Connery's newest fail favorite "A2AM"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SNAFUS, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. randomusername146


    I am not a dog. As much as you want me to be, I won't.
    No, I won't lower myself to a dirty, flea-infected mere savage domesticiled beast, who is comming at you barking, probably wanna sniff on your arsehole or something.
    I will just shoot a civilized lock on missile from above at you (since you are staggering your podnose at the ground anyways....) and remain in the air with clean hands, while your (bailed) body slams into the dirt where he belongs.

    I clean the skys of filth.
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  2. smokemaker

    Skill is not a requirement to get a kill.

    I will use any means i deem fit to kill.

    To do otherwise is foolish.

    The concept of having to display a "skill set" prior to a kill is just....foolish.
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  3. simmi1717

  4. Gables

    In honor of this thread, I've decided to purchase A2A missles. Thank you Snafus!
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  5. GSZenith

    you sir are a HERO, +1.
    we need more ppl like this guy, to all ppl reading do everyone a favour buy A2AM!

    Well I guess I helped SOE sales then ;)
  7. happfyunbags

    From now on, A2AMers are getting a bowl of rammin' noodles.

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  9. smokemaker

  10. Shahz

    they wont be nearly as annoying and hard to avoid as lock on missles that go around terrain and do unrealistic **** lol

    end of the day the skilless lockonf@gs will have to l2fly or stay on the ground and get nuked from above :)
  11. SNAFUS

    As long as they can be LOS I have no issue with them. It will take some margin of skill upon pilots to keep you within their sights as the missile is in flight. Allowing more skilled pilots to evade the nube tube of the sky in a skill bases manor for most engagements. Now at flight ceiling it will be harder to dodge unless you close the gap but at least there is a chance now. The tears of all the A2AM dependents will be quite enjoyable as their toy will no longer carry them as much.
  12. Archlyte

    Because this was designed to be an elite air combat game with an elaborate live action back-drop to entertain the elite pilots when they are taking a break from the air. Self-Centered Viewpoint for the win.
  13. Daemeon

    The changes make me very happy even though I have been using A2AM recently. Once the changes go live I can stop using them and go back to using the fuel tanks that I love so much.

    With the vert thrust of a Reaver on ABs it should be nearly impossible for a nooblet to keep a lock on me even after they fire... excellent.
  14. SNAFUS

    What fun is a game that has a low skill ceiling giving nothing to strive for? Having a competitive edge with Aviation is the only reason a lot of pilots still fly. If you strip the skill requirement to be good at flying you take away a goal that is worth striving for. A2AM were a plague that striped skill based fights from the air. There change was a necessary one weather you think it is Elitist or not. Can't say how many people fly to simply beat the best pilots on their server. Take that challenge away and you are left with a much shallower game.
  15. Archlyte

    This is a good point, but I don't see how you achieve this without just catering to a small user group. I guess they solved your problem with the LOS and hold lock update coming, but there are more strata of skill in players for each type of fighting. This game is dependent upon population.
  16. ZoeAlleyne

    God SNAFU haven't you let this die yet lol
  17. Jezs

  18. ZoeAlleyne

    Why are you playing with 15 fps?
  19. sternn58

    Somewhere on the planet, the best sword fighter in the world is crying about all those no skill gun users who ruined the combat experience for true warriors.
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  20. SNAFUS

    As almost all players that start flying we all pretty much sucked. It is that goal and the hundred of hours of practice that get you on the top tier of the aviation food chain. I know there is a broad expanse of player skill and some won't get it to the top. But to dum down an amazing system for the sake of the lowest denominator will in my opinion hurt the longevity of the game.

    If the only reason you fly is to simply clear the skies for your mates that's great. And those players will still have A2AM to give them an advantage in doing just that. But for the rest of us losers that play this game solely for the flying experience will now will have a chance to beat other pilots if we can out fly them. Making A2AM users keep a lock demands they at least have some competence in flying to engage. Might be hard for a lot of people but that challenge is what drives many a player to try again and get better at. There should never be an easy mode weapon in this game as it just reduces the depth of the game in my opinion.