[Suggestion] Could Specialization Improve Gameplay?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PKfire, Jun 16, 2014.

  1. PKfire

    While I can understand why it would not be attractive to some players not being able to flip between any class or vehicle in the game at a whim, is it possible this manner of change could instill a greater sense of purpose and definition to the individual player and their role on the battlefield?

    This hypothetical change could include classifications given to classes and vehicles that players could certify to gain access to. A player would be able to obtain the ability to certify for multiple roles, so it wouldn't be a situation where Jhonny1234 spent a points into Light Assult thus that's what he is stuck with until he puts his points elsewhere.

    This post is partly inspired by PS1's system, and my recommendation for the subsequent re-spec system would mirror it just the same, where the points you spend accessing different classes/vehicles could be gradually reallocated over time so no choice is permanent. If you're in any way intrigued at this point I invite you to make suggestions and give your input as to why or why not a change of this kind would be good for the game.
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  2. Ronin Oni

    They've stated over and over again they don't want people to get locked into 1 class/role.

    You still do specialize in a sense of where you out your certs. If you put all your points in Medic, then you're going to be a pretty poor Infiltrator...

    or if you drop all your certs into your MBT your Lberator will probably be bare-bones.

    This doesn't apply to BR100's with certs to burn of course, but while they have fair battlefield representation due to each individual's time played compared to the vast majority of casual short term players, they are still just that, an actual minority.

    Most players do live under the restrictions of the cert system. They're free to do anything, but you're always better where you've specced.
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  3. gigastar

    The flexibility of any given force is crucial.

    For exampe, Papers get invaded by Scissors, but Papers have some Rocks with them to counter Scissors. But because Scissors dont have any Pickaxes to counter the Rocks, theyre in a full period of getting rekt.

    ...Im not sure where i was going with that either.
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  4. Ronin Oni

    I know where you were going with that....

    Paper can't beat Rock... it's bloody Paper. Rock would smash right through it ripping a hole in the middle.

    Rock smashes Scissors
    Scissors cuts paper
    Rock punches through paper.
    Buff VS.
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  5. Littleman

    Our specialization is in what class and/or vehicle we're in at the time. Basically, the tool, ability, and primary weapon are what we specialize in for all moments away from an equipment terminal. I sure as hell won't be popping out a rocket launcher as a medic when I really need said rocket launcher, for example. Could I run to a terminal? Sure. Is it practical? Hardly.

    Can't think of specialization in terms of what you know, but what you see. Without nameplates, every single one of your allies and enemies might as well be a unique player you've never met before that specialized in the role they're currently sporting, even if they have spent exactly zero certification points since they starter playing Planetside 2. "That guys a heavy, I know what he can and cannot do." That's specialization. In PS2, we're going for a very temporary "specialization" where as PS1 went for a more lasting "specialization" though the majority of players picked up the exact same setup because it was entirely self sufficient, unlike PS2's classes.
  6. Xebov

    The idea you have wont work in this game. The problem is that the players have a "someone else will do it" mentality. They allways think that someone else will bring a Sudnerer to deploy. They also think that someone else will pick an Engineer so they can stay with HA or get a MAx and still get support. They also think that someone else will capture the point while they sitting in there tank. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt.

    If players where forced to chose what they want to be they would chose classes and vehicles that yield the most kills and killstreaks. You would see way less Engineers on the field and way less Sunderers as these yield less kills and stats compared to MBTs/ESF or HA. Never forget this game has a good bunch of players whoi think that there high KD is important while they never supportet there team and just moved around camping everything.