[BUG] clientside, the part that annoy's me

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by breeje, Sep 24, 2017.

  1. breeje

    i can call myself a veteran in PS2 and after all those years of playing the game some parts of clientside still get on my nerves, so i post this as a bug

    when you drive a vehicle and you try to get that roadkill you still have to hit them on there screen
    after all these years, no adjustments, no fixes, nothing
    now if you shoot someone it's on you're screen
    remember all the times you thought you where safe behind that building and you sill drop death from your opponent bullets, clientside on his screen
    the times you killed someone but he falls down behind the corner, clientside on you're screen
    so why has it to be any different for vehicles?

    yes we all learned how to compensated for clientside while in a vehicle, but do we need to?
    is it not time this finally get fixed?
    if there has to be a clientside, let it be all the same and the easiest way is when everything is on my screen
    is this a coding mistake that all devs forgot about cause we all adjusted vehicle play for it?
    the bug that nobody complains about cause it is what it is?

    i bring this small annoying problem in a constructive way (well i tried)
    so please give it some thought and let you're voice be heard of if it annoys you just like it annoys me
  2. Cymric

    So... when you road kill someone, you want to kill him if you run him over on your screen, regardless of whether he get run over on his screen or not. When someone else want to road kill you, you only die when you are run over on your screen, regardless of whether he runs you over on his screen or not. If that is what you want, it is impossible until one day when we can transfer information faster than speed of light so that everyone have 0 ping to the server.
  3. breeje

    no i want to run him over where i see him, not where he is going to be in a moment
    if you run over someone who is running you have to drive in front of them cause that is where he is on his screen
    i want it to be on my screen just like when you shoot someone, no mater where he is on his screen
    speed of light has nothing to do with this, only some programming
    after all it's possible in infantry game play
  4. FateJH

    It isn't a bug. This is how the developers designed it to work. As you don't have a formal hitbox on your own client, your client is intentionally checking whether a vehicle has pathed over you.
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  5. Dakka43

    I jumped on to say that I too have had this happen many times.. And I have been road killed without even touching a vehicle once.. There is some real issues with how road kill works against infantry..
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  6. adamts01

    Is this why you sometimes run in to another ESF even though you should have had plenty of space? Because that sucks.
  7. FateJH

    Vehicle on vehicle collisions are handled by some kind of server voodoo. Has anyone ever done any extensive testing on it?
  8. breeje

    well thanks for explaining this, so all wat we need is a fixed hitbox on our vehicles and the problem is solved not?
    sounds like a easy fix to get rid of this annoyance
  9. FateJH

    Sorry, you misunderstood me. That wasn't a commentary on how itworks but rather how it had to be intentionally designed to work the way it currently does.

    As an infantry class, you don't have your own hitbox. Everyone else does to you, but you don't to yourself. There's no boomerang you could throw that would smack you in your head if you didn't catch it after throwing it the same way your bullets smack enemies in the head. That means the developers deliberately programmed the game thus that, when as an infantry class, your client has to determine that someone else's vehicle has pathed through the space where you are standing to count as being run over. The relationship between you as the driver of a vehicle and your vehicle on your screen is much more convoluted though, in general, you are rarely obstructed by other parts of yourself and can assume that you'll never "hit yourself" either.
    • Up x 1
  10. breeje

    i also think i need to clarify some things and be more specific

    when you see someone running you shoot a little in front of them to compensate for the bullet travel time
    but his hitbox is where you see the character
    when in a vehicle you need to drive in front of them cause there is his hitbox, cause on his screen he is already there
    so the hitbox and the character are not at the same place
    now on a infantry you don't need to do that, his hitbox is where i see the character
    all what i want is the hitbox to be at the same place as the character when in a vehicle so i don't need to compensate for it
  11. stalkish

  12. FateJH

    Not a projectile like "your bullets [that] smack enemies in the head." That's where I was going with that.
  13. Cymric

    See, if it is done this way, without a ping of 0, if someone else try to run over YOU. You will see the vehicle driving pass behind you and you die. Then you will complain here about how you are dying when you have obviously avoided the vehicle. Without a ping of 0, either the infantry or the vehicle driver will see inconsistency. The dev had decide that it will be the vehicle driver that see the inconsistency.
  14. breeje

    after reading your post i have to agree with you for a part
    only i play with a 20 ms delay, so i would never see a vehicle behind me
    now i know, not all players have this luxury but only the high ping players would see this
    everyone with some normal ping lets say 80 to 120 ms ping would not see any vehicles behind them
    so i still stand by my opinion, why should i need to compensate my vehicle game play for those high ping players?