Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by tapiste, May 4, 2013.

  1. Osskscosco

    Hitler was using Fractures too, but the evil yanks beat him with dual Vortex MAXes.
  2. Abize

    Funny, I thought the 'muricans used dual ravens?
  3. Laraso

    That's cool, I can wait 8 months.
  4. Neopopulas

    Water physics doesn't work, at the moment. It sjust a flat plane. If you jump in, you can walk around on the floor. There is a fairly deep pool on Amerish, all you do is sink to the bottom and drive - or walk - around on the floor of the lake.

    So yeah.. the water is fake right now anyway.
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  5. Marinealver

    There is a few places where the water seeps inside of the inbounds area. Take a look at the map around the outer territories with all overlays off and zoom in. They are hard to find though (probably because the devs tried to keep it out of the game as much as possible do to lousy water physics programming) Heck I am still having trouble finding that famous creek on amerish.
  6. Prince Planet

    Ah you just jeolous!

    "I'm too sexy for my shirt ..... too sexy for my shirt .... sooo sexy it hurts!! " ;)

    Or they don't add in the fact that the Magrider can hover over water and hundreds of Magriders plunge into the depths of Davy Jone's locker
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  8. FatSheriff

    Does the spandex change to hot pants in the magrider navy?
  9. Loegi

    So now you're moving the goalposts? Seems like we're done here.
  10. EnviousCipher

    TR have an advantage in a single area? NERF IT.
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  11. PhiladelphiaCollins

    If by single area you mean pretty much every ES item/vehicle...then yes, single area.
  12. tapiste

    Staline had dual vortex of course :p
    For the little history hitler lose on the East because Japan says they would never attack russia so Staline had remove his troops at the east of Russia and with his beautiful transiberian train he had a lot of stuff to send in europe. But Hitler after lose stalingrad battle he build tiger and panther tanks its was the best one of the WW2 with help of some bad rich US guys again the aim was the petrols at the south of stalingrad (caucasia).
    But Staline had some weapons and he decided to camp a town they let enemy besiege the town and when they just begin to attack, hide artillery(cheap and usefull against tanks) begin to shoot and after russian tanks attacks and roll over them and it was the worst battle of Hitler he lose all his new op tank by attack a well defended target.
    Its the same in the game ^^ we need to let TR attack, we cut the way to their warpgate and prepare def in this city because we sure they'll come back, and we win.
    But the population change is a problem too, it was the same^^ in france (vanu xD ) we had a lot of scientist who begin to work for Hitler too because he was attractive with his country, he had the best weapon... Now TR is attractive with his fracture and they still have their beautiful prowler, and its a problem for win a lot of battle ^^
    But here who sell the weapons to all faction? ^^ SOE! lol :p
    RL=IRL WTF? x)
  13. jiggu

    Joke's on you, while the vanguard sinks like the heap of metal it is, the prowler floats with the tower like a periscope, you're screwed vanu scum.
  14. Farlion

    Well, aren't you a deluded person.
  15. Khyrin

    According to this thread:

    VS & NC = TR is OP
    TR & VS = NC is OP
    NC & TR = VS is OP

    Only thing that seems to be fine is NS

    Seems legit
  16. Malebranche

    Well the TR are essentially fascist dictators so they should be strong and well armed like Hitler...
  17. Liquid23

    does that mean we get to gas Vanu?
  18. Zombo

    i wouldn't say that any faction has the upper hand in everything, but the latest items just say "f*ck vanu"

    the lancer max weapons are laughable, the single proof to make here is that i haven't found ONE thread stating they are OP (this means in this forum that it is utterly useless)

    SoE also seems to think that a magrider should have the climbing ability of a dead hedgehog, seeing vanguards and prowlers climb inclines almost twice as steep as the ones a magrider can climb, i don't see the reason to further nerf it in DPS HP AND speed

    vanus have the worst pistols, and in the roadmap it's talked about giving NC a shotgun pistol, TR a full-automatic and vanu a F*CKING charge-up PISTOL? WTF?
    "yeah, wait a second mr. shotgun in my face NCguy, my pistol needs to charge up first...... yeah, still charging....
    waiiiit a second..... ok, now i can *miss* oh, well, just wait some moooore...."

    and also, across all factions, no one wants to admit that engineer AV turrets are utterly BS and made heavies pretty much useless, they even further nerfed heavys in making the time longer you need to rearm rockets at ammo packs, while engis get freaking infinite rockets that 4-shot sunderers? please
    you can't even snipe them because the anti-vehicle turrets provide the SAME EXACT cover as the mana-turrets, just try sniping them from the front or side, its damn near impossible
    just as impossible to get vehicles through an area where more than one engineer with AV turrets stands on a hill

    i am slowly thinking SoE just concentrates on putting stuff in thats stronger and stronger just to get more money out of their free-to-play game, then nerfs it, so people buy the new EVEN STRONGER weapons, which then get nerfed again... i can see a pattern here...
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  19. felfox

    Are you kidding? Have you seen their pistols? My Beamer is nothing compared to the underboss! I call OP! :p
  20. Farlion

    I'd just like to say that the thread title is hilarious, the caps makes it even better.