[Suggestion] Citadel or Capital MASSIVE bio dome

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dibola, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. Dibola

    We need one type of MASSIVE MASSIVE bio dome on every continent.... maybe it'd have 7-10 points to convert in it. I could see the battles now...all three factions battling for it on every continent. Crazily good chaos and a heck of a time.
    • Up x 1
  2. Mr.Vancassy

    Sounds epic.
  3. Comradical


  4. Wintermaulz

    Don't we have that already (read the crown)
  5. Dibola

  6. absolofdoom

    So The Crown, but without a line of magriders camping across the hill? I like it.
  7. Dibola

    Imagine it so big it'd be hard to camp.
  8. absolofdoom

    ...my god, it's beautiful.
  9. forkyar

  10. Dibola

    Well, if they put it in you wouldn't have to exactly fight there, you know? Player choice.
  11. ApolloRadec

    I'd love to see something like this. I've enjoyed every bit of gameplay so far. But the max of 3 points for the bigger bases has kind of been a downer.
  12. Dibola

    Glad someone's having the glorious vision I'm having.
  13. quicKsanD

    This could be really cool. Especially if it was all in-doors with no vehicles. It could be amazing to have that kind of base. A base designed for the zerg to take. That could sustain a 3 way battle. If the render distance issue gets fixed it could be epic. Also I'd like to see warpgates replaced with Capital bases. Massive last stand bases that would have to be taken in order to cap the continent. Bring back sanctuaries and put in those bases, make the cap bonus bigger. Boom Epic.
  14. Dibola

    Thank you. Everything is so underwhelming right now. We need something so insanely huge to duke it out in.