Counter-Intelligence and Awareness Implant in a Vehicle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by eldarfalcongravtank, Aug 2, 2014.

  1. eldarfalcongravtank

    do counter-intelligence and awareness work when the person is in a vehicle? the reason i am asking is i haven't managed to craft them yet but wanted to know beforehand how and if they work.

    counter-intelligence: does it help in a noticeable way, especially in vehicles or aircraft? or would you prefer something else
    and how does it work, do you get an icon notifying you when you've been spotted?

    awareness: do infantry or other vehicles get auto-spotted when they damage your vehicle? and will they get auto-spotted for you only or for your entire team?
  2. Pyrian

    Awareness is perfect when flying. Espeically when piloting a lib/gal. Too bad base turrets don't show up.
    The auto-spot lets you react to the threat immediately instead of first locating and identifying it, or wait for your gunner to do it.
    I'd think it'd be good for tanks as well, know instantly where that AV turret is. Though not tested it.

    EDIT: Awareness works like a normal spot would afaik. Anyone equipped with awareness sitting in the vehicle that is taking damage will do the auto-spot. It shows up for the other crew and if it works like a normal spot, even people outside your vehicle/aircraft within spotting ally share range. . . what's that? 100m?

    Don't know if C-I works or not for vehicles. I do have it but never really tried it much.
    Did once as inf in a Bio lab. The active implant icon on the HUD lights up when you're spotted.
  3. Paqu

    I tested the counter intelligence with a friend and it doesn't work for vehicles which is pretty stupid since implants like awareness and marker do work.
  4. eldarfalcongravtank

    thanks for the input, guys. i probably should have checked out wrel's review on the awareness implant where everything was said what i wanted to know. you can check it out here:

    too bad counter-intelligence does not work in vehicles though. but since awareness, marker and eod hud work perfectly, i believe this might be unintended?
  5. dstock

    I tested this as well, and came to the same result. Spawned Engi w/ C-I, pulled Mossie. No tip-off in Mossie, noticed the effect as soon as I landed and was spotted again.

    It's a shame, as someone who likes stealth loadouts, I thought it would be really useful. Nope!