CQC carbines comparison

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Badname3073, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Badname3073

    I play TR LA mostly in CQC. So, after the latest major TR nerf, here I compare the "dedicated CQC" carbines (that is, those with two-stage laser pointer upgrade). There are two TR carbines with such upgrade, namely LC2 and LC3, and from what I picked up on this forum, NC has one such carbine, GD-7F, and VS has two, VX6-7 and the Serpent. They all do same damage up close, and different bullet speeds and drop do not matter in CQC. Firing parameters while crouching are not relevant either. So, here is the table with parameters that matter, in my opinion:
                          LC2 (TR)      LC3 (TR)      GD-7F (NC)    VX6-7 (VS)  Serpent (VS)
    Reload time          2.8s/3.5s    2.8s/3.85s      2.7s/3s      2.15s/2.7s    2.65s/3.8s
    Clip size/ammo pool  40/200        40/200          30/150        30/150      30/150
    Recoil                0.3 ↑→        0.3 ↑=        0.3 ↑←        0.3 ↑→        0.22 ↑←
    First shot recoil      2x            2x            2x            3x          2.5x
    ADS speed mult        0.75x          0.75x          0.5x        0.5x          0.5x
    COF stand ADS        0.1/0.35/3    0.1/0.3/3    0.1/0.35/3    0.1/0.35/3    0.1/0.35/3
    COF stand hip        1.5/2/5/7    1.25/1.75/5/7  1.5/2/5/7    1.25/1.75/5/7  1.5/2/5/7
    COF bloom per shot    0.05/0.1      0.05/0.1    0.06/0.12      0.05/0.1      0.05/0.1
    Rate of fire            800            750          845          800          845
    So it looks like the lower reload time for NC and VS carbines balances out larger clips of the TR guns. The recoil seems to be balanced except for the Serpent, but that is probably compensated by the Serpent's somewhat worse reload times. The recent TR nerf in the COF department feels compensated by the better ADS movement speed multiplier. The LC3, however, is significantly worse in ROF than the GD-7F and the Serpent. So, what needs to be done is the increase of LC3 ROF to 800 rounds per minute, to make it competitive with the rest of the carbines.
  2. SideOfBeef

    First, faster reload time does not make up for smaller magazine size. After emptying a magazine, you switch to your pistol. You also contradict yourself on this point, when you talk about the Serpent.

    Also, the recoils are not balanced, the LC3 has by far the best thanks to it's equal horizontal pattern.

    The LC3 is fine.
  3. Thrustin

    Why do NC and VS get the highest rate of fire carbines? Wouldn't that be something for TR?
  4. Cinc

    Ya, another thing i find confusing is exactly were this guy got these. Still, SOE will break every faction rule in the book so long as they think we cant see them.
  5. ThoughtfulBee

    They're the CQC variants, and they are meant to resemble TR weapons. SOE decided to do a balancing act that involves sidegrades that resemble other faction weapons.

    It's the one weapon we have of our half dozen that actually has a superb rate of fire. And we pay for it with crazy recoil and drift.
  6. Badname3073

    If, as an LA, in CQC your clip is empty, and there is an opponent attacking you, then something is wrong with your gameplay. As an LA, you should disengage before your clip is empty, retreat, reload, and engage back.
    SOE's bullsh*t "lore" is sh*t to begin with. First, rebels cannot have some magical "harder-hitting" weapons which are not available to the regular military. Second, scientists do not look like oversized purple d*ldos. The "lore" is a half-a$$ed hackjob.
    • Up x 1
  7. Thrustin

    Crazy recoil and drift? Your new guns are a straight up improvement over the LC2 Lynx, which already has reasonable recoil. It used to be my primary gun of choice.
  8. HerpTheDerp

    ...why do TR weapons have higher movement speed when ADS moving?
  9. Copasetic

    "Equal to TR weapons" is not what I'd call "crazy recoil and drift". Just sayin.
  10. Bill Hicks

    NC has to spend 1000 certs to get a good cqc weapon
  11. Ghoest

    He doesnt even list one of the crucial stats - ADS COF with movement.
    Apparently that stat is the one that determines what happens when someone shoots you.

    The most important thing in this game is how many bullets can you hit someone with in one continuous burst - with respect to close and medium close combat.
  12. MartianDiscoFish

    I wouldn't mind more recoil on the Serpent for a faster reload time, 4 second reload for a gun that empties it's mag in 2seconds is absurd
  13. SvZ Owns

    Tr are the only guns there with a ADS speed mult 0.75x, LC3 have better hipfire than the others and Nc gun has higher bloom per shot and Vs weapons are still Op as always.
    They made them slightly difference but it's so sad that they hardly putting any real thought into it...
  14. Turelle

    Have you read the backstory to PS2? NC are a collection of mega privately owned corporations, who's to say their own scientists and manufacturing procecces don't end up with harder hitting weapons with less advanced recoil dampeners? They're not a bunch of people who just said 'screw it' to the rules and made their own weapons from duct tape and rocks.
  15. Badname3073

    FYI, it is a second figure (between the slashes) in the "COF stand ADS" line. Thanks.
    ORLY? And whom do these "mega corporations" sell whatever they manufacture to? To each other, like at Wall Street? How does their economy works? You see, it is not enough to say "private mega corporation" to make it look real :D
  16. gunshooter

    The Jaguar (LC3) most definitely does not need a buff. Do you see the recoil pattern? Do you see how the other CQC Carbines all have bad horizontal sway?

    The LC3 doesn't, meaning its better than them past hipfire range.

    VS LMG's get the same thing, while no TR LMG gets it. You tell me.
  17. gunshooter

    Lynx has the worst recoil of any weapon in the game.
  18. MarlboroMan-E

    It does have a ton of recoil, but I don't know, for what it's intended for, the lynx is good. I hate to say it, but if you're trying to do range work with your cqb carbine, you're doing it wrong. Burst fire and starting your aim around the hips is absolutely critical and even then not very effective.
  19. gunshooter

    Even with an advanced laser hipfire is ineffective past 10m. You have to ads in many situations unless you like dying, and the Jaguar is the best all around weapon for this reason.