Connery in need of more vanu

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sumguy420, May 21, 2014.

  1. Taemien

    Vanu really need to get out of their spawn rooms. That might make the fights a bit more competitive and not cause so many players to log off so quickly. It wasn't that long ago that they had crazy pop advantages and I don't believe they got nerfed since then. So it sounds like some major outfit drama or something happened.
  2. Arsonix

    Finally Vanu get to occupy the high plateau side of Indar. Now we can actually hit the zerg's libs with groundfire and actually stand a chance. Can we just keep it this way for awhile? At least until our server population starts to increase a bit.
  3. Vortok

    Real Connery Vanu relish being underpopped - that's how it was at launch. Being the overpop faction is boring.

    So suck it up, buttercup.
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  4. Blippy

    Don't forget the mass exodus to Connery from Briggs, except all the people were mainly TR with almost no VS coming.
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  5. Krayus_Korianis

    I fail to see how VS is under populated on Connery... The factions have been near identical in the past weeks.
  6. Octiceps

  7. FaLI3N

    I thought medic was an empire-specific class?
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  8. Arsonix

    Are you just lazy?

    Your TR is the worst. Vanu hasn't even come close to having an advantage in pop during peak hours for over a month. Sad thing is other than peak hour alerts VS still manages to walk away with most of the alert wins.
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  9. Jack the Smack

    World pop of vanu right now at 39%. The pop of the continents can't be controlled by recruiting more vanu, but by better commanders.
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  10. SteelMantis

    The people playing from Asia are still on Connery. But we were never really throwing pops out of wack because there are not that many of us. It was more Asia players plus a horde of 4th factioners due to ZOE that was letting us dominate late night server time for a while.

    Now ZOE is turning into a distance memory and the server recently picked up a lot of new (to Connery) TR from Briggs who ended up staying and play from the same or similar time zone.

    For anyone who has been on Connery VS since before last summer's Helios merge this should be a welcome return to the target rich environment that we signed up for. Anyone who joined later because VS looked like it free ride to victory may want to reevaluate the situation. We are still going to win, but only when we pull together and beat the odds through skill and strategy.
  11. Mystogan

    Allow me to quote my post from similar thread about Cobalt needing more VS:

    Becasue ZOE was OP and Magrider was OP. Never seen pre-nerf ZOE MAX standing face to face with NC Hacksaw MAX. Also I dont see how pre-nerf Magrider would stand face to face with pre-nerf Vanguard.

    But It was know. Pounders 4 mag size (two infantry kills, one clip MAX), insta-kill Falcons, lockdown fractures, laser-guided Ravens.... But ZOE Comets- omg, two shoted infantry, can run faster- so OP.

    I think this game should just die so we all can move along. Longer I see SOE "balance" less I feel any different in game with all factions, besides camos....

    And after ZOE, SVA-88 (yes, this LMG was nerfed...why? Becasue!) which was best LMG in game (not allowed to anything be best! OP!), magrider nerf (seriously....?), slug no-bullet drop nerf (yea, well not like snipers OHK you on distance, but you can't stand this low velocity slug that can hit you, don't you?), no good ARs....not burst pistol (becasue OP no bullet drop!), Vortex nerf (how they could snipe me with charged Vortex while I was camping with my sniper rifle!! Nerf! Only I can snipe and OHK on distance! Safe from noobs!), Saron nerf (two shot infantry? How dare you shot infantry with tank??) aaaaaaand SOE introduce Lasher, most solo-useless weapon in game, most niche-situational weapon in game! (and so we will give most noob firendly DPS weapon ES HA to TR- chaingun and best shotgun in game for NC)- yay, happy VS?

    At at the end- there is also no faction specific mechanic/weapon stats for VS. Charge mechanic in fast TTK game is no-go. VS should have lowest recoil/easiest to control weapon since they dont have super rpm/super dmg per bullet- but that would be OP, right? SVA-88 had be ne nerfed becasue too good!

    In the end SOE- you cant do anything right, peace. And VS are most non-original empire in game. Magrider is the only thing with PPA that keeps them going. And Orion!

    Three things to define empire- you are great SOE!

    PS. I am primary NC on Miller WASP

    As a NC player I would have nothing against old ZOE- but well, OP, OP, OP, everything different OP!
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  12. NoctD

    What worries me is the general lack of leadership - like last night, when there was the amp station alert. Vanu has 50%+ pop on Esamir, yet we failed to capture either Elli or Freyr. When the assault on Elli failed, someone needed to make the call to get everyone redirected to Freyr which we had a decent shot of capturing. Instead a large Vanu force remain engaged in the fruitless attempt to take Elli, and we couldn't really push Freyr since we didn't have enough support.

    Been playing my Connery Vanu alt mostly and barely touched my other characters this past week, and its rather shocking how uncoordinated the VS pushes can be at times. There's times we have no air support at all, and just get air farmed. There's times we have only 1 sunderer out there, it gets blown up, away goes the whole offensive. There's times we get a mass of ground vehicles and not enough infantry pushing inside. Its so much fail vs. the coordination I'm used to seeing on the TR side, and I don't run with an outfit or squad up on TR, but the TR masses just work together much better.
  13. kirinohana

    This has been more of a recent problem. After the lib update, a lot of players left and in all reality I have not seen them come back. Since them, the outfit I am apart of has lost maybe 50% of its players, and I have heard some switching to the TR side for more 'fun'. Outfit chat is generally dead, and where we once had a Platoon up every day, most often cant even manage a squad. Major outfits, long term players seem to be causalities of some of the recent game decisions and that has greatly effected leadership and tactics in general.

    When I was playing early this year, I watched us win alerts with 26% population, I've seen the outfits make great decisions and support. Outfits and organized play for VS on Connery has seemed to have died a little bit and it is sad to see sometimes.

    To the OP, good for you for calling more players and asking for a more balanced population. Population balance is my biggest gripe in this game. I also salute you for not calling for buffs or nerfs, just for more loyal troops, and the rest of you criticizing should applaud him for that as well.
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  14. NoctD

    Indeed - I've been on the receiving end of that for a while, and there used to be a lot of thought in the VS play, was disappointed to find it missing now. Back when NC were getting to 40%+ pops, I about stopped playing NC, just pushed my TR main on to BR100 and focused on hitting NC day in and day out. So I'm a bit out of touch with the VS side of things.

    Having too low of a pop is never a good thing - its not too late on Connery, but over time this can really fracture and destroy a faction's viability on a server. I've seen it happen to Waterson VS, who really these days have decent pops at times during the day but overall its not the same level of VS there was on the server a year ago.
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  15. Baconite

    I don't think it's necessarily that VS has gotten worse, but that the TR and NC have also gotten better.

    And more targets to shoot at is fine by me!
  16. xThundergodx

    Sad thing is your the only ones competing for alerts and padding each other in the back for winning it. It is a funny thing, had an alert the other day on Amerish, vanu had 24% world pop but they managed to have 43% pop on Amerish despite the low numbers, think they ended up losing at the end cause TR/NC got more numbers joining the fight later on.

    The point is: right now on Connery VS is the only faction that has a major part of their population that gives a crap about alerts, NC/TR have players that do as well but they represent a much smaller part of their population. That can be explained by people getting tired of alerts (seriously it was a cool feature when it came out but an alert every 3h for 6-8 months is enough to tire anyone), and the VS having for a long time the most of the MLG wanna be elite. Still pad yourself in the back for winning a game nobody else is concerned about xD.
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  17. Yaesu

    Outnumbered, we still manage to take Alerts!
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  18. kirinohana

    TR have gotten better for sure. The Briggs players moving over have really stepped up there game. Not that TR was ever that bad, they just used to be more 'wild' and less interested in objective in general. Now that appears to be our VS which I sometimes see now not even participating in alerts.

    Games do go in cycles so I am sure not all hope is lost, but yes the longer it goes on the more bad habits seem to be learned (which in turn are harder to revers) so hopefully things get better sooner rather then later. On a side not I do find It is interesting how server cultures develop and evolve. And I'm glad to see so many of my brothers and sisters in arms in the thread :)
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  19. Garrum

    VS doesn't need more players, NC does. It's upsetting how often we can have a mild pop advantage at a fight and still lose. We need much bigger pop advantages so we can maybe win some.
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  20. Whatupwidat

    Wow, sounds like Miller NC.

    Gotta say, is this a new thing with Connery VS? My main VS alt is on Connery (created back in a time when it was one character per server...those were the days) and they've always seemed really well organised - even the public platoons.