Colossus Tank: What that gun in the tech plant is for

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ash87, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. Boomotang

    I never played PS1, but that's what I would assume too. I really hope some mega sized vehicles make it into the game. I mean, we already have the Galaxy, which is pretty big, so I'm sure it's possible.
  2. Sathayorn

    You forgot regenerating force fields.
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  3. Strottinglemon

    Might as well only have one faction.
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  4. Sathayorn

    I'm not understanding all the hate for NS vehicles... You can wait 8-12 months for one NS vehicle... Or 2 years for the ES vehicles you'd get in its place.
  5. Kociboss

    Only 2 things to add:

    That is all.
  6. EliteEskimo

    That depends, I'd gladly wait 2 years for a ES TR heavy tank that looked like and behaved like the following



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  7. Sathayorn

    I just want my Thresher... If it sucks more than the Harasser does right now I won't even care...
  8. Dingus148

    Yes, but what you're advocating here isn't combined arms, it's supremacy. Re-reading some of your past posts, it indicates you're a little confused as to how combined arms works. It's not a problem, but it erodes your credibility. I would suggest you do a bit of reading, or grab one of the Wargame games (or alternatively, RUSE) or some such. It'll give you a real feel for how combined arms works on the ground.
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  9. Strottinglemon

    I don't care how long it takes, I joined to have epic warfare between 3 unique factions. NS seems like an excuse to do less work.
  10. Prudentia

    if i look closly at that gif... you want a tank with 2 not aligned tank cannons? ok, you can have that.
  11. vanu123

    Ehh I dont know. Why should I pull a mag/van/prowler again? This thing would be so difficult to balance it isn't worth it.
  12. SinerAthin

    I imagine it is because of cost vs efficiency.

    Say it takes 3 guys to crew 1 colossus tank.
    But those 3 guys could also be manning 3 separate faction MBTs.

    The Colossus would beat the 3 MBTs front up, but would lose if the 3 MBTs played aggressively and surrounded the Colossus tank.

    Sorta like how Stalin beat the Germans' superior tanks in WW2 :p
    Just churn out loads of 'em and bury the german armor with his own armor.
  13. vanu123

    But you can't pull loads and loads of MBTs just because of the expensive resources. If they lowered the cost of MBTs between 300-400 then it would be different. But "Do I pull a mediocre 450 resource tank, or do I pull a 750 resource Super tank that can easily rack up those resources back?"
  14. SinerAthin

    I have a feeling that they won't really introduce the Colossus tank before a resource revamp, because like you said; the current resource system does not support the super tanks yet.

    I'm pretty sure though that the balancing won't be such a big issue if we can solve the resource issues first.
  15. EliteEskimo

    This is how combined arms works on the ground. Infantry and Tanks fighting side by side, while pushing up to accomplish the task of taking out a heavily defended position.


    If infantry could damage it from only the back with their AV weapons I'd be okay with it, and I don't know about you but I'm tired of vehicles going into large fights only to be killed fast from the front. I also don't like that AV turrets could ruin this tanks game without a threat with how they currently are.
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  16. FigM

    unless this tank top speed is like 30 kmh, it would make MBT useless
  17. xArchAngelx

    Give me this with Lock Down and a 12x zoom...I will own all
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  18. xArchAngelx

    *sigh* what the Prowler SHOULD look like.
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  19. The Shermanator

    The issue with the BFRs in game was many-fold. It was one man, it was far stronger than even a group of MBTs, the flight variants could jump over base walls and terrain features, they were modular (which no other vehicle in the game was,) and... and they were just flat-out superior. They were on their own plane of existence. Battles became BFR duels, and everything else was just there to be inconsequential XP tanks for the BFR pilots of the opposing side.

    It was bad. It was terrible. It was horrific. I really hope that this Colossus thing is no where near BFR levels of game breaking potential.
  20. Bullet0Storm

    You need to put in orbital strikes before this goes in, make it too slow to outrun an orbital strike and make the hull exact 80% the damage an orbital strike does. Let's see what engineers will sacrifice them selves to safe this beauty. #BF2142 Goliath