Concussion grenade are stupid in this game MEDUSA MAGIC ! Boom your a statue

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stew360, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. Stew360

    The concussion grenade in this game arent disorienting grenade those are compleatly stupid and broken as soon as those hit you you are like JAMMED like a statue you cant turn you cant moove and you are stuck like this several seconds

    Concussion greanade are suposed to be a kinda stunt grenade

    Not a Magical turn into statue target MEDUSA super ability

    For god sake change this and make concussion to blur your vission disoriented you but not jam you like a damned statue

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  2. Zaik


    I think i'm going to try to start working "JAMMED like a statue" into normal conversations just to see the response.
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  3. MadGelo

    Did some one just got owned by a HA?
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  4. Rusky

    You said it yourself, they're supposed to stun... and that's exactly what they do.
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  5. RomulusX

    one of these days these stun grenades are gonna stun all over you
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  6. Stew360

    they do not stunt they make you a god damned statue all you can do its looking into your dead ;)

    its a stupid and unfair mechanics that need to change

    its uncompetitive and stupid
  7. DuckSauce

    Excellent. I'm going to have to macro my grenade button to also /yell "MEDUSA MAGIC!" when I concuss a room. :D
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  8. Kunotron

    10/10 Would bang Medusa.
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  9. hostilechild

    Just be glad they are extremely rare. Annoying yes.

    I kind of liked the old TF conc grenades. Basically made you drunk, so could move/shoot but pretty much uncontrollable. So instead of a stunned hackmax, you would get a drunk hackmax killing his teammates trying to shoot you.
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  10. PaperPlanes

    Conc grenade HA anthem.
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  11. KAHR-Alpha

    They don't turn you into a statue at all, you can still move and look around, it's just very slow and sluggish.
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  12. Flix

    Uncompetetive...I think you play the wrong game. This one is not about fair 1vs1..that should be clear with HA`s having a shield and such. It`s about big battles with many ppl. One live doesn`t matter the slightest. How else do you crack a room with dozends of ppl guarding the doors? Concussionnade or flashbang. And let me guess. Flashbang is unfair too right? As is mines and C4. Welcome to Planetside dude. Its called tactics. Do you go to the enemy in a war und tell them "Uh you cant use THAT weapon...thats totaly unfair. Stop using bombers we dont have usefull AA thats totaly unfair. Your soldiers use way better equipment then ours...I call unfair"
    And I agree. Posting in a normal Stew-thread.
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  13. SneakyTaffer

    For the first few months, I thought my guy freezing up was a bug in the game. Eventually somebody told me it was actually a special grenade that makes you think your game's bugged. Honestly, if it makes me think the game is broken, the effect isn't very good.
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  14. Hodo

    They dont stunt? I hope not they are grenades!

    And I dont know about you but I have been recieving end of a flashbang in real life, and you end up being alot like a statue. You cant think, you cant see, you cant hear, hell you can barely breath when one of those goes off. For about 5-10seconds you are a lawn jockey.

    Just be glad they nerfed the Flash grenade. That used to be the END ALL BE ALL!

    I say leave concussion grenades alone. If you cant cope with them, go back to Half Life.
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  15. Commissar38

    Hey man I killed some poor NC guy last night who tried to concuss me with one of those nades. Turns out the slowed down turn radius ended up being his downfall. Thumper the Ammo Dumper (my TRV) chewed that poor guy up. (To be fair, that guy did try to charge me face on which isn't what I would call "wise.")

    MORAL OF THE STORY: A concussed TR is still a dangerous TR.
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  16. {joer

    Is there ANYTHING you don't complain about stew? Dear god, I can't imagine what you must be like on politics.
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  17. zizeff

    Lol i love concussion nades because the chance to to back fire is high. I don't play Ha my self but watching them stun them selves or their own team is priceless and it yields my with a nice a mount of exp when I get to mop up after the Ha's cockup
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  18. unsinnsschmierer

    Does it mean concussion grenades actually work for other people? I certed into these things recently but they seem to be totally bugged. I haven’t been able to stun myself when throwing them at my own feet, let alone an enemy.
  19. Leo Di Caprio

    They should change the name of the grenades to Gorgon Grenades aka GG.
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  20. Brendan0212

    Watching a movie where a flashbang goes off = / = experiencing one in real life"
    CS grenade = / = Flashbang

    Flashbang does not effect breathing. It also does not effect eyesight unless you were in the same room and looking at the direction of the grenade when it went off. Hearing impairment lasts for a LOT longer then 5-10 seconds, so does the blindness if you stared directly at it during explosion.

    So clearly, you did not experience one in real life....