could the MAX price go down?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by deathix12, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. Razeprime

    MAX has two guns. MAX can specialize far more than an HA can. MAX has 2000 health, which is more than an HA, even with overshield (only 1450). Medkit still needs to be equipped AND costs both certs to buy and nanites to reequip.
    Also, HA isn't the counter to MAXes. That's a murky area that falls somewhere in between LAs, engis, and HAs.
  2. Azawarau

    HA are free and one of them can down a max in seconds

    Rockets,C 4, AV grenades, concussion grenades

    Theyre definitely able to pressure the max more than anyone in mid to close range

    Longer ranges the archer takes over
  3. Armcross

    I remember when a MAX is cheaper, I like it a lot. But many people don't like it a lot.
  4. OldMaster80

    That's the reason why Max Units can't be cheaper. There are some effective weapons against them but in many cases they are instadeath for most of infantry classes.
    If spammed they can be very game breaking and many would see them removed completely.
    Current setup is more than fine.
  5. Naaahhhhh

    would be better if the max price gets up. Massive max spam is cancer for this game.
  6. Cymoril

    I would be just as happy with the Heavy costing 450 nanites also. They have multiple guns, a RL that does the most damage or trash lockons, shields to be comparable to a max, grenades, conc or anti vehicle (damn near insta-death to a max or anything else infantry wise), better mobility and something a max doesn't have... a never ending use of a medkit that heals full health instantly (thus bypassing the need for a medic- unlike a engi/max situation) and a shield that rarely drops for any amount of time. Implants that a heavy can take advantage of- Nothing avail for an implant that's max only.

    Sure a max has a heal suit- but standing in the spawn room waiting for you to heal up is a lot slower with the heal suit fully certed out than a quick Wrel medkit and your back in the game.
    IMO heavies should lose the Medkit option all together and cost the same as a max since it is the infantry counter class with the most toys. This would change the dynamic a little bit but even things out from the Heavy hordes.

    I do agree that multiple roles are capable of taking out a max, however the Heavy has the most toys and best health option to git r done. The only good option for bringing down a heavy is a sniper he doesn't see so he can't shield. ;)
  7. Halkesh

    What about add the new weapon "Hammer" ?
    It reduce the MAX price to 300.
    This weapon can't be used
    It buff MAX punches effectivness to prevent being swarmed (increase damage to 1000+ so it can OHK normal infantry)

    With this you have a low price MAX, but it has only 1 range weapon.
  8. Imperialguardsman

    Reducing the max nanite price to 350 would be fine by me. The max isn't anything besides a shielded HA to a competent archer engie. Two headshots and its outta there. A Max just isn't a full blown prowler when it comes to sheer power.
  9. Daigons

    I really dislike MAX crashes. Keep the current price.
  10. cobaltlightning

    Nevermind MAX Prices (Maybe 400 would be a good middle ground?) we need something for all these necroposters.

    I'm running outa holy water, yo.