Connery TR: Has failure become your only option?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lepalose, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. TheWhiteDragon

    Perhaps what you believe is important, isn't important to everyone? Is it so wrong to get sick of being spawn camped all night? If I have a good farm, or a successful lane I'm going to play what's fun, and I really couldn't care less what happens with the alert. The real issue here is that SOE has eliminated any motivation for an underpopulated faction to play they way you want.

    If having fun is driving away from every fight an alert gives us then I can't stop ya. But It just isn't me that is tired of watching TR zergs hide from the important fights. Personal motivation will vary upon the individual. But if you play the game for fun and the chance for a farm why would you avoid defending bases that are going to be hotly contested? Why constantly attack pointless bases that are either sparsely defended or farming traps for NC/VS.

    Again last night I saw the TR zerg by pass allatum and drive up to suarva to only be beaten back again and again. When you watch 12/12 gals bypass what should be our biolab to go be farmed by the NC up north it drives many of us nuts. So many of our current TR just love to keep pushing and create multiple fronts that always end with TR being spread to thin and owning nothing of importance because NC/VS are competent enough to grab the quality territory. There is a reason FCW love to defend bases, it simply gives them the largest advantage and allows for maximum farming. If you are so interested in getting kills try defending an alert objective and you will be quite pleased with the cert gain from it.

    Alerts by themselves are generally meaningless and give little certs for winning. But the fights they create at the objectives are what players should be enjoying. No ghost capping lanes that are lightly defended by newer players. TR population is not even that bad near prime time, so don't give that lame *** excuse. TR's problem is an inappropriate allocation of forces. which is compounded by outfits that intentionally avoid critical fights as some sort of strike against alert system. If this kind of behavior continues you will see TR continue to lose more fights and population due to a under performing faction.
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  3. Baconite

    This makes so much sense. I often wonder why you have a 65-35 advantage over the NC at places like Quartz ridge...there's no need to have so many forces there! It could easily be defended 50-50. Meanwhile you have TR outnumbered while trying to stop VS from taking Regent Rock (and start rolling towards Peris). At the same time you have a small front spread out between Allatum to Zurvan with 1-2 squads in each constested zone not making any progress.

    I'm sure VS and NC aren't much better tactically, but when you have more bodies to take up space it's a little harder to tell the difference between mindless zerging and a smart strategy. I'm gonna have to roll a TR tonight because it's mind boggling and curious at the same time. :O
  4. SnowBro

    The OP is full of it. I have a TR main and VS occasional alternate, and I haven't seen any consistent differences in tactics or leadership. An Indar amp station alert just finished on Connery, and after about 20 minutes our platoon just decided to leave the Indar alert and go to Esamir because we were always completely outnumbered by the VS and it was a waste of time trying to defend or attack an amp station. Of course we came in last.
  5. firewolf

    As a TR on Connery I wish they would unmerge Helios and Connery. I miss my old Helios server where The TR were always hopelessly outnumbered but we won when ever we wanted to win.
  6. Corporate Thug

    I know this thread is about TR but these platoons exist on every faction on every server. I'm convinced it is because they can make more certs by attacking bases and waiting for the XP bonus then they can by killing people. To them they consider it easy money as they do not need to improve in order to progress. When I was new to PS2 I was happy when platoon leaders wanted to wait for the base capture to claim my certs, but now that I know how to play I realize I can make much more by simply fighting.

    1000XP for an amp station where you might have gotten a few kills, let's say 5 equals 1500 XP give or take a few for about 10 minutes or more since most platoons are really slow to mobilize, and I believe 5 kills are being generous given the average player's stats. If you remove yourself from these capping platoons and get better at this game in 10 minutes at a well defended base or defending your own base will easily net you double the XP in kills alone.

    It took me much longer to learn this game then needed to just because I would join these zergs that accomplished nothing. Once I stopped playing with capping platoons I had exponentially gotten better at this game. I was able to get more kills, not a bunch of assists and I died less frequently due to less friendly fire and not relying on those ghost cappers to be attentive and watch my back.

    This is not a problem that can be easily fixed. The majority of the platoons in the squad advert are of these types. More organized outfits would need to be willing to allow public access which is unlikely. I do still have faith that a year from now given SOE hasn't driven us all away that we will have more experienced people willing to command public squads/platoons and help turn PS2 into an actual first person shooter...With MORE emphasis on shooting.
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  7. Fallengamer

    Our problem is not pop it is using our people on the right goals. We need to focus on fighting for our faction not just the cert grind. Sometimes you must sacrifice a few certs for what is best for the faction. Cert farming is fine but there is a right time and place.


    This is exactly the problem. TR avoiding the real fight to ghost cap Indar is just mimicking VS behavior prior to merge. And worse yet we lost that TR control shortly after the alert showing the effort was pointless. Avoiding the real fights to ghost cap a continent doesn't show anything accept our faction has quit on taking on the hard fights.
  9. vanu123

    Haha Ill grab my popcorn and watch from MY FLOATING TANK. It felt good dominating all double xp weekend. BTW its about time we got the 4th factioners join us. I got sick and tired of always being the lowest pop for the past 6 months. Yet somehow we one. Guess what ITS OUR TURN NOW MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *cough spandex*
  10. Tradewind

    In what world were you living in where VS was the lowest population?
  11. vanu123

    Helios/former connery. Which one were you?
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  12. Tradewind

    Connery, maybe the case on Helios, idk. VS is very rarely underpopulated, last night it was 7-10% advantage over NC, ~3% over TR. Don't even get me started when it comes to a Biolab alert.
  13. vanu123

    For the past 6 months it was literally like 40% NC base pop. 35% TR and then something like 28 or 29% VS. We did some things and found ways to over come. Now couple the higher numbers plus our tactical advantage = unstoppable. I am going to enjoy it while it lasts.
  14. WaaWaa

    I thought this would cheer up the TR:

    You must have not been around in February when Connery VS was hovering at 20%.
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  16. Tradewind

    That is true, I wasn't.
  17. Fellwar

    As a Matherson NC refugee, I know these feels.
  18. Xada

    Don't look to the past to justify the crap we're dealing with now. We've gone through some changes including a server merge and several game updates, people have switched and quit the game entirely, then we have the 4th faction dogs who run to vanu or tr every time they begin to lose.

    Then there's the mentality that drives some groups. VS zergs (not so much as outfits) usually attack at random, but follow the zergs, which push NC. VS outfits are smart, they are about as coordinated as other outfits on other factions, but they've figured out how to manage what they have and use it accordingly. They still aren't gods and by no means have developed some sort of unusual individual skill to absolutely wreck other players on other factions (don't kid yourself vs). Sure, you might have learned how to more effective in fights, ultimately is NOT a deciding factor in battles, tactics from your outfits are, as it is with all factions.

    Lets move on to TR, they are zerg. Their outfits are zerg, and for the most part, they do little to break away from the "attack here" mindset. Sure they have a "how" and "why" figured out, but they, for the most part, ignore that this is a 3 faction war. VS know this, they exploit the hell out of it. TR constantly flock in hordes to fight NC, it's all they care about. They could care less if they were losing territory outside of their warpgate if it gained them ONE point at indar excavation site and it's absolutely pathetic. In situations like this, vanu recognize TR's stupidity and send only a few people into tr terrioty to basically kill the 6-12 people there actually defending and pretty much push up to their warpgate. Yet, priority number one for tr is attack nc. We don't have the population to be focused by both of you anymore, break it up.
  19. SaphyreWinds

    I can agree with you about NC's population, but as a person who joined TR in late December on Helios and played almost everyday, the TR population was on par with VS, if not lower. I remember when it was a good day if our pop shot upabove 30%, and that happened typically on the weekends or prime time.
  20. Bill Hicks

    TR capped indar even though they have the worst warpgate position. IF Failure is an option for the TR
    then failing kindergarten fingerpainting class is the NC option.

    Its almost not even worth playing NC if you know where your bellybutton is.