LoL Human EYE cannot discern more than 60 fps... human eye can discern more than 200 fps .... dont underestimate your eyes
The 60Hz thing dates back to the beginning days of television and the 60 hertz of the US electrical grid. Early LCD manufactures adopted it for compatibility reasons with CRTs, and its been with us ever since. It has absolutely nothing to do with human perception, and should have been abandoned years ago. When was the last time you bought a CRT monitor or tube TV?
Well, not really. Higher frequency requires more capable electronic components which are generally not required. No point in abandoning 60hz as the standard, especially for TV when above 30 wasn't needed to drive smooth motion. Above 60hz is only really relevant to things like games.
There are business reasons, which again only really effects gaming. It didn't matter to tv or non gaming use. It was a matter of it ain't broke, don't fix it. It's only broke for gaming. Set refresh rates never affected anything.
same old myth xD not gonna talk about it. what have you done for getting that 35-40? it may help me as well
Im using a 4690k and 780ti , game runs fabulous on ultra .. im using 1.2 render quality though , I think you should try shift some of the load to the gpu .
That's true and Europe used 50hz or "PAL comb" because of the electrical grid over there. Television was originally 30 fps or rather 29.9fps because of film. (I think the first days of film were 25fps which is why the first movies were bad choppy) In the original days of film if you played back or recorded film faster than 29.9 fps the image became blurry, similar taking a photo with a slow exposure or long shutter time of a moving object. The human eye can discern higher refresh rates than 60 that's why a 120hz television has an image that moves so smoothly. However that being said I can totally pwn on 30 fps that's my magic number if it drops below that its time to over clock harder, upgrade, or find out why the new patch is screwing with me.
I don't use task manager I use core temp and run the applet on my G15 display so I can see it while gamming, its way more accurate than task manager simply because I know for a fact as an audio engineer windows likes to lie about its resource usage. I mean really? indexing service somehow through some kind of magic takes no resources what so ever. <---- This alone makes me laugh. Now I know core temp isn't the be all end all, but it is better than task manager. I did apply the bulldozer hotfix for my fx4100 and that seemed to help things along ALOT.
i limited the frame rate to 45 fps and i do not have low frame rate drops anymore maybe that helps you
What's your resolution? Maybe this is irrelevant, maybe not. But having a low resolution "shifts" what resources should be being used by your GPU onto your CPU. Thus you need to overclock it to allow room for you GPU to take more advantage. But I seriously doubt you have a resolution low enough.. Are you experiencing throttling? either by heat or power.
My render quality only goes up to 100% in the game's settings, how did you tweak it as a decimal value? (Edit nevermind figured it out. For people wondering it is the value in the useroptions.ini) With regards to the topic, I am having the same issue (if it is an issue with the game). I have been getting CPU bottlenecked with a 4670K.
My eyes hurt when people say this... do people not understand, that there is no way you can MOVE the load from the cpu to the gpu? The only thing you can do, is increase the load on the gpu, by increasing the graphical settings, such as render quality - the load on the cpu will remain the same, unless the gpu becomes the bottleneck due to the increased graphical settings and fps therefore gets lowered.
Just a couple of observations made from my end on this: I can drop to around 40fps in 96+ plus fights and I can't seem to get above that regardless if I am clocked or not (always CPU bound) but I do play with everything maxed out though. The only thing that isn't at max is the render setting above 1.0 but it's impossible to force the motion blur without that setting defaulting back to 1.0 (if you select 'Ultra' again once the game has loaded and don't restart, you'll see for some reason that this allows motion blur back - not as a setting, you'll just see it happening in game). I also tweak the Nvidia control panel for a little more increased visual quality (setting's below). EDIT: Just to add that away from 96+ fights I hit anything from 70 - 112 fps. Another observation (if you use Nvidia) is the impact that can be had from running either in 'Full Screen Windowed' or 'Full Screen'. I believe this is down to a bug with how the signal is output - oddly enough, I only ever see this happening is PS2 and not battlefield or any of the Adobe app's I use for work. You'll notice the colours become much more apparent and less washed out. I'm pretty sure this is also the reason why some people complain it's too dark and other's complain it's too light (depending on which mode you run in). EDIT: I forgot to mention that on my rig, changing this DOES have an effect on the FPS. i have no idea why but for some people, it might be worth experimenting with that and seeing if this increases / decreases FPS. RIG DETAILS: CPU: i73970x (results tried at stock & clocked to 4.8ghz) GPU: Palit GTX 780 RAM: 16GB Hyperbeast 2400mhz MOBO: Sabertooth X79 SSD: 240gb HyperX 3K SETTINGS Planetside 2: Ultra (forced again once game has opened to achieve motion blur) FPS cap = 120fps DeSync = Off Smoothing - Off SETTINGS Nvidia Control Panel: Anistropic FIltering = 16x Antialiasing - Transparency = Multisampling Texture Filtering - Negative LOD bias = Clamp Texture filtering - Quality = High Quality