you go and create a ticket instead of making a thread, cause i think it´s pretty unlikely you´ll get e response other than ... go and make a customerticket ..
compensation for what? this is pretty much the industry standard for all games nowdays Hype your playerbase for weeks and then on release its unplayable for the same time
So go open a ticket. No sense dragging the rest of the forum community along as you charge a brick wall.
member or not, its a new update, give it a week lol I just threw 20 c4 at the warpgate with some infil ally running around hanging out, noticing the lag & the terms not working. then server went offline I know this update seems like mostly attachments for rifles. I do hope they add some new pistols soon edit: the new pistol ammo is sweet
Membership costs $15/mo (if doing monthly, less if doing the year-long subscription). So mathematically you want $1 back from the two days (as of now) that the servers have been janky? I will assume it is about the principle and not the money because you can't really be that hard up for $1, otherwise you wouldn't be paying for a membership in the first place. While the release of this patch was... disappointing, from a performance perspective, requesting refund is just some Karen-level stuff, especially since money is what the company needs to keep hardware improving, staff employed, etc. They also have free double XP weekends for members and non-members anyways, regardless performance issues. I would say it is okay to be frustrated, but your demands are a little childish at this juncture.