[Suggestion] Create 2 sticky forum threads with rolling bug status and idea status

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DeadAlive99, Jun 5, 2016.

  1. DeadAlive99

    There are other games that have this on their forums, and it is VERY nice to have. I would love to see it with this game.

    Here is how it works:

    The rolling bug list

    There are several sections to the list:

    1) Bug fixes ready, or almost ready to rollout in a patch very soon (less than a month)

    2) Bug fixes in the works, but for a later patch (longer than a month)

    3) Confirmed bugs that will be fixed at some point, but are not being worked on presently

    4) Confirmed bugs that are unlikely to be fixed, or at the bottom of the list

    5) Unconfirmed bugs

    The benefit of this list, and keeping it updated, is that we all stay informed. Communication is a very big thing for gamers, and not having any real idea about what is known, and it's priority, can be very frustrating. The list can also help to minimize bug reports and forum clutter when people see that their bug is being worked on (or not).

    Now, for the 2nd list:

    The rolling idea list

    This will follow a similar pattern to the bug list. It will be actively updated to keep us all informed:

    1) Ideas that are complete or nearly complete and will be rolling out soon (less than 1 month)

    2) Ideas in process (actively coding), but are slated for release longer than 1 month

    3) Confirmed ideas that the Devs will be implementing, but they are not being actively worked on

    4) Ideas submitted, still needing discussion. They are possibilities, but nothing is certain and they may not be implemented.

    5) The 'Reject Bin'. Ideas that the Devs will not put in the game

    Again, we can look at this rolling list and a get a good feel for the where the game is headed, and if our ideas are already in the pipeline.

    So, would all of you like to see something like this on the forums?
  2. FateJH

    This is what the Atlassian component that served as the now-defunct bugs forum replacement was supposed to serve as.

    It was axed when the developers realized that they didn't use it often enough to justify its upkeep. I'm actually surprised the dashboard link still works.