the opposite side. I saw a TR lightning that just started coming down the bridge so I unloaded my pistol at the Max, he turned toward me then proceeded to sprint towards me assured of an easy kill. I watched as the lightning ran over the MAX scarcely believing that my plan actually worked :D.

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  6. Flamberge

    I go to an enemy turret that is manned, put down an AI mine where he will come out, and hack it. He dies, I get a shiny new turret, and everything is awesome.
  7. void666

    Motion spotter is good to set traps.
    Sometimes i set a motion spotter inside of a room or in a place with very few entry points and place mines.
  8. MisterSlim

    The detect bolts on the CQX can be used for devious activities as well, if you're a noncloaker (especially a heavy or LA). Drop two detect bolts down in a cliché location (like a gen room) and toss a brick of C4 in the doorway. When the brave soul comes rushing in, thinking he has found the poorly performing cloaker, he will be in for a nasty surprise.
  9. MisterSlim

    Also, bailsaulting with your ESF is wonderful. Getting the Ejection Systems for the Scythe was 500 well-spent certs. Bail out onto a rooftop not normally accessible to cloakers (preferably one with cover and a decent escape route, even better if it's near a terminal). When people see your ESF crash, they'll think you are either a poor pilot or you tried kamikaze-ing. They may check out the crash site, but when they don't find you lurking in the rubble, it will confirm their "Crappy Pilot" Theory. From your newfound perch, proceed to pick off the enemy one by one, then laugh as they frantically try blindfiring into corners and rocks. Most people never think to check non-cloaker-accessible areas for cloakers. Even if you are spotted, a LA is the only thing you need to worry about, since cloaker-inaccessible areas are also non-LA inaccessible areas. leaving an explosive gift on top of the roof as you slither away is the icing on the cake (followed by a marvelous /yell).
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  10. Joree

    Infiltrators are a sick group :)

    I once tried to knife a MAX - I got off 15 hits before he finally landed a punch, one more and I would have had him. He was all by himself and I just kept hitting, cloaking and running around behind him. Anyone else successful with knifing a max from full health?
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  11. MisterSlim

    Good cloakers are downright nasty. Don't get me wrong, medics and engis have supporting usefulness that can't be replaced, but the sheer size of the arsenal that a creative cloaker has makes him a force to be reckoned with. True that we pale when it comes to handling armor up close and personal, but the psychological torment we can issue to said armor opens up doors that a heavy just can't open alone. Once we get ourselves injected into an area, it becomes a tramping ground for mayhem.

    "Well, let's see a cloaker deal with a MAX".
    To this, I say "Okay, we'll plink you with some headshots, then while you're distracted and searching, we'll spawn a tank and drop you."

    We are the only class that has a blank slate in terms of creativity in my opinion. The other classes have their uses, and if everyone played cloaker, it wouldn't end too well. But I take solace in the fact that my teammates can rest easier with me eliminating snipers and stopping the flow of armor, along with getting a jump on the next area, prepping it for capture.
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