Cobalt Population ..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Orakel, Aug 11, 2017.

  1. Orakel

    Its friday 17:57 evening time and we have 40% NC world pop @ Cobalt, im pretty bored of fighting always zerg&zergfits with less then 30% VS world pop ..

    Now my question is .. Why you dont patch VS out of the game DB since you nerfed almost everything at this faction?

    18:16 41% NC Cobalt world pop
    18:26 25% VS Cobalt world pop
  2. BorgUK1of9

    You can add Miller to this, 26% VS to 35% TR to 38% NC, I have raised tickets and pretty much moved to PUBG as I am fed up, VS is not balanced, any time we had population issues on Planetside 1 it was due to imbalance on an empire, I remember TR going down to 20% when they screwed up the HA.

    The Magrider needs a buff for sure, the fixed front gun on Hossin is such a real massive huge pain in the ****. its needs the manoeuvrability it had in PS1, including the spacebar jump.
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  3. FateJH

    Classic Magriders couldn't "jump." (Don't mix them up with VS MAXes.) Magriders are actually comparatively as maneuverable now against other tanks as they were in the original game, though they do brake much better now, in my opinion.
  4. LegendarySalmonSnake

    My favorite continent for Magriding :p
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  5. REZistance

    Wow, it's kind of amazing to hear you saying this because I play Vanu on Connery and we're the dominant faction over here. Reverse those numbers and you have Connery. All you ever hear from NC/TR on our server is how OP we are, how much better our weapons are in every way, and how much they hate us.. nerf this, nerf that, you're all Koreans and we hate you for it; even though they have a ton of Asian people playing for their factions too. It gets really toxic at times.
  6. LordKrelas

    Nerfed' everything? No.

    Pop number isn't controlled by Daybreak.
    As well, that lower pop still wins a lot.

    You need Help.
    No Magrider jumped.
    The VS Max in Ps1 Flew for some bloody reason, but they did not have a Long hover-tank that jumped.

    Spandex isn't appealing to a grand number of people - Jokes aside.

    Ah Good old Connery.
    Expect, unless it changed in a Week:
    VS while owning the Server, is the lowest pop expect select time periods, and still wins at all pop levels.

    The Koreans are noticed, since FPSK , is the most commonly seen Zerg-force, followed by Wildcard.
    Both whom Hive & zerg at the same time, locking Continents rapidly.

    But yes, It's a bit toxic - on all sides.
  7. REZistance

    Yeah during the afternoons we're always outnumbered, but in the evenings it does a 180.. and as you said we still win even under-popped. Zerg is another word for coordination, and those who don't Hive, lose. We're simply playing the game as it is in front of us. We do what it takes to win.. nothing wrong with that, right? ;)

    Yeah the toxicity toward us from TR/NC is pretty thick and constant, but I secretly love it.. tasty salt from the losing side; what's worse though is the toxicity toward Asian people which comes from all factions. There are some really vocal guys who, and I'm not exaggerating, every single night, will drone on and on about how they hate the Asians and how they're ruining our game. It never stops. As a white dude from the SF Bay Area, it embarrasses me and pisses me off that they do this.
  8. ridicOne

    The biggest issue people can't wrap there heads around since day one, yes even in the alpha and beta it was happening. What was happening? specifically on connery was like 8/10 vanu players all had the same mindsets in winning alerts taking points and it still goes on today. While the other faction might have had 4-5/10 people trying to achieve some sort of goal, not specifically faction wide goals.

    When you have a united group playing and working together even when there not grouped up or on the same voice chat, all having the understanding of what todo to win you get people thinking there something imbalanced or not right in the game. When in fact it's just due to type of players the vanu faction attracts and how they seem to have the same understanding on how to get things done. Just because your underpop doesn't mean your in trouble, if you have better tactical plans on a larger scale. If you have more people that understand the same common goal within the one faction, they have much greater chances of success than the whole being in smaller parts instead of one large part. The issues that ensued are all because of smarter gameplay within the mechanics given by a single faction more so over the other ones.

    It's still hard to have any meta to this game when zerging is still king... and the farming is for real.
  9. csvfr

    How can you complain if you're VS on Cobalt?
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  10. Liewec123

    NC usually do win lots outside of primetime, but during primetime its usually VS (trid) or TR.
    though some days there are also afew NC zergfits too.
  11. pnkdth

    What time period are we talking here?

    Does this include the golden age of Vanu?
  12. csvfr

    Its the last 5346 victories, where on cobalt VS has 2290, NC has 1529, and TR 1527. So probably a couple of years - the source ( does not say exactly.

    However the numbers do seem realistic, as the most recent alert wins from 2017-07-29 to 2017-08-11 has gone 37 in VS's favor against 33 to NC and 26 to TR. This from

    So since there is about 100 alerts per 2 weeks, and 52 weeks per year, this makes for 2600 alerts per year. So it is about 2 years of data.
  13. ridicOne

    Do you know how ridiculous it is to use alert wins as a measuring stick? It's not a controlled setting and it's a three way fight...

    If these were say the totals for a 1v1 faction with a set amount of players per side. I'd totally agree with there being an issue.
  14. LordKrelas

    Then you'll have to apply a lot of data, given every battle in this game isn't limited to 1v1.
    And I mean that in factions, not personal involved in the battle.

    Aka a Fight between two, easily can raided or engaged by the third.

    In addition, set numbers, you'll have to also address terrain, and distance.
    NC's heavy weapon & Max units (AI roles), require close-quarters to function.
    VS's heavy weapon requires numbers, distance, or support to shine.
    TR's heavy weapon, is a medium range weapon that is only 'accurate' up-close, and requires a Spin-up.

    When we get to vehicles, the difference in the battlefield, and terrain also becomes very important.

    So you have to compare the data of hundreds of tests, with sets including 1v1v1 as well, as that is reality.

    Or look at the average stats, average caps, average data provided show-casing capabilities.
    Since we can't lock out difference in skill of users being in theory averaged between all three, and being 'unbalanced' only in singular instances not as a whole.

    Alerts are more useful than simply seeing a 1v1 between two factions.
    As every battle can be a three way.
    And if its not, it's since another front is, or hasn't yet been tactically attacked to delay the end of the fight, by a third party.

    So, given it's the data available.
    It is useful.
    We do not have a controlled setting, let alone one capable of the required detail & capabilities for a 'proper' but still flawed test.
  15. ridicOne

    You just gave all the reasons to why it's not a good tool to use as a measuring stick lol... thanks for doin all the work.
  16. LordKrelas

    Actually, I stated why since we lack all of that data, why we should use it in addition to the rest of the data we do have.

    But you're welcome either way.
    As I for one, would love more data - let alone useful data.
  17. BorgUK1of9

    Not interested in historical data regarding alert wins.

    The issue with population imbalances on Miller and Cobalt are now.

    I am in DIG on Miller and we discussed this in outfit chat last night, there was a feeling our weapons were nerfed but the biggest thought was the purple spandex was the issue.

    Personally I dont care, what I do care about is that DBG recognise and fix the issue and to be honest I would be sayig the same if it was TR or NC suffering the same problem. Which I did on PS1 when TR and NC went through the same issues back then.

    The fact is the populations as a whole are dropping, as witnessed in the recent patch in locking to one continent and reduction from 900 to 600 to open a 2nd (which is happening on Miller so wtf).

    When any empire suffers a pop drop across servers DBG need to fix it, and then maybe its time to merge servers because as soon as Hossin is the only cont on I log, I hate the place and I am not the only one.
  18. FLHuk

    Cobalt VS is nothing but fun, shhh and enjoy the easy mode :D
  19. Caudill

    The same thing is happening overnight lately on Emerald. The TR had 49% server pop and I just wasn't having any fun. I hate to complain about pop, but this is just unwinnable and unfun.

    I thought one potential solution might be a login queue by faction, much like the continent one. This would also get people to subscribe if they want to reliably get into their favorite faction. Free players can take what they get or go make an alt and play for free. I bet most wouldn't mind too much. They can always wait in the queue. :)
  20. C0smos

    Op is just mad cuz bad. This dude is whinning every day in yell chat about something.
    "this wep op, vanu don't have it , nerf it"
    "this guy killed me, he cheat ,report him and ban him"
    " this faction have overpop, that must be because she is op, nerf it".


    Boring toxic kid.

    Unfortunatly most of the whinners are playing only one faction. They should try out thoses "OP faction" and find out by themself that it's not OP at all.