Clan Magnus Legio [CML] - Organized and Tactical Gameplay

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by ClanMagnusLegio, May 12, 2013.

  1. FrankG

  2. FrankG

  3. Highflyer

    I must admit to my very long 6 month hiatus! However! Upon my return to CML after having been a member since the beginning in beta with Dzire in his humble galaxy, I was glad to see that everything was still just as awesome as I remember! I am still impressed with how we perform as a clan and I do send my thanks to everyone for getting me up to speed with all of the changes the game went through while I was gone.
  4. Posse

    This auraxium bump is dedicated to you guys, I'm now a fellow rocketprimary hero =)

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  5. MrMacGyverr

    That is an unsanctioned weapon and CML does not condone this type of scrubby behavior. Please report any CML members you see utilizing the rocket primary to your local authorities.

    P.S. - Congrats
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  6. FrankG

    You should trade in that purple singlet for some shatter gold
  7. Engine91

    Finding Sundies in weird places? inside the underground research lab? on the bridges of splitpeak? wedged near the point on the upper floor of a tech plant? CML might be close by....
  8. Engine91

    Epic Max drops a few nights ago. Smashed open the TR defenses asunder. That and more carnage across auraxix from a mere 2 squads.
  9. Hasteras

    They have some very good leads in CML, and a core of talented players. Good outfit, check 'em out.
  10. MrMacGyverr

    Are you tired of being mocked and scorned by fellow players or outfit members because you utilize the Rocket Primary?
    AKA "Cheese Cannon"
    AKA "Farm Tool No. 1"
    AKA "Dreaded Death Dealer"
    AKA "Button 3"
    AKA "Portable Skill Pod Dispenser"
    AKA "Shrike Sauce"
    AKA "Laugh Launcher"
    AKA "Butt-Hurt Bazooka"

    Here at CML we not only accept this play style, we encourage it. CML's Rocket Primary Artists are standing by to expand your skills and develop your craft as a Master of Murder with any launcher.

    But we don't limit ourselves to just one tactic. We also love shotguns, maxes, and grenade spam, preferably all at the same time. So whip your conc's out and submit an application today.

    However we do not approve of ESF rocket pods, lib farming infantry, and other forms of vehicle play. That s**t is cheesy!
  11. Engine91

    Always recruiting ;)
  12. MrMacGyverr

    Looking for hot, young men and women interested in hardcore team action. First timers are invited as long as you can follow orders and be discreet. If you are down to fight /tell slyy saying "DTF" and we will get you into the squads. Be sure to bring protection.
  13. EverestMagnus

    BR 97 from Waterson here who recently left his previous outfit for various reasons. Looking for a more mature tactical outfit. Might fit in with you guys. My name does at least. Mind if I jump in your team speak to check you out once the merge happens?
  14. Crest

    Come check us out at for teamspeak and for website and info.
  15. GreenSkittlesSuck

    Clan Magnus Legio sets the standard other clans strive to accomplish. Through our tactical and organized approach we are able to dynamically change the tides in difficult fights. Our clan has something to offer for every level players- beginner, experience and veteran players looking to return after a hiatus.
    Come check out our website and join our TS server from the home page. Seek out [Legatus] LadyKillrKB , [Legatus] Grumsy or [Conquisitor] HydroCrest in TS with any questions about CML, our PlanetSide 2 division or issues with TS. Friend Slyy, Crimsonn, Grumsy or HydroCrest in game to chat and group up in-game. Hope to see you playing with us soon!
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  16. AEllis

    Have you ever wondered why every base says "Clan Magnus Legio" on it? It isn't a bug. Find out how we do it at
  17. EverestMagnus

    Been running with these guys a few times lately and they are a fantastic outfit good mix of tactical skill, maturity and good attitude.
  18. Crest

    Updating files now..fuel is on it's way to the tarmac
  19. Crest

    We're still around and having a blast, come join us for a few kills and bases.
  20. Crest

    Check out the Outfit Browser, Find an Outfit, button in game and put in an application.