Bus killing, MAX crashing, A2G spamming; these are things that are killing the game in the early hours because there isn't enough population in any given fight to justify them. I used to like early hours play because of how individualistic it is and how moments of fighting are divided by moments of silence. Now I have to play like I'm babysitting everyone else, even policing my own team in order to keep the fight going for more than 5 minutes. I get the point of the game is to capture bases, but what point is there in doing so if there's no challenge? Does a larger portion of the playerbase just want ghostcaps and sitting around the capture point?? I can't always play at primetime due to my schedule, so this is what I'm stuck with most of the time.
Spawn system needs to be worked on. Plenty of good ideas about hardspawns etc out there but for something that could be patched easy and with minimal testing/balance required: 1.) Give all players Deploy Shield 6 w/ Sunderer and refund spent certs. 2.) Reduce nanite cost of sunderers 3.) Add another contruction mission and/or replace the existing training mission so it rewards: Sensor & Router spires and a Pillbox + the existing rewards. Most people don't seem to know you can still place a Tube inside a Pillbox if you adjust the height so the two rear stairs are 80% hidden.
Let me tell you something interesting. The amount of people playing during off-hours these days is about the same as during the beta a decade ago. At least on Emerald, anyway. It feels just like old times, to ghost-cap 5 bases until you get a 1v1 going. Nothing has been done about the off-hours for all this time. Little can be done. Maybe nothing should be done. It is only during this time that some things can be done without a great deal of effort and it's a nice change of pace from the zerg vs zerg warfare. Try to learn to enjoy it. That is the simplest solution. Coming from a European that usually plays on American servers. Did you just learn that one from me by chance? Everyone used to do it, until I started placing modules in the Sundy Garage, then everyone started copying me on that. I haven't seen anyone doing the Pillbox thing since, until I started doing it again when the Fortification Update dropped. Anyway, you don't need to worry about height. Just place the Pillbox as low as you're able. It's surprisingly tall on the inside, you're most likely to be tripped up by the floor it self.
Connery is dead, low pop like 20 hours out of 24 every single day. Think of all the new player attrition when they come in, come onto Connery server, think this is all that Planetside has to offer, and leave. Think of all the old player attrition when they come in, come onto Connery server, only have a **** Planetside experience because there is no pop, and leave.
Now that we've gone there. This is beginning to get like the Planetside 1 server on a Sunday event. People begging for a fight to stay alive. DBG need to merge servers immediately. The pops will disappear fast. Another thing is a clan could now go round targeting only AMS's and theres nothing that will ever get done. DBG need to merge servers immediately.
Doubt this will happen but I've thought for a while that if pops drop low enough it should start a new alert type where it selects a random base (or random from a list of candidate bases) to act as the prize, then gives each faction an uncappable base adjacent to it, and then the factions have 10 minutes to cap the middle base. If no one caps it, faction with most victory points wins it, all four bases close, and a new base is selected as the prize (with appropriate adjacent bases as the spawns). This keeps going for 1 hour, team with most prizes collected wins, if it's a three or two way tie, it goes to a deathmatch alert with the center base as the prize. What are victory points? Could be a lot of things. Team that held the most time on the cap gets 1 victory point. Team with most kills gets 1 victory point. Team with most vehicle destruction gets a victory point. Team with most overall healing gets a victory point? Whatever seems appropriate. Sadly this idea will die here in the bottom of a random forum post. GG.
Koltyr was the best solution for low pop. Had nice bases that were fun to fight at, shame it got removed.
That is a very nice solution i think. When there is less population the game should allow smaller maps to open. I remember Koltyr, it was really really really fun with warpgates rotating as randomization bonus for gameplay and i was never bored. So my suggestion is to divide maps to 2 categories of a) big continents b) small continents While there's low pop i rather would want to play on smaller and fully open map instead of a big continent that is closed and everyoene gets "nasoned" in the center. This is boring. I also want Koltyr back. Even if there's big pop, one small map should be open for players who don't like this one big continent and prefer smaller maps (for example i hate Oshur, the real fights are compressed very much and they occur in smaller area, compressing all the population in one point and 95% of continent's space is unused by players).