[Comedy] Sniping Rant (about upcoming changes)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Yamiks, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. Yamiks

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  2. KenDelta

    I approve , as a sniper , I bloody approve.
    Take my like in the name of NC Woodman snipers.
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  3. Sandpants


    You really will stop sensibly seeing things past about 250m.
    the change essentially lets you one shot to the head as far as it is not just reasonable, but practical. They could put to infinity and you would't notice cos quite frankly 300 is far enough for anyone to even bother trying to snipe.
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  4. Kitakami

    So, the .50-cal sniper rifles will be able to OSK from headshots, out to render range, 300 metres. Always. No dice roll with nanoweave. Always.

    That's what I read from the patch notes. How is this not an unequivocal improvement to how sniper rifles are on live currently?

    Also, the general nerf to nanoweave and buff to flak armour, should equate to more OHK from body shots out to render range.

    I mean, I'm not sure how sniper rifles could be more buffed, tbh. What's your suggestion?
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  5. eldarfalcongravtank

    i think 300m headshot range for highpower sniper rifles is a good compromise. the 150m range for all snipers was a bit too short
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  6. Yamiks

    IN FUTURE IF THEY INTRODUCE BIGGER MAGNIFICATION SCOPES & infantry render distance - we will be able to kill at longer ranges!

    DONT u agree that players should get more XP for skilled kills !?
  7. Paperlamp

    I think the change is fine considering past 300m you're wasting your time.

    However the "it doesn't feel fair to get killed by" thing is an extremely poor reason to change anything and is the case with far more things that snipers as you point out, and I agree with your ridicule of that.
  8. Kitakami

    Well that's a different topic entirely, tbh, Yamiks.

    Does PlanetSide 2 need better render range? I don't think anyone would complain, no, especially if better meant more consistent.

    But that's got nothing to do with the upcoming changes, which are a straight buff to snipers.
  9. allattar

    So another person who doesnt get risk v reward. Or another person who doesnt understand that the overwhelming desire for anyone under the age of 14 is to go play sniper.

    Guess Ill just farm you all from my scythe or tank then.
    Sniping from long distance is not as ******* skilled as the sniper crew makes out it is.

    Find a nice suitable position to be concealed in. You have a cloak, and god forbid you have a wraith module on your flash. Perhaps you have bail on whatever aircraft you care for, and a squad beacon.

    Theres just so many ways to get into a long range undetectable position that the only limit is your imagination. Its not skill to avoid someone at 300m away. Even 100m with a cloak is pretty damn easy too.
    Then every sniper says they only go for stationary targets. And that shooting a target at 300m away takes skill. Tell you what thats not ******* skill any muppet who can learn the bullet drop of a sniper can get a headshot at that distance. Because the target is stationary.

    Mind you put enough snipers out there and one of them will hit a headshot on a moving target. That is also what you will get, and its pretty poor to find out that the majority of any force is wimpy ***** ******* who are trying to avoid the fight by sitting 300m away wanking themselves off to their own skill at headshotting stationary people.

    This is why I countersnipe, because of all those skilled snipers, who sit there desperately staring down the barrel of the gun hoping for that engineer to stop and repair the sunderer.
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  10. Yuukikun

    i lol'd at skilled kills
  11. Shadowyc

    Welcome to sniping! Where the goal isn't to shoot things fast, but to do something most shooters don't enjoy; waiting for the chance to ruin someone's day.

    If a sniper can pull off consecutive headshots on long distance targets that are moving, they are either skilled, or luck is in love with them. If they can do it regularly, consecutively, and in long streaks; then be afraid. They are skilled, and the range is probably a concession to give you a remote chance. :l But a lot of it is luck, yes. It's also very slow, cert wise and for your KDR, and you'd probably have more using an ESF and rocket pods.
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  12. Mhak

    300m is roughly infantry render distance though, isn't it? That's the new max distance you can get a OHK.

    Which means...isn't this actually just a huge buff to long distance snipers, since NWA won't affect headshots? Now they can get OHKs at render distance 100% of the time instead of gambling on whether their target had NWA or not?

    Someone tell me what's going on, I thought this was actually a kind of great change.
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  13. Yamiks

    300m = max infantry render distance
    OHK should be in the head for all BOLT-action RIFLES(sniper or not)
    if you dont give kill xp to player who spent time aiming and adjusting his sights to take out that target - IT WON'T BE FAIR at all
  14. Hatesphere

    snipers in this game do not adjust their sights, ever. the adjust for bullet drop using their sights. there is no windage or other factors, you just point and shoot and the bullets zooms out of the gun and maintains a consistent bullet drop pattern.

    basically SOE listened and brought the heavy bolt actions back into the kill at render distance range they where at before. but now snipers are whining that they cant kill things they cant even see in the first place.
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  15. Darkelfdruid_LOL

  16. TrainerS2

    Whata hell yes 80% of infiltrators play with SMG !!!!!!!!!
    Meybe remove snajpers rifles if snajper class use SMG!!!!!!!!!
  17. Yamiks

    1ST : i meant that adjustment as peparing - AIMING
    2ND : I'm explaining that if you could hit a guy in the head w/ bolt-action rifle you should get XP
    3RD : IF object does not RENDER then you cant HARM it! so im talking about the targets that you can hit!
  18. Yamiks

    Actually its the biggest problem for INFs : before SMGs we had SCOUT rifle (automatic one) that compared with SMGs is inferior EXCEPT in AIM acc and silance that suppressor gives! This basicly tells INFs : **** what you have : play with common pool items!
  19. Hatesphere

    1 everyone has to aim, some people like to twitch, others like to play the patience game.
    2: and you will, if you are using the right rifle for the right range, they will die and you will get XP. If you are using the wrong rifle you will still do damage and possibly get an assist. unless you are just plinking random targets without much support. which we should not be rewarding.
    3: fair enough, but my other point still stand. hitting a head box with a bolt action should not result in XP unless you get a kill/assist down the line, if you dont then you really weren't being useful, just annoying.
  20. TrainerS2

    Infi is not a snajper class , so remove snajper rifles will end the problem !!
    Cos i see few snajpers and rest are play Hide and Seak :D
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