Since daybreak took over its been a giant CF. I never had any crashes before, the bugs introduced into game have been plentiful and they are now making changes that everyone is telling them not to. Im a big fan but this is getting ridiculous. If I did my job in surgery like they do theirs I would of been sued 10x over. Lack of attention to detail is annoying and its disheartening to see someone with so little passion for the community take it over. I thought I was going to be with this game for the long haul but im not so sure anymore. Rant over...peace.
I've only had mine crash once, but the issue must have been fixed the next day. Could have been my PC, but when I turned smoothing off to get closer to 120fps, it crashed. Turned it back on and it was fine. A few patches later, turned it off again and I'm running ~110fps consistently and it doesn't ever crash. Could it be your PC?
just crashed one hour ago and since then i cant even fire up the launchpad properly. and even if it lets me start the game my game immediately closes down and firefox shows a G99 error WHAT THA HELL IS GOING ON DGC!?!?!?!
To awnser the title of the thread, yes, yes they could. I've had like maybe 2 ctd in like the last month, and that's me playing like 3+ hours a session.
Had no issues since beta, ever since the last 2 patches i get a ctd 2-3 times a day. Could it be 8.1? I dont know...never touched my settings, theyve been on ultra with no ambient occlusion since day 1.
Not been playing as much recently, but I did play a solid 3 hour session the other night with no CTD or graphical issues. Massive battles were even better with the recent deployment of improved Multi-threading, constant 50+FPS with High/Ultra settings in 100+ person battle. It was a refreshing, and to be honest, surreal improvement. But every system is different, and it may be worth revising one's current software configuration, or waiting for further patches.