[BUG] Constant crash to desktop "Validate files"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by cabooseMK2, May 22, 2017.

  1. cabooseMK2

    Unsure if this is affecting others. I have found one or two reddit threads from Briggs people.

    After the update around 11/05/2017 I am constantly getting a crash to desktop after about 30 minutes to an hour of gameplay on Briggs. States that I need to "validate files". I do that in the launcher and it finds CRC mismatches with 20+ files each time. Re downloads about 3 - 5Gb of files and then runs fine for another hour. Crash to desktop always comes back. I have attempted a full re-install. Fixed nothing.

    I have to assume its either hardware issues (that are affecting no other games and show up on no MS system checking tools) or something happened in the last patch. Can someone please help. Starting to get the Loginside flashbacks from 2013/14.
  2. BadCoding

    If I was you I'd do a HDD check with system tools just to be sure although I doubt your HDD is actually faulty as nothing else seems to be affected.

    Might be that only a certain kind of hardware or software is affected by this bug so more info on that might help while you definately should do your HDD scanning. Might also be a misleading error message.

    There was some suicide hacking going on and they did a quick fix but to the servers only, not anything for the client. That might be a data mismatch, waiting for a client update would then be the only solution.
    • Up x 2
  3. cabooseMK2

    I will never assume that it is not my hardware. Been down that road in the past and assumed wrong. This time though HDD is reporting healthy. RAM reporting healthy. First two things I checked.

    Great suggestions but I've done basic "my computer could be the culprit" checking. Need to know if I need to dig deeper on that front or could just be average code in the update.
  4. BattGuano

    I had the same issue - i did a quick validate files and that fixed it so not sure where those CRC's are coming from. You may have to uninstall/reinstall to fix.
  5. AllRoundGoodGuy

    Have you tried hitting your pc with a sledge-hammer when the crash happens? This fixes the crashing problem about 100% of the time. (till you get a new pc)
    • Up x 1
  6. cabooseMK2

    I have not, I have however played Peter Gabriel through its speakers to give it a threat.
  7. CaptCran

    LOL good song
  8. cabooseMK2

    Update: Just in case it helps anyone in the future.
    The bug only seems to happen when I launch through steam and use the overlay. I've been playing fine without the error message for about three days by launching directly from the .exe file. Hopefully this isnt just fallacy on my behalf. I'll be testing the steam launcher again after the double XP weekend.
  9. Jawbreaker54

    I had played 5 hours straight yesterday with recursion. And then at night i got this filthy error. pff annoyed af.. seems its time for me to quit ps2

    Validated three times..
    p.s:i need to delete the folder in appdata- daybreak folder

    now am getting g9 error. wow just ***** great