Pistol Changes In light of the A.S.P. system, we've made improvements to most of the pistols in the game to keep them as desirable choices in the secondary weapon slot NS-44 Commissioner Equip time from 250ms to 450ms Sorry, what? How is almost doubling the equip time an improvement? I don't understand why they have done this. Is this a typo?
Ok, it's not a typo. Equipping and firing it now feels like equipping and firing an LMG. So stupid. There was no need for this nerf.
In any case, the Commissioner is far less desirable and there was no good reason for it. People will say it's because the Commie was so popular and discouraged using other faction specific guns, but who the hell cares? What benefit is there to nerfing everyone's favourite sidearm? When you have a dying game, the last thing a dev should do is over-adjust everything and nerf popular guns ffs. Just leave the little things things alone and let people play in peace until the game dies completely in 3 years time.
Commish was too good. It still is. I honestly wish they'd have nerfed it even further. Secondary weapons should be just that, Secondary. Something you switch to when next best thing is throwing your helmet. Commish on the other hand is essentially a DMR. Arguably even a better weapon then dedicated DMR's what with it having worlds better hipfire accuracy. And they should touch up popular weapons exactly because they are popular. Something makes them so and if they are popular by a large enough margin, then something about the weapon is off. Planetside 2's armory has been lauded and praised to being one of sidegrades, not direct upgrades. When a direct upgrade exists, then that concept flies out the window and "Pay to Win" becomes a valid argument and that is a can of worms no one wants to deal with. ESPECIALLY a struggling game.
LMGs take around a full second to equip, depending on which. You'd be better off comparing it to carbines and assault rifles. Besides, it competes with primaries in CQC, so it needs equip time to match. There is and always was a need for this nearly inconsequential nerf that you're blowing out of proportion. One fifth of a second with no actual reduction to equipped performance. (Reduce RoF a little and it'd finally be comparable with the other pistols) You answered your own question. Balance > long-time players' abuse of the meta Hang on, let me translate that. And if we're talking people possibly using DBC to buy guns, let's see... Scenario 1: One option is superior to the rest with a couple niche options (Blackhand, Hunter QCX) Scenario 2: 10+ options are on even ground and there's a viable choice for everyone's preferences.
Fair reasoning guys, but the Commie is only an upgrade over other sidearms if you're actually good with it. It has super slow rate of fire and only 6 rounds...that's a poor choice for a bad player. They're just nerfing based on the stats of those that have become good with it and - IMO - that's a bit silly. If good players (not me) didn't use it, I promise you there would be no nerf right now
The Commie has been the go-to sidearm for way too long. It's still beastly, just less likely to save your butt in a pinch now.
Along with everyone else, it boils down to it being overly strong within the game for a really long time. Along with the NC shot gun pistol, black hand, and the hunter QCX, the commissioner is one of the few sidearms capable of one shot killing infiltrators to the head at close range, but unlike the other three, it has both ranged effectiveness and the ability to be an effective panic fire weapon on top of this damage. Considering the limitations of the QCX, black hand, and the mag-scatter, it made the commissioner the overall strongest pistol and by a fairly large margin. So yeah, its current state means that it is still a very powerful weapon, but it no longer is highly effective as a panic switch weapon as well.
I think that nerf was needed, commi wasn't considered as the best secondary for nothing. The extra equip time without nerfing it's others stats make it look like a second primary weapons for thoses unable to use their primary (sniper and archer). The only problem is that everyone will use underboss now.
I don't think the commissioner should have been nerfed. If it was a faction specific weapon with no equivalent in the other factions, then yes, maybe a nerf would be necessary. But everyone in all factions and classes have the capability of using the commissioner. It should not have been nerfed. I play infiltrator most the time and am often one shot killed with the commissioner, and I still don't think it should have been nerfed.
Agreed, commissioner's too good, just hip fire it will help you get a headshot easily. I personally wish they'd have nerfed it even further as well. Because I hope people use more of empire specific pistols than the OP NS pistol.
I'm fine with a Commissioner nerf, but increasing equip time is just annoying. The Commissioner will still be just as effective before. Underboss is kinda crap though, so no worries there.
And what about "sidegrage" mentality this game has declared for years? After commi nerf people switched to Underboss, Pilot or ES pistols like Repeater ot T4-AMP. And I wouldn't say Commi is nerfed that much
Although I agree in principle that if a weapon is unbalanced it has to be adjusted i do not believe it applies to the Commie and anyway, this way of operating kills the business and DBG needs money (via subscriptions or via purchase of weapons/camo) to keep servers and dev team alive. I know countless people who do not buy new weapons because "those will be nerfed sooner or later.", don't trust the specs anymore. I have a subscription and I buy weapons /camo with the perks I get and not a penny invested on top. For the same reasons. So please DBG, release balanced weapons in the first place instead (Canis? Does that ring a bell?) otherwise you just are sawing the branch where you sit... Edit: balanced weapons does NOT mean "flat" weapons who have no real value in concrete scenarios: for example out of the three new LMGs only the Maw has some concrete usage, whereas the Promise is just too weak and the Watchman has no reasons to be preferred over the msw-r or the carv.
your own argument fails at your own argument. If the Commie is the only viable option the other pistols do not have value. the nerf changes this, now other pistols have more use than simply as a supressed sidearm. they are now also the better switch-and-finish weapons while the commie is more of a second sidearm. same goes for the Promise btw, it is still the most accurate LMG in the game and far surpasses the NS15M in chainheadshot potential with a higher RoF and less recoil.
You did not get it... let me try once again: -all weapons are side grades. So they have more value in a context and less in another. -if a weapon has no value over existing weapons in a specific context than it is useless hence badly conceived (examples: Watchman, Promise - read Iridar guides to get some context, the Maw has some personality, good damage model and an Interesting but not OP set of equipment) . -if a weapon has too much value in a specific context than it is OP hence badly conceived (say "Canis" : a SMG with bloated bullets). I saw nothing wrong in the Commie hence no need to nerf especially nerfing equip time (which is even more moronic considering it is a sidearm). And changing weapon characteristics after sales hurts sales and lower trust in DBG. Make it good in the first place instead (not stupidly OP like the Canis not flat like the Promise)
After they nerf weapon into oblivion, they should give my money back because that's no longer the weapon I originally bought.