Connery server...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Orpheus66, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. Orpheus66

    So whats up with that?? Ya, how come the VS...i mean TR...i mean

    How come the NC...

    ***** ***** CONNERY *****

    I feel there is a lack of hate on the Connery server so i am making this post.
  2. N7Havoc

    <3 connery
  3. Morpholine

    We're above hate, preferring to keep to professional rivalry.
    • Up x 1

    I love to hate the NC and TR but sometimes I hate to love them
  5. BITES

    I hate all non-NC factions equally ... I'm an equal opportunity hater.
  6. N7Havoc

    Connery just had a draw on the alert because we share the xp love
  7. DuckSauce

  8. Bill Hicks

    Most of our hate is self hate. I cant stand the morons that make up the bulk of the NC.
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  9. FateJH

    You know people love each other when they're willing to spend every day at the others' throats.
  10. applepienation

    Same. I hate most of the TR. They're just like lemmings, following whoever's in the lead.]

    Has lead to some awesome moments with me leading an infantry zerg from across no man's land though amidst 2 or 3 armor zergs.
  11. Blarg20011

    Hey, don't talk about Archcraig like that!
  12. Psi

    Isn't that the truth? I can get so frustrated with TR sometimes.

    And it always feels like VS has been a very well organized force on Connery. The NC... Well, I do love some of their cosmetic options more than TR's. ;)
  13. BITES

  14. DuckSauce

    y u try link pic from weird foreign 'adult' site
  15. BITES

  16. HadesR

    Guess you never met the Vanu with the initials LLL .. He/she has enough hate for the whole server combined .. The rest of us don't need any :p
  17. Hibiki54

    Haters gonna hate. NC gonna liberate!
  18. EViLMinD

    I've just started playing on Connery as a TR. I gotta say, I'm really pleased with with what I see. There's actually some balance between factions... and I have yet to see any jerkish yells. TR don't steamroll everyone with a ******edly over-sized pop, the VS have enough players and the NC are ACTUALLY GOOD. My mind is blown!

    WHY can't Waterson be like this? Why?
    • Up x 1
  19. Psi

    'Cuz this is Connery, son!
  20. BITES

    Hello, my name is BITES the MAX ... you chose TR, prepare to die.