Cobalt Alliance

Discussion in 'Cobalt (EU)' started by Subatomichades, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. Subatomichades

    -== Cobalt Alliance ==-

    Alliance: We are a well organised group of outfits, who all fight for the same make a difference to the shape of planetside. We run ops nightly and average between 1 - 2 full platoon's. So if you can handle and meeting new likeminded people, getting kills and having fun doing so...why not look below into one of the alliances members.

    Requirements: -Installed teamspeak client ( You are required to be on TS during the PS2 session)
    -Maturity (there is no age requirement but we expect you to act maturely)
    -Willingness to learn (we have no problems with new players but we dislike players who refuse to listen, don't be shy to ask any questions whatsoever)
    -Cooperation (Do you see a outfit member online? Why not invite them to form a squad?

    Microphones: Having a headset or a microphone is highly recommended but not required. If you don't have a headset we suggest you buy one, cheapest ones cost like only 2 dollars and will serve it's purpose until you can buy a quality one.

    Current Alliance Members:

    - Run you fools:

    - Plan B: No recruition thread

    - TAFX: No recruition thread

    The alliance having fun!
    and if your TR or Vanu reading this...guess what....its time to start running..
  2. Cougarbrit

    So are you the guys who enjoy ghostcapping Amerish then :p
  3. Subatomichades

    hehe noooo...we're the guys who cut of TR last night and took over your Hex's on Easmir......the vanu are more of a problem:p
  4. Rakkuun

    Don't know where the world is going if I run into a second Subatomichades. /end world
  5. Subatomichades

    ha cheers rakkuun..

    Update: Last night's op fielded 2 + platoons and im sure if you were on indar you noticed TR was well and truely kept at bay! we're still looking to include more outfits in this alliance so give us a shout if you want a peice of the action!
  6. ColtZ

    I agree, this alliance brought us closer together and it was an amazing feeling to actually co-ordinate with other outfits and joining in a stronger force.

    Big ups!
  7. Rakkuun

    Love you too mate!
  8. Subatomichades

    just a quick update: Tonight we pushed TR back to their warpgate again! a joke we thought it'd be a good idea to hot drop 3 squads of max's on the crown...and suprisingly enough we took it in under 6 mintues :D standby for footage!
  9. Rakkuun

    As promised!

    And part 2 of the 28/1 operation:
  10. Ziglos

    TAFX signing on, 160 members and a desire to kill all who fight against us! Thanks Arrowfaster for contacting us.
  11. Arrowfaster

    Welcome aboard guys :) It was a beautiful op tonight, capped the Amerish under the LECO leadership
  12. Fergus HK

    Yes last night was very good! we pooped on Amerish!!
  13. Azriak

    Indeed we did. BUMP!
  14. Rakkuun

    Another succesful end to today's operation after capturing Hvar tech plant we went on a little fun stroll on our flashes.
    Also welcome to TAFX and OMGP, our two new outfits who joined the NC cobalt alliance!

  15. ricow

  16. JaWattDiX

    Hello guys, my team Joint the coalition;)

    We could have more of detail to join you, thank you.


    Gameplay Planetside 2 avec le FIGHT CLAN
    Petit instant fun avec les membres du Fight clan sur Planetside 2.


    Nôtre maison:


    Faction : New Conglomerate (NC)

    Serveur : EU Cobalt

    Bonjours à tous,

    Ce clan a été fondé sur l'amitié et la fraternité de ses membres fondateurs. Nous souhaitons nous agrandir un peu. Non pas pour devenir un GROS clan, mais pour faire de nouvelles connaissances et découvrir de nouvelles personnalités, bref pour déconner un peu, et surtout pour jouer. (on est là pour ça après tout ;))

    Nous sommes actuellement 25 joueurs actifs.
    Notre moyenne d'age va de 20 à 50 ans.
    Notre niveau général est modèste et pour certains très bon.
    Nous recherchons de nouveaux compagnons d'armées âgés entre 20 et 300 ans, avec un niveau similaire ou supérieur afin de progrésser ensemble.

    Nous rejoindre:
    Planetside2 section Outfit [FICL]

    - Mise en place de l'outfit Fight Clan avec les nouveaux membres.
    - Soirée découverte pour les débutants.
    - Organisation de partie multijoueur officielle ( on Fight en mode sérieux ) 1 à 2 soir par semaine.
    - Rencontrent avec d'autres Outfit de la communauté PS2.
    - Entrainement et partie fun tout les jours de la semaine ( on dé***** sur TS et on Fight!).
    - Forum section Planetside2 recrutement :
    - Notre maison :
    - Age: minimum 18ans, voir au dessous après discutions avec les Administrateurs.

    @ Admin Leader section PS2 : [FIGHT] JaWattDiX, [FIGHT] Reidi1664

    -= A BIENTÖT =-
  17. Matlock0

    All this talk about warpgating come when Chimera fields 1-2 squads we mostly hang around Camp connery at primetime? Nice to see NC showing some teeth though since they never did much in the first few months.

    Today I think some of you tried going past Quartz Ridge :p.
  18. Gimpsy

    Always fun to fight against you guys =)

    But this lib spamming always annoys us ! =(
  19. Arrowfaster

    I am taking you weren't online last Saturday when the alliance op lead by myself reached all the way to Paris Amp (and capped it). If you think that the alliance has any problems pushing past Quartz Ridge then you are sorely mistaken :p The only reason why you don't see TR warpgated often is the fact that every alliance op has to be announced between all the outfit leaders and it takes a lot of preparation in terms of role organizations between different outfits and the time when we can get the most people online. So basically we have only several ops during the week instead of constant zerging that is done by both TR and VS. No offense to Chimera, I don't really know how you operate but most outfits like O1WG just keep making platoons full of randoms and zerg onto the same region.

    Cheers Gimpsy, thank you for the kind words. We'll see you on the field :)
    @Matlock0 There was no alliance op organized today so you were just fighting random NC's :D
  20. Gimpsy

    Ah guys your sunderers blow up like flys =P