[Suggestion] Cooling vest and light-absorbing fabrics

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SarahM, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. SarahM

    I'd like to suggest two upgrades for the suit slot of all classes:

    cooling vest - fitted with an array of thermoelectric cooling elements, fans and nanomesh tubing, this vest circulates cooland around to dissipate the wearers body heat, making them invisible to thermal optics.

    light-absorbing fabrics - woven from blackened fabrics designed to absorb light and reduce reflections, this matte fabric makes the wearer invisible to night vision optics.

    Each of theese could have multiple levels, increasing the effect with each level.
    Ofc, with either equipped, you can still be seen in normal vision.
    • Up x 2
  2. SarahM

    I wonder why this thread gets ignored... I would have imagined a bunch of lib pilots coming in here, complaining about how their gunners wouldn't be able to point and click people to death so easily with upgrades like that.
  3. D0n

    They should simply fix IRNV to not work at day time.

    Thermal got nerfed last patch in range (or so I noticed), didn't feel like fully testing thanks to the multiple crashfests I encountered.
  4. sierra035

    all people do here is whine anyway
  5. Hydragarium

    "fix" is a misnormer - You can get present day systems that work just fine in high lighting conditions. And that is how IRNV used to work back in beta too.
  6. LordMondando

    How will these compete against spamming Q?
  7. Adrian_Winters

    im all for this.
  8. wingspan

    Add an "IFF" (identify friend or foe) cert. Let higher cert levels reduce (or eventually eliminate) the "Q spot" distance. Maybe it can take the utility slot to keep everybody from using it.

    You could make it prevent the red dorito in thermal, too. Maybe there shouldn't be the dorito in thermal, and your team should have to wear IFF (or get it from your squad/platoon) to show up as a different signature.
  9. D0n

    Anything non-thermal only amplifies light, photons specifically.

    This is considered an NVD not a FLIR like the thermal, it should not work at night.
  10. IshanDeston

    Because its a redunant suggestion. I know not a single person that would pick this suit upgrade over Nanoweave, Flakarmor, Ammo Pouches and Utility Pouches.

    And its supposedly aimed against Lib Gunner, it seems. Well, if Lib gunner are anything like me, the few times i actually did gun a liberator, they aren't using the sight all the time. Its easy to miss things and people and you get a much father FOV without it. So all this would do, is me seeing someone running away, i might change to the advanced vision to keep better taps, where he/she disappears, and then i shell the hell out of them by Q-ing them or even just with normal vision.

    As Light Assault, using NV Scope with Smoke granades i usually also already know there are 5 people in that room, before i jump them. I don't believe in jumping into situations where i don't know where half the enemies are.

    Personally.. i'd much rather have every have the chance to get IR Smoke Granades, blocking normal and special Visions.
  11. bluEyedillusions

    If it's not complaining wildly, claiming the sky is falling, and throwing around hyperbole like they're trying to make it rain, it gets ignored on these forums.
  12. Yautja

  13. Hydragarium

    Fair point.
  14. Nikolai_Grosnii

    Seems like a legit idea to me.
  15. UberBonisseur


    And yes, IRNV needs to be turned into night vision green, not Thermal++
  16. Azimaith

    Better yet, get rid of IRNV/thermal from all vehicles.

    good idea. thumbs up