Cloak tanking

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Corway, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. Corway

    I've been using the damage mitigating cloak with the increased health ability to effectively tank my way out of sticky situations. Round a corner into a HA and just cloak while they freak out and fire bullets into you and when they reload you can finish them off with your favorite close quarters weapon.

    I've also had this work for fall damage mitigation when timed properly.

    Works really well with a stalker with a silencer.

    Has anyone else been using this technique for more aggressive recon style infiltrator?
  2. blzbug

    Well, that was the shotgun. All the CQC guns are junk now, imho. Don't mean to threadjack; just my 2 cents.

    From what I read, a fully upgraded nanoweave lets you take another 3-5 hits. Certainly a nice improvement, balanced by the much shorter time you can remain cloaked. I don't see 3-5 extra hits as making you any sort of *tank*.

    If your plan is to absorb damage while an HA shoots you, I think you will be painfully disappointed...
  3. Corway

    This is what I'm currently doing actually. With high level weave you get the 3-5 extra hits and with the high level cloak you get 2-3 more seconds in cloak and 10% additional damage mitigation. It's definitely a very active form of soaking up damage and not for everyone but it's changed up my perception of the class.
  4. KorJax

    My main problem with this is, its a nice ability thats incredibly situational for me. I would only ever do this if I'm actually doing agressive infiltrating, because the ability to soak up more damage while cloaked is only useful in those situations.

    Meanwhile I'll end up most of the time just using the default cloak anyways since it lasts twice as long, and works much better for crossing open ground (which is everywhere) without being noticed. Especially as a sniper.

    I just can't justify sinking an incredible amount of certs into something I'd only use occasionally considering it's only going to be mostly useful when you upgrade it a decent amount.

    Besides, if/when they eventually add stalker camo (which was in beta but you couldn't cert into it), that would easily be the best thing for infiltrating by far anyways. Stalker camo = infinite cloak as long as you don't move, shorter cloaking the more you move, can only have a pistol when using it.
  5. xpsyclosarinx exactly do you plan force a HA to reload a 100 round magazine when you're only taking an extra 10 or so hits. The math doesn't add up here.
  6. Corway

    You still need to move around a bit but a lot of people just hold down the trigger and miss a lot. Also I think the fixation on HA is probably due to some poor phrasing but still most classes don't have that many rounds and it works for them as well. I've out played at least one of every class using this technique, which as was pointed out was highly situational, but it's turned my infiltrator from a more passive sniper to a much more active combatant that makes me feel like I'm offering more to the over all battle getting those turret and console hacks in clutch situations.
  7. xpsyclosarinx

    Ah okay fair enough.

    Overall it sounds like it can work pretty well, especially because most people know when to let go of the trigger based on what class they're shooting at which gives you a bit more of a window as well.
  8. Kich

    How long does nano armor cloaking last?
  9. absolofdoom

    Not very long, I believe.
  10. WatsHisFace

    ok for anyone thinking this actually is in any way as good as its being marketed here please think again.
    actually THINK.

    so you can reduce 10% damage intake while cloaked. lets do a little math.
    on average 10 shots is more than enough to kill you from any low class weapon.
    10% of 10 is 1. so with that we can get 10 + 1 = 11 you can survive 1 extra shot 'if your lucky'

    now consider that most infiltrators die from 3-4 shots from some of the harder hitting weapons.
    10% of 4 is 0.4 less than half a bullet. No extra chance to survive.
    bear this in mind also.
    you Cant shoot while cloaked, so whoever is shooting you has free rein to unload into your area while you cannot fight back.

    any success stories based around this cloak are purely smoke and mirrors. the most likely reason for killing the enemy is confusion, cloak & charge around until the enemy loses sight of your faint distorted appearance, Bang you unload into them or knife them. this is so much easier to achieve with the standard cloak as it lasts considerably longer.
    so im not trying to piss on anybodies bonfire here its just not going to work.
  11. Kich

    I found this other post that says it's actually 38% + 10% for lvl5, so a possible 48% damage reduction:
  12. grin

    Those were beta statistics. I recently unlocked the nano armor cloak and it turns out it's been heavily nerfed. 25% reduction rank 1 with 3.5s run time and 24 second recharge. can be boosted to 35% reduction and 6.5s run time at rank 5 with the same recharge. This is on top of the 25% increased damage that the infiltrator already takes.