consider this alertnative to an inf(why the class is a joke

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Ghoest, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. Ghoest

    ****Im not talking about sniping****

    Imagine you made a class with no special ability - basically medic with no heal skills.
    Just regular hit points and armor and an assault rifle(or even a carbine.)

    Now just give this vanilla class the ability to hack.

    Instantly you have a better class than the infiltrator. It would be ~90% as effective at sneaking around(I can sneak around with every class fairly well the cloak adds almost nothing) and by just being average at fighting you would vastly improve the class.

    My point is that the cloak system and its penalties weapons and defense actually make the inf less effective. A class should never have a defining special ability that makes its worse just for being there.
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  2. Synobal

    Seriously the cloak adds nothing? You're doing something wrong then. I'm routinely penetrating enemy lines with the cloak.
  3. PanzerGoddess

    you just suck....
  4. 888GRM

    Why argue if you can just hate?
    This is how a forum should be!
  5. Dr. Euthanasia

    Alright, at least be fair about it. Rather than no class ability, make it one which prevents you from being spotted by enemy players. Right there, you pretty much have more than half the effectiveness of our cloak in close quarters against anyone running medium graphics or higher.
  6. Ghoest

    Its adds a great deal against the poor saps running low graphics settting.

    I also routinely pentrate enemy lines.
    And i have found that I can do it nearly as well with the cloak turned off.
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  7. PanzerGoddess

    +1 it just me or does the majority of complainers about infiltrators be from the NC :cool:
  8. K-On

    I think you all use it wrong lol, I find it to be fun. When play nc with the mag pistol, at the crown I run down in the middle like a mad @ without a care and only 1-2 people ever see me. 1-3 shots will hit me and I just keep running and kill 3-4 people with the mag behind and go back cloak reloading then do it again loool. It's so funny :D. It works well in huge fights, but it's overall not that good. I guess it's just my play style that makes it work for me.
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  9. PanzerGoddess

    one of the few posts that make more sense than 99% of all of them here. Playstyle is a huge role in how well you like something. Keep up the good work mate, this is another reason I love the infy.
  10. Ghoest

    So the cloak works fine because if you go into the most chaotic location in the entire game people often dont notice you.

    I have done a lot of crazy stuff when I hot drop into the crown with various classes - none of it really counts as evidence those classes are particularly good at whet ever I was doing. It lame that i even have to explain this too you.
  11. PanzerGoddess

    right lol. I have hot dropped and been an asss clown and cloaked and decloaked behind other infys lol. watching them cloak up and turn around and look for a second, then watch them do it a second time or third and the fact they are like wtf.....and to stab them or blow their head off is always good. Or hacking a terminal right in the middle of a base and dropping out a tank or sundy while the enemy all stand there a watch like it was something they had never seen..... some look "wwhoooaaa man do you see that...." lol
  12. SavageSage

    Cloak works fine if you know how to use it, infiltrator is a decent class (but yeah could be better in some respects) and I'm not talking about sniping, I hate sniping. Just ask any of the TR defending B above the impact crater mid day yesterday on Soltech :cool:

    -Don't expect to be invisible with the cloak, it's most useful property is getting rid of the red triangle above your head.
    -Get in close, and never stop moving.
    -Think, I mean really think about your approach before you engage hostiles, look for cover, distractions, and large groups of enemies where you will blend in (getting non faction colored camo makes you not stand out) and where they will be worried about friendly fire.
    -Grenade bandolier and mines are your friend.
    -Don't discount the auto scout, especially when you can switch between it and the semi-auto to suit the range and type of engagement you'll be in.
    -Recon darts are your bread and butter, they're not just for camping control points... gonna flank that tree that's crawling with hostiles? hit it with a dart and you know the best path in.

    There are some minor gripes I have with the class, like the lack of C4 and the fact that the VS pistol is only slightly less than useless, but to say that infiltrating infiltrators are a joke is hyperbole. It's a tough class to learn but it is viable.
  13. 888GRM

    I do better with knife+pistol combo than using scout-rifles.
    With a pistol I at least dont get the illusion that I am somehow capable at close-range, so I dont do anything stupid and most of the time I am successfull.

    For me infil is not supposed to use rifles anyway so imo our weapon selection is not much of a major problem as is our complete lack of objectives i.e more things to hack (vehicles, jump pads, door, generators), abilty to pass through shields, etc and a greater range of tools i.e hacking device, more mines, more grenader, more types of cloaks (stalker cloak!!!!), etc.

    thats it.