Ever since the update on 3/13 I've been experiencing almost constant hitching/stuttering (whatever you want to call it) and subsequent input lag. I'm not sure if it is the hitching/stuttering making it look like input lag or if both is actually present. The screen is consistently jerking around (even when in a location with high FPS). It feels like I'm always a little bit behind what is actually going on. This is different than stuttering every Xs. It is more like constant micro-stuttering with a hitch every Xs. Sometimes it is as simple as, I'm walking forward and suddenly I teleport a few feet ahead of where I just was in a single frame. Or I'm driving a tank over a small hill and suddenly, in a single frame, I'm on top of it. Or I'm aiming my weapon and it is almost impossible to be precise and the controls feel floaty. Other times, it emulates the effect of choppy FPS. An example is flying a Liberator and doing a turn, then the Liberator itself looks choppy like instead of having 40+ FPS I suddenly have 10. It is present almost every time I log on. Although, sometimes it is almost nonexistent when I log in and sometimes it goes away without me noticing after playing for a while.
It might look like a stupid/troll reply, but I got this, was blaming my comp which is terrible (Q9300 2.5Ghz, 8800GT 500MB, 4GB RAM), after 2+ weeks of fighting with userconfig.ini while collecting money for new comp I fixed it. Rerolled from EU to US server and noticed I can bump settings, have on top of it 10+ FPS more AND game play is much more responsive (I should say server is more responsive, but it's not always on server side ofc). If you are curious can post my userconfig.ini
Were you getting this before 3/13? If so, did it get worse after 3/13? I'm asking because if it isn't from that patch it might be a different issue.
Well true, good point. In fact I don't know, since my comp barely meets minimal requirements as you can see. At first I was blaming hardware, but then I noticed I can run 40+ FPS just game went very 'hiccup' at some point. To be honest however I can't say exact day when that happen, wasn't crossing that event vs. patch release date. P.S.: Regarding YouTube: This is AFAIK stuttering and yes, that as well. Problem however is with repositioning or hmm, desync as I suspect happen and has to do with large amount of data sent/received between Client - Server. If i understand properly, the problem is also with someone running let's say to jump from the ledge, there is no frame loss but second (or frame) later that person is further than normal speed would predict; resulting let's say with failing from the ledge instead of planned jumping out of the edge. Please correct me if I'm wrong. P.S.2: OMG, just noticed you're from Iron Wolves - stop ganking me ffs P.S.3: Actually since you're from Waterson, means you're on US, so it's not server problem. Either way here is my config, but it might be simply patch problem or else. Oh, and don't forget that prelast NVIDIA drivers were well known to screw PS2 big time, so update to newest drivers if you haven't. Code: [Display] FullscreenRefresh=0 Maximized=1 RenderQuality=0.853200 FullscreenWidth=1280 FullscreenHeight=1024 WindowedWidth=1280 WindowedHeight=1002 Mode=WindowedFullscreen FullscreenMode=Windowed [Rendering] GraphicsQuality=3 TextureQuality=2 ShadowQuality=0 RenderDistance=1500.000000 Gamma=0.000000 MaximumFPS=65 UseLod0a=1 OverallQuality=-1 LightingQuality=1 EffectsQuality=1 TerrainQuality=1 FloraQuality=4 ModelQuality=2 VerticalFOV=74 ParticleLOD=0 ParticleDistanceScale=0.650000 FogShadowsEnable=0 MotionBlur=0 VSync=0 Smoothing=1 SmoothingMaxFramerate=60 SmoothingMinFramerate=40 AO=0 UseAspectFOV=0 GpuPhysics=0 [Controls] CameraAutoAdjustment=1 ClickToMove=0 ClickToMoveRightButton=0 RailCamera=1 [Sound] Master=0.400000 Music=0.350000 Game=0.400000 Dialog=0.100000 UI=1.000000 UseFloat32Output=0 ExclusiveMode=0 HitIndicator=1 LowAmmoIndicator=1 VehicleChatter=1 IdleMusic=1 UseHighQualityReverb=0 MaxVoices=96 OutputDeviceName=System Default SampleRate=48000 [ImageCapture] OutputFolder=./Screenshots OutputFilePrefix=screenshot.jpg [VideoCapture] Resolution=2 Quality=100 WorkingDir=Videos OutputFile=Videos\PS2Video_0001 [VideoStreamer] Resolution=1 Fps=40 Kbps=0 MicRecordVolume=0.000000 SpeakerRecordVolume=1.000000 Username= [Terrain] RenderFlora=Off [AutoRefuse] FriendInvitation=0 DuelInvitation=1 GuildInvitation=0 HideUi=1 TradeRequest=0 HousingInvitation=0 GroupInvitation=0 [General] AutoDetectPerformanceSettings=0 ReduceInputLag=1 FixedMinimap=1 Profanity=0 DrawHud=1 JoystickDeadzone=0.050000 JoystickSensitivity=1.000000 ScopedMouseSensitivity=0.350000 FlightMouseSensitivity=0.200000 VehicleMouseSensitivity=0.200000 MouseSensitivity=0.170000 MouseRawInput=1 InvertTankSteering=0 InvertVerticalFly=0 InvertVerticalLook=0 SprintToggle=0 ZoomToggle=0 ADSMouseSensitivity=0.250000 [Video] VideoCapturePrefix=PS2Video [VoiceChat] EchoEnabled=1 EchoVolume=0.500000 ProximityEnabled=1 ProximityVolume=0.590000 FactionEnabled=1 FactionVolume=0.500000 GroupEnabled=1 GroupVolume=0.500000 GroupLeaderEnabled=1 GroupLeaderVolume=0.500000 RaidEnabled=1 RaidVolume=0.690000 GuildEnabled=1 GuildVolume=0.500000 CustomEnabled=1 CustomVolume=0.500000 InputDevice=Mikrofon (Realtek High Definiti OutputDevice=Głośniki (Realtek High Definition Audio) [Voice] ReceiveVolume=50.000000 MicrophoneVolume=50.000000 Enable=1 Ducking=0.200000 [UI] SelectedChatChannel=General MapCurrentZone=2 MapZoomLevel=0 MapPositionX=-100 MapPositionY=-82.45 MapCenterOnPlayer=0 MapShowFactionColoredHotspots=0 LeaderboardSortColumn=score LeaderboardTimePeriodFilter=2 LeaderboardSourceFilter=4 CentralizedHudMode=1 HudChatInactiveOpacity=0 HudShowIndicatorNames=1 HudShowAlertTimer=1 HideWarpZoneConfirmation=1 MapActiveToggleView=1 ShowCertsTutorial=0 ShowMapTutorial=0 ChatFontSize=12 HudChatSize=326|152.9166666666667 MapFilterShowTerrain=1 MapFilterShowInfluenceCloud=0 MapFilterShowGrid=0 MapFilterShowAllyActivity=0 MapFilterShowResource3=0 MapFilterShowResource2=0 MapFilterShowResource1=0 MapFilterShowTerritoryControl=1 MapFilterShowHotspots=1 MapFilterShowAllies=1 TintModeFacility=4460130,13923,10357519 TintModePlayer=15539236,15539236,29372 PlatoonSquadColor0=3781962 PlatoonSquadColor1=10707465 PlatoonSquadColor2=9578383 PlatoonSquadColor3=65793 MapFilterShowEnemyActivity=0 MapFilterShowResourceFlow=0 MapStatisticsView=0 MapFilterShowFacilityLinks=1 MapFilterShowFacilities=1 MapFilterHeatMapMode=0 [Social] FriendNotifications=1 [Group] AutoGroupOnLogin=0
Maybe. It is hard to tell. Edit: 1:22-1:26. See the stuttering that occurs right there? That's part of what I'm experiencing, except much more frequently. Edit2: The hitching you get isn't the same as what I'm getting. Mine isn't the screen freezing. It is the game suddenly catching up to where it is "supposed to be".
Oh ok. I get the choppiness when flying, where it looks like it's 15-20 fps, but the FPS counter in overwolf says it's 50. It's not as bad with particles turned down to low though.
I have the same problem. i have 70 fps and 34ms ping, but it looks like the game misses 2 out of 3 frames. It looks like GoyoElGringos video, but much worse.
I have no idea why this thread isn't linked in technical as well as general but hey ho >>>> https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2...gating-hitches-heres-how-you-can-help.176573/
Should I expect a fix anytime soon or should I give up and just stop playing all together? This is incredibly frustrating.
Over the last one to two weeks, I've been having problems like this. Following the Liberator Update, I had fewer FPS; but with the 3/13 update, I'm experiencing a lot of the frame rate lapses that GoyoElGringo showed in the video. It seems to be dependent on the local area, if there are a lot of players and fighting, it's not uncommon for my game to have that one to two second long "pause" where some of my input ceases. If I'm firing a weapon, it stops, but I do continue to move. And, at least twice so far, I've had the game crash on me in the middle of these pauses, as the game just quits to desktop (luckily, no scary messages or blue screens). Not only that but it seems like the problem gets worse if I try to play the game again without logging out or restarting my computer.
I've been playing PS2 for about 1,5 year now, and it has never run properly. Everytime something is fixed, some other techinacal problem is introduced. I can pretty much assure you that IF they ever fix this (which they haven't done for the pas 4 months), there will be a consequece, like less rendering or less FPS. Technically we are still in beta, with tons of technical problems and some major game features not yet implemented. So that is how I treat the game now, like a beta, playing every now and then to check on any progress, and not spend a penny on it.
For example, on this moment my stuttering has been fixed for the most part, so the game actaully ran quite nicely for a week. Next weeks patch introduces major input lag and frequent game crashes, so now it's a disaster again.
Same problem since the March patches. NEVER had these kinds of issues before, not even in Beta, i'm not even joking. My i5 2500k and 560TI have been doing quite well with Planetside 2, but after the march patches the preformance has gone to absolute **** (and input lag), it feels like i'm playing with my mouse drenched in nutty syrup and my framerate has halved in some situations, even worse than it ever was BEFORE the optimization project!
I've seen the stutters and at times absolute freezes/lockups that can last a few seconds. Sometimes it recovers from those freezes, sometimes it will just CTD after one of those. i5-3570k with a 660 Ti and 16GB of RAM, not sure how much more hardware one can throw at the game really (... and I only game at 1680x1050 on an older LCD display).
Had the same problem. Try this: https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2...-with-my-low-fps-and-stutter-problems.179593/