could the MAX price go down?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by deathix12, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. deathix12

    so with the new wep the AMR and the tank mines being able to set off when a MAX steps on them , think it would be safe for the MAX to go down to 300 ?

    i feel like the tank mines alone will make the MAX harder to stay alive, and the effect it will have on MAX crashs will be pretty bad too ( happy about that in a way, it will make so MAX crashs are harder to pull off)
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  2. MarkAntony

    max is already OP enough. If anything they should go further and remove the ability to revive it. that already cuts down the cost too much.
  3. deathix12

    i really wouldnt mind that, just give the MAX a buff in its DEF stats by like .25 - .35 and i wouldnt see a problem with doing something like that
  4. SW0V

    I loath MAX players (as someone who plays predominantly infantry) but I agree that the changes to tank mines and the AMR justify a lower MAX price. I think 300 is reasonable (Provided that the Hossin ownership bonus is reduced to 33% instead of 50% making them cost 200 if you own Hossin and not 150).
  5. RedArmy

    thats likly a possibility - there still looking at reworking some of the nanite resources still anyway. right now were left with an unfinnished rescource product, this is just a phase one kinda thing
  6. Migs

    You'll have to have a infiltrator player with EMP grenades to max crash now
    (To, you know, blow up the deployables)

    organized max rushes will still work, just harder to do, no more 10 seconds left lelele from the spawn room
  7. PasitheeVS

    Just use EOD HUD 2 or 3 (4 is a waste of energy) with your MAX and you won't have a problem with mines.
    Exept maybe when you use the Storm/Running-Ability of your Max (translating from German)...
  8. Anantidaephobia

    If someone was to ask for cheaper MAXes it had to be an NC player, the (OP) MAX spamming faction !
    Congrats on not disappointing us :p
  9. Cable

    first off all the maxes are not OP.

    these guys keep getting nerfed by tank mines, archers , price going up, and kenetic armor even ******* work ?

    ZOE is trash , shield is worthless , Hell they don't even make helmets for these guys. Talk about being forgotten.

    Lockdown is a ******* joke.... give them a 25% attack speed for 15 sec...or they can over heat! for more speed! ect ect
    . work the details out later....

    point is these guys shift the fights in a base when enough are of them... and used well...
    and yes maxes are supose to stomp softy's inside a base... ofcourse there are skilled and none skilled players and yes a heavy can kill a max. But the maxes are supose to be the front line tanks... and make the fights fun!

    u know when i do see a max crash comming i always get pumped and cant wait to stop em and wonder if we can stop em.....
    or being a part of a max crash is a blast !!... these days we don't pull the maxes any more becose there is to much wrong with them.

    something needs to get done and yes making them cheaper is a option.

    If u agree adleast 1/2 of what i say suport this and make a comment. Thank you. ;)
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  10. jmdafk

    I think Max's are fine.
    Both being a receiver and a (novice)giver i find them even with the recent changes to dangerous.
    Infact even abusing a recent TR hossin win ive not been killed by a single AMR or mine in one yet.
    A max is super powerful infantry, it needs to be expensive.

    It also shifts a game advantage to the faction with the most powerful max......
    2/3 of us wouldnt want that!
  11. JojoTheSlayer

    No, but if you want to pull Maxes more often I really recommend becoming a Member.
    That helps allot, resource wise in this context.

    Just remember to "claim" your 500 gold on the store page.
    Why dont they actually tell people about that... just found it out by random.
  12. Cymoril

    I feel they need to charge heavies 500 nanites. Shields, multiple guns, RLs, conc/vehicle grenades and a med kit to max cert so they dont need a pocket healer. All these things a max can't do.. max function 1 arm ai/aa other av. Heal suit has to be equipped unlike med kits.
    1 Class was supposed to be the counter. Somewhere in the evolution of classes the heavy was hardly scaled down with the max. I would love a repair kit for my max like the HA style.
    Max depends on engi. HA depends on nothing and should have a nanite cost like the max or remove med kits from the class for balance purposes.
  13. cobaltlightning

    Actually, I think one of the now outdated and patched out mechanics should return with a tweak.

    Make MAXes free to pull, however you can only spawn your MAX once every 5-10 minutes or so.
    Would at least help with the resource cost and the easy ability to counter them with almost anything without making them too common.
  14. Problem Officer

    Not running EOD implant = Instadead to mines/C4/chain.
    Squad of 2 Archers = Dead with no time to see/hear, react or much less counter.
    1 Archer with decent aim and you don't have immediate cover = Soloed for 0 nanites.
    1 Heavy, take out RPG, throw an AV grenade, fire rocket.
    C4 Fairy anywhere with open space above, jump from aircraft if you want no chance of resistance.
    Not enough counters? Wraith Flash, Prowler snipe, AV Turret snipe.
  15. Endlave

    It's so not worth 450 Nanites right now, at the very least it should go gown to 350. Who in their right mind would spend that many nanites when they could get an MBT for the same amount? Unless there's no tech plant available or they are stuck in a biolab fight, of course.
  16. Nalothisal

    NC maxes only have high alpha dmg, not sustained dmg. Doesn't make them OP.
  17. Azawarau

    Youre joking right...

    Max suits can be some of the easiest units to kill

    The only reason they appear to do so well is because of all the support they get with everyone huddled around them

    Fight a max alone and things change
  18. ArcKnight

    I have no problem with them having lower costs

    if you want to make them free like they were in early beta then bring back the acquisition timer for em back as well
  19. ArcKnight

    if there is a MAX nearby..... chances are there is an engie right behind him

    scatter MAXes are the strongest CQC anti-Infantry MAX, get enough distance and they are as deadly as a wet kitten
  20. Azawarau

    Hes still archer, MBT, Tank mine, C4 food