Connery TR

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LeFitz, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. LeFitz

    Dear TRs from Connery,

    Let us try avoiding flaming and being objective. In order to do so I will state a couple of fact observed today:

    - Alert #1, Amerish: TR command issues an order to keep fighting on Hossin. Result: Amerish lost to Vanu, Hossin despite near 50% pop, 33% territory controlled. Vanu spawn back there and nothing is really achieved.
    - Alert #2, Esamir: It was starting good but then there was this waterson fight. 48+ 48+ TR/VANU, while the winner and top pop was NC and the fight was lost after maybe 45min. Needless to say, NC won the alert.

    So well, dear TR supposedly bright leaders, kindly reconsider your strategy which, in my mind, is at best poor.
  2. NC supporter

    What if I told you, those TR leaders don't come on forumside! Seriously though, its just you that thinks their strategy is poor but if it was I would expect all of TR to just rebel and not just go along with the plan.
  3. LeFitz

    Basically what whatever squad I can gather and myself do indeed. But sometimes, you just need the numbers.
  4. GrizzV

    Here's the problem though...

    As a leader, it's hard to give a damn, when most of your squad doesn't listen.
    Whenever I run with outfit squads, or a few veteran friends, it's fun to lead.

    But most platoons are open platoon. And every time I lead a squad (nevermind a platoon) and ask everyone to redeploy to a gal so we can drop on point as opposed to mindlessly throwing themselves at an unbreachable front, I get maybe 4-5 guys in my gal.

    People don't listen. What's the point is saying: platoon, go there, cap that, when 3-4 members of every squad won't move from the cert farm grindfest that we're stuck in?

    TR Command on Connery has some decent leaders, and the meta game is played well sometimes, but when most people just don't listen, it's hard to care, so I often don't play the metagame, even if I lead.

    It has to start with discipline. People need to LISTEN to the squad/platoon leader. If you don't like his orders, if you don't want to listen, that's fine. Leave his squad. You're in a squad because you want teamwork, and whoever's the leader is that because he can coordinate (most of the time anyway).

    If you're ever in my squad, if a call goes out to redeploy somewhere, or to start moving to an objective, and you don't within a reasonable 30 seconds, you're out. Leaders on Connery TR need to be harsh-er and boot people that don't follow, that way we might actually get the old-school organized platoons we used to about a year ago.
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  5. LeFitz

    And I totally agree with you. Today we kept a 12 people squad doing as is being told and we actually achieved stuff. From random people open squad that is. So my take is not to assume most people just don't give a damn.

    In my experience running with platoon, only with TXR lead I achieved something, the rest was like throwing 4 squads of your platoons against empty bases while enemy takes 4 or 5 territories. *Bow down to Total Recoil*

    I have played since release, mostly as a lonely infiltrator, but since a couple of months, with RL friend, we are now trying to build something. While it works fine at a small scale, we just do not get enough attendance.
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  6. Phyr

    NC won Esamir because the VS were just bad, and TR pop took a nose dive in the last 45 mins.
  7. Tuco

    Look man, we're too focused on tactical superiority to get bogged down in all that strategy and stuff.
  8. lawn gnome

    i love connery TR strategy! it gets me loads of vehicle kills. tons of mosquitoes for my skyguard to feast on and plenty of parked tanks demanding C4 love.
  9. Leftconsin

    I was the TR platoon lead at the fight at Waterson's Redemption.

    We didn't leave because we were making insane experience per hour. I kept checking with the platoon to make sure everyone was having fun and getting what they wanted. Everyone wanted to stay. I myself was making over 100,000 XP per hour. I'm not giving my platoon orders to leave a fight like that during double XP weekend so we can go save the tech plant. It is double XP weekend. The focus should be on gaining certs while everything is worth more at the expense of everything else. We can fight for territory another day. This weekend should be about beefing up our guys.

    TL;DR I'm not abandoning 1700 XP/Min to play strategically, and I won't order people to either.
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  10. hipidipiwthrman

    right right - the strategy to win the alert on Amerish is to fight on Hossin (and lose there). its super smart. lol. thats some META tactics right there.
  11. Yuki10

    Alerts are lame, many leaders and players ignore alerts and instead just go for the fun fights. If anyone wants to go around ghost capping, zerging Esamir, Amerish...they are welcome to.
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  12. hipidipiwthrman

    TR needs to get some less cynical leadership - people that try to WIN - instead of farm certs. getting certs is awesome - but why do you want certs? to boost your abilities on the battlefield. But why boost your abilities? To earn more certs. And through all this - the game mechanic that creates a sense of COMPETITION between the factions (THE ALERTS) go completely ignored. Farming certs to LOSE THE GAME is stupid. TR always has 48+ camping an empty base on an empty continent while an alert is live. Talking so much on platoon chat - making unfunny "jokes" - and being proud of losing because they are "too cool" to try to WIN. This is a weaklings excuse for failure.

    Its frustrating to lose to Vanu most of the time simply because most of their guys fight on the Alert - and most of TR is ghost capping.
    They believe that all they need to do is show up and they win. They should be proven wrong more often. They dont even have to play well. Their competition is already defeated before the Alert starts.

    But its not all of TR - its only the noisy ones. The leaders that TALK SOOOOO MUCH - but don't try to win. Like Piccolo said, the weakest dogs bark the loudest.

    There are plenty of quiet outfits and squads that redeploy to the alert - and TRY - and stay even when completely outnumbered. I have fun with these players - we accomplish objectives even with very few soldiers against huge odds. Not much talking because people organically work together. These are the players we need more of in TR. Players with some Pride and not just a big mouth.

    Besides getting some bases and kills with +140%XP is not too bad hehe.
    Being a gracious loser is great. But being a loudmouth loser is just disgusting. Too many TR take pride in their ability to run away from the fight and lose - they think this makes them "cool" lol. its sad.

    Today we won an Alert in a very good fight - Hardly any chat on command. I think this is a big sign i look for now - the groups that quietly do what they need or what they can to win - and the big talkers that just talk **** all day long while losing miserably.
  13. hipidipiwthrman

    Being as outnumbered as we are on alerts, when we have half our pop on an empty continent - if you just GO to the alert - you are pretty much assured that the TR fighting alongside you are team oriented. Eventually we will start to recognize which players are always ready to compete and which ones are the losers that want to pretend like the competition is who can ignore the alerts the most. Just SHOW UP - and even though we may ultimately lose the Alert - im sure - That the quality of the guys that show up will make it very obvious how difficult a small but Team focused squad or platoon is to deal with.

    Again i dont mind if you dont want to play for the alert - or just want a relaxed atmosphere. What annoys me is listening to some people talk sooo much trash and WHILE LOSING. it takes a special kind of loser to pull that off. Talk your trash when you are winning - at least it makes some sense.
  14. Kwyjibo_CO

    This is pretty much what I'd expect someone leading a zergfit to say.
  15. Leftconsin

    I don't consider my job running platoons to be taking territory. I consider my job to be making sure my platoon has fun playing this game.
  16. HolyMohli

    there is absolutely nothing you can do... except providing some free frags.. for over pop factions...say, NC / VS

    TR is BROKEN !!!

    on Cobalt TR everyday is under populated and.. if its maybe one hour equal... some really new players are in ...

    TR is just dead... its broken as hell - Striker dead, rocket launcher are bugged, mana infantry is bugged. ecc..
    i know 20 other things.. but SOE doesnt listen... Bug Report tool = useless.

    everyday i play with a 10% less pop TR on cobalt.. since NC buff...

    Thank you so much SOE, now i know why i spent such a lot of time on my TR Soldier.
    it was really worth... lol

  17. hipidipiwthrman

    Many leaders and players ON TR ignore the alerts - this is the point of the discussion. Its a shame how the people that want to snuggle up to defeat or have become very much accustomed to rolling over for the enemy - decided to join TR instead of the other factions. I hope "maybe if we just play dead - they will leave us alone" does not become the official TR strat.
  18. hipidipiwthrman

    so 1984. if you try and lose - you will feel bad - but if you dont try and lose ITS FUN.

    I have fun playing a game and TRYING TO WIN - even though i lose. its fine. its the game - you win some you lose some.

    But to surrender to every challenge - and then just naming the defeat "fun-fight". so orwellian
  19. Kwyjibo_CO

    This is pretty much what I'd expect someone leading a zergfit to say.
  20. Leftconsin

    I am so entertained that my decision to play this game for fun is being criticized this much.