Connery - [NE0N] NeonGrind 18+

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by Flickory, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. Flickory

    After Sunday's OP we had ourselves a Pain Train on Esamir.
    It went on for almost an hour, the end run was epic as we were running from a dozen magriders!

  2. Flickory

  3. Flickory

    [NE0N] GUARD Training Wednesday at 6pm PST under General Antizark

    Also, had another very productive leader meeting today, will be posting the Outfit Patch Notes tomorrow with the progress and new changes!
  4. Luvr117

    Very interested in this outfit, will be in contact once I hit BR 20 :]
  5. Flickory

    Hey there! Please feel free to hop into teamspeak until you think you are ready, get to know the community. Send me a tell (Flick) and I'll give you the interview/ initiation so you're not confused either!


    I'm also hosting my well refined, informative and hands on Squad Leader training from basic to advanced Thursday at 7pm PST!
    It's the standard to how we have been training our own Squad Leaders a few times a month since early December, I'm sure we've got something anyone could learn from ;)
  6. Flickory

    NEW outfit Patch notes from this week for anyone interested in the trials and tribulations, the progress and the dominations we undergo as an outfit.

  7. Flickory

    Platoon Leader training - 4pm PST
    THEN OPS at 6pm PST!! :D
  8. repinSniper

    I will find you, and I will duel you Flick! MARK MY WORDS! Be it Indar, Esamir, or Amerish (might even be Hossin if I still can't find you til then...) we will search for you and lie in wait; watch your back, cuz you won't always have a Biolab to do circles around to make me bugger off! :D

    Great group with great leaders; look them up if you are TR Connery and see if they are the outfit for you, for they have lots to offer!
  9. Flickory

    That's like, my go to move to squeal like a two year old in teamspeak for my guys to get you off me! Maybe if you catch me away from any cover I can dance for you instead, and you can let me live?

    I appreciate the props, we work hard and we play even harder. I look forward to working with you in the future.
  10. Flickory

    Making some excellent, painful progress with Storm (our air division) and recording the journey for a collab later ;)

    Also, I don't give enough credit to my Generals and Officers of the outfit for how much they make this community what it is. After today's weekly Leader meeting we have some amazing things we're going to accomplish this weekend with our OPS objectives and testings already hammered out!

  11. Flickory

    Our Outfit Patch notes -

    This week in Planetside 2 we plot the course for the outfit [NE0N], paying special attention to our Division Revision,
    getting back to basics with our OPS and a very full week of events and training with a new Officer to boot!
  12. Flickory


    - Congratulations to First in Command -



    - Congratulations to Second in Command -

    = FLASHXP =



    Flash and Rejected have a history of actively participating in gaming community direction and leadership. Both have demonstrated an exceptional hunger and keen eye for the future for the Sabre division, and not only have the experience but the determination to form a new age for the Sabre division. Rejected will be the Division Leader with FlashXP as his second in command.

    Rejected is 24, from St Louis Missouri and is here to make Sabre his. A technician for fixing large medical equipment in his day job, at night he experiments on people with Room Escape. When he isn't tinkering or torturing people, Redneck joins Neon Grind in Planetside 2. Relying on instinct, quick reflexes and playing smart, Redneck logs in to play hard and fast. He doesn't play around on the battlefield. His leadership is authentic - he prefers to lead by example and will only expect from you what he himself can accomplish. This being said, he still holds the record for the TMG training at 4.75 secs! His spirit animal is also a Honey Badger - though he might seem like a hardcase if you don't know him, he is a good leader and a solid friend.

    22 from sunny California, Flash will be the ying to Redneck's Yang. Though not as audible as his heterosexual life partner Redneck, Flash can only be underestimated in his ability and knowledge of the battlefield. Ever the quiet acheiver, Flash evaluates his actions with a disquieting surgical precision and once his plan is executed it obliterates and thoroughly embarrasses all that ever opposed him or Sabre.


    The fighting force that focuses on synergy and combat effectiveness as a single squad with the necessary training and experience to get the job done. They are some of the best from the outfit with a highly trained, dedicated and experienced member core that will challenge even the most confident players in Planetside with their potency and mental understanding of the battlefield. Sabre will remain exclusive and every member will be adept in their role in the squad. Under the new management, Sabre is moving forward in a new direction and with a hard conviction. Balls deep.

  13. Flickory

    Going to be a St Patty's weekend! Can't wait!
  14. Flickory

    Since the inception of this outfit in April,

    I cannot imagine a better OPS night

    than the night we just had. <3
  15. Flickory

    Over the last few days we've had a few Squad Leader / Assistant Squad Leader and tac training - fresh crop of NE0N leaders hitting Auraxis this week!
  16. Flickory

    A video from the perspective of our very dedicated tanker division, Hammer!

  17. Flickory

    This week's outfit Patch notes for your consideration.

    " This week’s meeting of the minds is going to bring you new changes to the website, changes to the video competition, an update on the divisions and this Saturday’s event, the dedicated Infiltrator Day!! "
  18. Flickory

    It was a slow night in NE0N on Esamir...

  19. Jake the Dog

    These guys and girls are legit
  20. Jake the Dog

    And fun as ****