Combat Medic Advice Thread

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Kelderan, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. 0roshi

    rule number 1 in real life first aid, ensure you are safe

    This applies to the game, best to be killing hostile than res'ing some one and getting shot yourself. You can keep people up with your aura, and res people when it safe to do so.

    When the zerg has captured a bases, and everyone gets run over at the vehicle pads, lots of new players, res them up for some free easy XP.

    As for the Vanu weapon, I went with the Equinox, its has all three fire modes, and all the upgrade options

    Full Auto - Close range, can go toe to toe with a heavy and gun them down
    Burst - mid range, Aim for the central body mass, a couple fo burst should net you a head shoot if your lucky
    Single -Shot long range, Don't need to kill them just do some damage, and when some one else does, you'll get some XP

    You can also equip a smoke launcher, great for choke points, esp if you equip a IRNV scope.

    As for needing to be in a large group to have the most fun, I run around with my outfit most of the time, in small teams, I can keep them up, and get lots of kill, just because it's a support class does nto stop it being one of the best infantry class.

    Being able to C4 a Sunderer, 2 on the back, and a frag grenade under the rear wheels will kill it, two will also finish off any tank.
  2. JohnDoe

    Consider a shotgun, medic is my favorite class to use it with. Nova + extended mag = a lot of stopping power. You can nearly kill a max or drop three bad guys with considerable ease. I routinely have to find ammo when I'm wielding one in a closed environment because the self healing allows you to erase the scars you get in each engagement.
  3. iEatGlue

    I see that often too but I think it's because MAXs do not show up with the 'dead' icon above their bodies (at least for me). They are just a body on the ground which can be mistaken for a fallen enemy in the heat of battle. I just wanted to point this out as my main excuse for many of them not getting that much wanted revive.

    My best advice for medics: use your heal gun's range and use your heal ability anytime you are taking damage.
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  4. Domnonos

    Yup we really need somekind of indicator for dead MAXs otherwise it's very easy to not notice them, especially in places with heavy foilage such as biolabs.
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  5. TRick Shot

    That's because you've been rez'd by a low level healing gun. Cert that thing to max and it revives in a little over 2 seconds and you are revived with 100% health. No need for top-ups. I am waiting until I have my med gun fully certed before I rez in a battle, as so may people run off to an inevitable death before I've had chance to patch them up.

    and +1 to NOT using your nano field healing during battles at night. I know you might be trying to help, but lighting me and my entire squad green when we are approaching an enemy outpost at night hasn't helped us. A 10% health increase instead of element of surprise is just not worth it.
  6. ranzle

    Mind your surroundings at all times.
    Know where the enemy is attacking from.
    And most important don't rez in the killzone.
    Where is the killzone you may ask? The pile of dead bodies in one area.
    Don't let xp be a motivating factor to rez someone.
    A rez gernade on 20 people would yield a nice xp boost but what good is it if they just end up dying the instant they are rezzed?
    Sometimes it's best to just let them respawn.
    Situation awareness is your best friend.
  7. Arsenicfrog

    Advanced shield recharge with a few tiers of nano regen and it becomes very hard to die.
  8. BombrMan

    If you find yourself about to go through a door where there may be hostiles, stop and look around and see if there is a non-medic around that you can allow to go through before you. Then follow them in within range of your AOE and hit it if you guys start taking fire. Don't be afraid to use the guy as cover, if he dies and you just barely win out, you can pick him up.

    Smoke is boss. You typically want to be behind your buddies backing them up, and the smoke lets you drop cover for them pretty conveniently.

    In 1 on 1 don't forget to use your AOE. Disengaging for a second to give your self a moment to heal and then jumping out at them again can be a winner.
  9. ALC

    As a real life Army 68W (Combat Medic), I can say one of the biggest pieces of advice I can give is that you are a soldier first. Make sure to suppress enemy fire before you attempt to heal/revive. You're not going to be able to help anyone if you're getting shot up.
  10. mmarmalade

    Just a newb mistake I made, but watch out for ressing team killers. I should have known better, but my platoon and I were just chilling around a control point when he just cuts loose and wastes three people. In the cleanup, while other people were killing the TK'er, I was ressing everyone, and when I got around to him he popped up and promptly shot me in the face. >.< Talk about gratitude!
    Related, but not to give anyone ideas, please do not TK people and then res them to farm XP. It's mean, and we have enough meanies on the other sides! :3
  11. Trysaeder

    Kill the enemies within your line of sight before you go for the res. I hate seeing a bunch of green penguins following each other around with only their heal tools out, farming XP and not contributing to the fight. A single dedicated level 6 medic could probably cover all those people's efforts, wasting a lot of potential HAs.

    Your combat responsibilities are just slightly below the Heavy Assault. Act like one.
  12. KoooZ

    Everyone else can be brought back by you, if you get killed you can't help anyone and no other class can help you.

    In short, you're not a frontline rambo. Don't push your luck, if in doubt play it safe, and put your own survival above others.
  13. Canlocu

    Hey I was thinking of getting a Gamestop card for the NZ-11, but read it can not have the under-slung. So I was thinking of getting a Equinox and outfit it with that and have it for "dps" spec. Should I get one or save certs for the NZ-11?
  14. reeight

    All great tips!
    I personally squat, but I guess that is my military training ;)
  15. JimBob22

    Lots of good thoughts in this thread, I heartily approve!

    Things that cannot be overstated;

    Revive that MAX!! If you're playing a medic often, learn what a dead MAX looks like. (Would love SOE to put in indicators for dead MAXes)
    Night maps and healing aura, be careful in it's use. Did you just clear a room and everyone's down 50%, okay. Sneaking into a base and one guy has a skinned knee, not so much. On day maps it's not so bad and can be spammed more, but be conscious of night maps!
    People you revive, no matter what the level of your healgun, take a few seconds to get up and get orientated, make sure you pull your gun out and cover them if you're in a bad spot! (This works best when you hit 75% and 100% revives)

    Also, just a personal note, feel free to deny service to idiots and teamkillers. That guy that threw the grenade at the tech plant cap and killed 4 people for no reason and is now ******** about no one healing to just put him out of his misery then go revive the four people he killed. Your experience will vary...but there's always a few bad seeds. :D
  16. kruldar

    For TR at least, the equivalent of the Equinox is better in many situations than the NS-11. Still, the NS-11 is an amazing gun
  17. Domnonos

    I must admit I found the Equinox a bit "meh" to be honest. It has good accuracy, but lacks the damage to do anything when you hit a target from far away. Its main advantage is the fact that you can use the under barrel attachments with the Equinox.

    Anywho check out this thread for advice on VS Medic weapons:
  18. kruldar

    BR30 TR Medic on Jaeger. 1.26 K/D (at least I'm not negative lol). Some tips.

    1) Don't plant your feet and stare at the corpse. Point your applicator, start your rez, and look and move around. Know what's around you. Don't be an easy target. Don't stay out of cover too long when you can just start the rez and walk back behind cover before it even finishes. Same goes when holding E to overload a generator or stop it. You can hold E to start it then look and move around.

    2) You can rez through terrain, walls, and doors. Next time you see an arm sticking out of the wall give it a shot.

    3) You're in a small group. You all are about to walk out behind cover. Wait....let the heavy go first. He can be rez'ed if he steps into some serious doo doo. You may not be. Be at the front lines but do NOT be at the front of the front lines.

    4) Learn how to use your rifle. You're more than a heal or rez bot, especially in small groups capturing/defending points where every last gun is needed. You're wasting space if you're just waiting for people to die or take damage. Try the different scopes, rails, barrels, etc. until you find something that works for you. I have two I switch between. I trialed all of them before I settled on my T1S.

    5) F will save your life. Use it to kite people (i.e. shoot, take some damage, run and hide behind a corner, let your health come back). MAX's and GOOD heavies now seem to have an unfair disadvantage against you. Use it when you start taking fire, ESPECIALLY IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE IT'S COMING FROM. An extra health bar or two might be all you needed to get behind cover, heal to full, then figure out where he is. Also if you play another class and you resupply with less than full health, quickly switch to medic, pop F top heal, then switch back to that class.

    6) Rez grenades - ******* awesome. How often do you land a frag grenade that kills 3 people? Sometimes. Know how often I land a rez grenade that revives 5 people? All the time. They're more reliable for point gain than frags (especially after buff to flak armor). They also give you a very, very long range rez. So many times in small squads a friend died behind the corner where the guys are. Bounce the grenade down there, and tell him to accept the rez on your count. 1, 2, 3 you come around the corner and pop your F as he accepts the rez (you don't rez with full health from a rez nade). Or you're on the roof and your buddy and enemies are on the ground. Rez with the grenade and keep the high ground to support your friend when he stands up and engages the enemy.

    7) The Tech Plant sandwich. You guys are trying to get in. The inside is crawling with enemies. Want to help your team win this and get mad points? Don't stick with the crowd of medics at the doors fighting over rezes and heals. Get in there and support the front lines with your rezes, heals, and rifle. Same goes for any base you're trying to cap. One rez at the right spot can single-handedly win you an objective.
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