I am unsure if it is the server or just my client, but it said I was disconnected and rolled back the last hour or so of progress. My killboard shows only what I was doing before the new patch. This happened at about 1:27-1:28pm (EST) on 4/3/2013 [Edit] Additional info. I did not make a new character this morning with the new slots (I have premium). I did log into two older alts and then my main. I was playing near rust mesa and then was disconnected all of a sudden. When I logged back in I got my "reserve pool" certs and my cert count was the same from when I logged in this morning. I checked the new ribbon system and they too were rolled back. I checked my killboard timeline to see if maybe that registered this mornings adventures, last thing on my killboard was the last death I had before the servers came down for patching. I haven't had a client crash for some time and was surprised.