Code of Conduct for PS2

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by TSR AlexS, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. Kalashar

    If you want to make a better game. Ban GOKU--the entire outfit. They have some good video gamers, and they are arrogant greifers who use TK as part of their strategy. As far as I'm concerned, the only good GOKU is a dead GOKU.

    The other day, they sent two guys to TK anyone repairing vehicle terminals in a tech plant. See, their tactic is to turn those terminals and spawn armor and sundies. So they figure, if they do it, everyone else does it too. Only...hardly anyone ever does that. So I see them ganking engis (including me) repairing our own team's terms, and I'm like...why are you TKing? I sent the guy a question. It was one line of error...I mean I can still see it. Later the guy claims I'm a liar because he can't see it in his chat anywhere (or he was lying...and given his character...he was lying). He also claims that he was "commanded" to TK by his unit....because GOKU doesn't like it when you repair terminals.

    See, if you let this go, GOKU can set and enforce rules of conduct on PS2--and given their adolescent BS, nobody needs that.

    This isn't the first time I've had problems with them. I've had problems with them TKing on VS. I've had problems with them TKing as TR. They're nothing more than griefers. The best thing DBG could do is ban the whole unit. As far as I'm concerned, TKing a GOKU isn't TKing because they are a constant threat to open up on you for some reason known only to their elite strategist morons who can't think of any other way to...say...protect those terms other than to destroy them--(like assigning 2 stalker cloaks instead of 2 TKers).. You almost have to wonder if they had TR on killing the terms and TKing JUST before their VS unit hit. Man did it seem that way.

    I don't hate them because they're good (they are decent 1v1 players), in fact I wish I could count on them when they play my faction, and wish I could fight against them straight up without having to worry about some GOKU TR TKing me when not. Fact is, they're like...universally hated, and for good reason.

    From now on, I see GOKU before someone's name, I empty a mag into their heads regardless of what side I'm playing because apparently, they are not only permitted to TK but ordered to do it even if all you're trying to do is help your own team win.

    I know it's a free MMOFPS. I realize a lot of creeps are going to play and that birds of a feather flock together. But if you sanction rather than censure that kind of behavior for an entire unit, it's like condoning it.
  2. mersh21

    So I typed up this whole big post to rebut all of your claims. Then I thought, "this guy is either a massive troll, or completely delusional". If you were Tk'd like that, it was probably because the enemy kept hacking them to get sundys. Any sensible person would have killed you to keep the enemy from getting to those terms to pull sundys inside the plant for their squads, the person who did just happened to be GOKU.

    I'd really like to see this evidence of us being universally hated.

    Also, you say you have a problem being teamkilled, but we have no idea what you're talking about. So instead of approaching someone about it, you declare on an open forum that you are going to TK us whenever you see us....So let's say you were playing with your outfit mates, and all of a sudden some random angry guy starts TK'ing your whole outfit, what would you do? Probably start TK'ing back, so if you randomly start killing us for no reason, you can be sure we would shoot back trying to stop you, thus YOU would be the one creating the problem.

    If you actually had any idea what you were talking about, and had any idea who we were (idk by maybe trying to get to know us???) you would see how outlandish your statements are. But since you just declared an unjustified TK war on us, I guess you should probably be the one banned if anyone?
  3. munglay

    You sound like someone who's never been to a Tech Plant. Ever. Hacking the vterms is a strategy all 3 factions employ, at least the smart outfits anyway. Zergfits will ram their heads against the wall but more competent outfits know that the key to taking a tech plant is the vterms. You take those, you take the plant. They're a liability and by removing them, you cripple any chance they have at a successful attack. But please, make a blanket generalization about an entire outfit because you're too goddamn stupid to see that holding a tech plant is more important than you pulling that MBT. You are so salty.

    Lol at universally hated. I'm so glad that all of Emerald gave you their power of attorney and that you speak for all of them. Show me proof. Until then all we have to go on is that you're buttmad that you'd rather jeopardize a tech plant than look at the big picture.
  4. munglay

  5. nwf

  6. CrossFitForLifeBRAH

    if I was doing something in game that another player had good reason for it not to be done don't you think it might be prudent for a simple message to be sent stating "hey don't fix the v-term, it's going to get hacked and provide spawn logistics for the enemy" ? If you feel it's too hard sending multiple /tell's use /region. Use your words children.

    Also, report a player if you feel like it's justified but, I wish people would stop trying to get others who weren't there and have nothing but the second hand account from what is always an individual who's emotions are controlling their actions instead of intellect. If anything I'd think a mass campaign from people who had nothing to do with what is being reported would make the claim of wrong doing seem like a coordinated propaganda campaign cooked up with nefarious intent.

    experience it
    report it
    move on with life

    some guy on Connery today was spamming something about someone he wanted all to report and while I'd like people who see 3rd party software in action first hand, and matters similar to it, to report the players so it can be investigated it seems QQing about it in /yell or prox voice is annoying.
  7. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Hi there.

    I'm literally the person that kept TKing you over, and over, and over again on my TR alt. Now to clear some things up (a) you never sent me a tell about killing you until after the alert when I called you a liar for never sending me a tell (b) I calmly and very thoroughly explained to you why repairing those v-terms was idiotic when you finally contacted me... after the alert.

    Oh, and I did send out a /re "if you want to keep this base, don't fix the v-terms". Like that was literally the exact thing I sent out in region.

    Not our fault you're bad, are bad at video games, and got spanked for being bad.

    In the future, please make every attempt at not being bad.


    ~GOKU Cares~
  8. Fathis Munk

    Hmm yes because goku is well known to be completely useless during alerts, that must be why vs keeps losing them all eh?
  9. Sine

  10. Friendlee

    maybe an infiltrator is blasting you then running away? hmmmm...who knows
  11. Friendlee

    under spawn rooms? good lorrd .... what?
  12. Sir Octopus

    So when the hell the devs are going to actually do something about the TR excessive population?? TR is with 40% world pop, usually they got +35% and that is 24/7, is like too many TR Neet's players. Devs "nerf" the gatekeeper, too bad you made a LAME job, the gun is still OP, and SOE got great directives, but you havent done anything good, you made the bounty hunter directive, but that was like -we are so desesperate to get some extra money-, no one will be able to complete the "needy directive, you get a partial nice banner, and we get the most recycle weapon ever made, and the weapon is bad, also it will kill you to update your social media pages??, you are even too lazy on doing that??, that is quite amazing from probably too many people working on break company and fix the freaking bugs, you try to keep adding stuff to the game, but you lack power on fixing things, also it will come a day that if you keep adding heavy stuff to the game and since you are not fixing anything, the game will day-"break" appart...sorry for the lame joke