[Suggestion] Cloak is Pathetic

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by QuantumSerpent, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. nightbird

    You didn't, hence I didn't quote you? I was offering my own suggestion which I thought more acceptable than increased invisibility for all states.
  2. QuantumSerpent

    Oh, okay.

    I like that idea, but it does seem like it would fit Hunter better than Stalker.
    Maybe Stalker gets my idea and Hunter gets yours?
  3. ZZYZX

    I agree.

    Add this to the mile-long list of "things that worked better in PS1, but the devs broke bringing it to PS2".
  4. nightbird

    No one gets to make a decision here, you can toss ideas out and devs implement whatever they think is best. Basically what I was doing above.
  5. QuantumSerpent

    I understand that... I'm tossing out the idea of giving Hunter Cloak the ability to start shooting and Stalker full invisibility.
  6. Jawarisin

    Cloak is broken, it's near useless, I feel like I'm using it more out of habit than actual use.
  7. Moonheart

    This is not going to help any stalker.
    Stalkers decloaks far less than rambos or snipers, and won't survive being seen just because they can fire back slightly soon.
    Those changes would bring to them more comfort, no doubt, but will hardly make them more balanced.

    What stalkers needs are either:
    - less risk infiltrating (i.e. better deep cloaking)
    - more valuable actions to perform behind the enemy lines
    Actualy their reward/risk ratio is just too low.

    The first is however much more:
    - easier to code
    - difficult to exploit for other kind of infiltrator to become OP
    ... than the later, and thus we have more hope to get a balance fix for the stalker cloak by lobying some improvement to the deep cloaking.

    But if SOE would agree, I would accept gladly a change making that a generator/SCU hacked by infiltrator can only be recovered by another infiltrator...
  8. Turiel =RL=

    Deep cloak (= 0 movement) should be 100% invisible at every resolution. Everything else is flat out wrong!

    The game started out without Darklight (for no aparent reason), so maybe there was a justification for a certain visibility in the past, but that's gone ever Darklight arrived.
    • Up x 1
  9. Moonheart

    I don't feel it's an issue at all currently. It takes someone to collide on you to notice your presence if your perfectly still and silent.
  10. Turiel =RL=

    It is an issue, in fact it is an extreme issue and the no.1 reason why I don't play that class despite spending tons of time with it in PS1. You are sitting in a corner with sensor shield 4, not moving for like 5 minutes, and a random dude walks into the room, runs right at you and shoots you in the face. If that isn't an issue, what is???
  11. Moonheart

    Lack of experience. You sat in a corner. HUGE mistake. People shoot at corners everytime without even seeing anything since the stalker cloak appearence.
  12. raidneq

    Instead of putting all these good suggestions on a forum were no dev will read them, we should make a legitamate petition to revamp infiltrator class and send it to soe so we can do something instead of continueing to rant and complain.
  13. Moonheart

    To make a decent petition, we would need to find changes:
    - not too hard to code (from our comprehension)
    - that non-infiltrators could approove (no need for proposal that evreryone else will whine about as OP... SOE is not going to make every other class unhapy for us)
    - that doesn't break one of the infiltrator types (making it too weak or too powerful) to fix another one

    This is not a simple matter that we can deal with simple proposals thrown at random in threads. We need a true brainstorming about it.

    I have opened thread that where aiming to that purpose, but they had very few participant. Too complicated to really spend time thinking seriously about the matter, perhaps? People are fast to ask buffs, but slow at spending time to think about their consequences on the global scale.

    What is sure to my eye, is that the infiltrator currently lack usefulness.
    - we do not have a true use against vehicles, and due to our cloaking, we will probably never get one
    - we do not have a true efficiency in large scale battles, our efficiency radiacaly lowering when number of enemies increase

    Recon is the only thing that people really love in us.
    Hacking is near to useless: too hard to pull out for its level of benefit. The most important things can be hacked by everyone anyway: generators and SCU.
    Killing power is not nearly as efficient to make us prefered to a HA and LA, more powerful and much more polyvalent.
  14. Conflictt

    Deep cloak is extremely hard to see, (unless of course disturbed by a bug, which happens, and needs to be fixed) it's not that the heavy saw you, it's that you were sitting somewhere very predictable. When Stalker first came out, those tricks were funny and they worked pretty well, but people have adapted to the possibilities of an unseen predator lurking on a point. When I suspect a stalker cloak is in the room and I don't have dark-light, the first thing I do is shoot above the point, and then into any corners.

    I don't think we really need any buffs to cloak visibility at this point, only ironing out of any bugs that make us easier to see.
    I'm always running into situations where I'm in a fight and I need to disengage, so I retreat a little and cloak and crouch, and if I do it quick enough and don't delay my deep-cloak activation by sprinting, people will almost always go right past me, allowing me to fill their backs with lead once they pass.
  15. penandpencilman

    Pay 2 win br100s have undergone eye surgery so they can see infils from 50m away. You can do nothing to stop it.
  16. blzbug

    When we are about to lose a base, I almost always pull stalker just for fun. You can sit in the middle of dozens of players unseen. You need to be cognizant of your surroundings. Sky behind you will reveal you easily. Blotchy rocks no worries. Even open ground is fine if there aren't solid backdrops behind you. And you CANNOT ROTATE if you suspect someone is looking your way. Even though you stay in deep cloak, rotating makes the backdrop behind you warp. Good players will spot that.

    I'm not saying cloakers don't need help. We could definitely use some love. But motionless deep cloak is very very hard to detect.
  17. Plastikfrosch

    basic rules:
    - PLAY DEAD if more than 1 enemy (or 1 HA is around and you dont have a hard hitting sidearm like the NS weapons) is around
    - do not rotate (or if you want to do it very, very slow)
    - never ever press Q while enemys are around you because they can hear you and the 3 factions have different voices (everyone who played that game more than a week will recognise that)
    - never go on top of a capture point, thats the first spot for everyone to shoot
    - dont hide in the corners
    - dont hide in front of those big monitor things because there is a bug that makes the monitor behind you go dark and you are as good to see as a dark shadow on a sunny day (a friend changed to another faction and made a screenshot - perhaps i will get it)

    --> most of the time its save to sit somewhere in the middle of the room or on a field because noone expects you there while everyone is checking the walls and rocks and they will only recognise you because they run into you and its obvious that there has to be a stalker if thin air stops you.
    --> if you see them using darklight: 1. try to run and hide if there is a chance (throw some mines while running --> works in 9 out of 10 cases). 2. if escape is not possible or its only 1 enemy (and the darklight is most of the time on the secondary) take the iniative. decloak and kill him: a lot of them will try to switch back to the primary what will give you some mor time to kill.

    But even if you do everything right: sometimes people come up to you an shoot you right in the face and you will not know why. Someone out of my outfit says that he can see deepcloaked infiltrators since he plays everything on ultra with his new PC --> so the devs have to change that because its an unfair advantage that some people are able to find stalkers so easy without darklight.
    Sometimes you can see your weapon or the magazine inside of your weapon as if it is made out of glas after you reached the deep cloak, and guess what: the enemys will be able to see it too (found some stalkers because of that bug). you have to move a mm in any direction you want to make your weapon/mag go into deepcloak too.

    I would not change the visibility of the deepcloak itself (only in that way that players on ultra will not be able to see us without darklight to easy) but the delay between crouching down and changing into deepcloak is so annoyingly long and i died so often because an enemy came around the corner before i reached the deep cloak (but to be fair: its also the reason why i killed a lot of stalkers before they were able to reach that state).
    The cloak is the only real defense a stalker infiltrator has and if you have to wait for so long its too often a death sentence.
    And crouchwalking without leaving the deepcloak would be awsome: sure it would be the same as rotating and it would give away your position to everyone who has enough awareness, but as it is now even the smallest move in any direction turns you into glas and makes you very visible to everyone including the (irony start) situational awareness gurus (irony end).
  18. Casey B

    Yeah I'm not reading this huge thread but I will agree the cloak is garbage. If I can be clearly seen while moving from 30-40m out then whats the point? That's the range that 90% of infantry engagements happen anyway.

    Rather then change anything major that would make the forum cry, I advocate just giving us back our 100 hp. Even LA have 1000 hp and they get the drop on people a lot more then us Infils do these days.
  19. MrForz

    Taking part of a chaotic situation with the cloak and a sniper rifle at a fair range is perhaps the only safe use with it, you won't really hope to infiltrate anything with it. Sometimes you can, but I don't think I want to place my bets on my opponents visual sensitivity.
  20. tornflags


    This is the deep cloak on a stalker. I whined about it on reddit, with little success, apparently some people even think it's a pretty good / balanced camouflage for a class who can't use a ******* PRIMARY.