Construction rings not displaying

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by RabidIBM, Nov 21, 2020.

  1. RabidIBM

    It varies from character to character, but not all the rings on the ground display. I'm talking about the red rings for being too close to a building of the same type, or the green rings for turret ai range etc.

    On my main character, it's the flail won't show me if it is close enough to the ai module when placing it, but the ai module will show if it is close enough to the flail if I placed the flail first. On my NSO, none of the ai module rings display, nor the red rings for turrets being too close together. This makes construction very awkward.
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  2. RabidIBM

    Btw this bug still exists. It doesn't bother me as much, I know how far to space things, but it makes it really hard to train new builders.
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  3. RabidIBM

    This bug is still a thing.
  4. Eaglebird

    I searched to find something like this re: the flail.

    The flail does not show its turret exclusion area (red ring), and does not activate the AI module's effective area display (green ring). The AI modules highlights the flail though (green ring illuminating turret).

    Steps to reproduce:
    -Place an AI module
    -Equip the flail construction item
    -Search in vain for the edges of the active AI modules.

    With a flail in place:
    -Attempt to place any other turret near the flail. Though the flail excludes turrets it does not show the corresponding exclusion area. The area is there but has no visual indicator.
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