Continent unlock order?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pfundi, Jan 5, 2016.

  1. Pfundi

    Well, I looked it up, but I couldnt find anything useful. So how does it work, what defines what the nest continent with an alarm is and what continent is unlocked the next?
    (Just askin cause Im sick of Esamir, and thats the only thing Ive been seeing for weeks (Cobalt))
    Thanks in advance!
  2. FateJH

    Longest locked continent unlocks next, wasn't it? Also, the continent where one Alert ends in a tie is the one picked for the next Alert too. Some portion of the pattern involves this order.
    • Up x 2
  3. CNR4806

    FateJH's answer about unlocking is correct.

    Alert starting seems to be largely based on activity. The most active continent is generally chosen, and I assume that alerts will keep firing on that continent until it's locked. I have not been in any situation where the active population suddenly migrate to another continent, so I cannot verify.

    Player preference these days seems to be Indar>Esamir>Amerish>>>>>>>Hossin, at least that's what I observe on Connery. I haven't seen a Hossin alert in a good while - it always simply lock by one faction ghostcapping the hell out of it.
  4. Pfundi

    Yeah, Cobalt is like Esamir>>Amerish>Indar>>>Hossin. Unfortunately my prefered continents are the same only the other way round. I prefer Hossin, then Indar (looking forward to those new things), then Amerish and Esamir, I dislike both equally.