Company Of Chaos Recruitment(NC)

Discussion in 'Waterson (US East)' started by TexasHammer13, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. TexasHammer13

    Hello all,

    Company Of Chaos(COC) is a New Conglamorate outfit on the Waterson server,. We are a small outfit looking to expand our numbers. We will gladly take all battle rank and experience levels, from casual gamers to serious gamers. All members need to be at least 18 years of age. Seeing as how we are a brand new and small outfit we are not requiring our members to go through a probo phase or meet any requirements just yet. We will however start that once our ranks grow. We do have a teamspeak server, so all new members will be required to download TeamSpeak 3.

    We will be using military tactics and procedures on all operations that we embark on, which means that a rank structure will be in place.

    Please feel free to post any questions on this thread, and I will answer as soon as I can(I will check this post daily)

    Our webpage is still under construction and will be up in the near future.
  2. ed8toast

    where do i sign, dude? ed8toast IGN
  3. TexasHammer13

    I will add you as a friend on the game, then I will add you to the outfit. I know that is pretty unprofessional but until we get our website up that is all we have!