So I went to Wokuk Amp on Amerish (Connery) to do a little practice with my LA since it should have been deserted given the fact it was WELL buffered by NC (my character's faction) territory. I arrived to find (names altered to protect the guilty) TR "BubonicSore" and "BlitssssKrieg" of outfit "Homophobia" using a Lib/Shredder combo to destroy EVERY turret at the amp station! I can only assume as a cheeeeeeeeeeesy tactic to increase XP? I've often wondered why I would arrive at some amp stations to find every turret destroyed? This is the first time I've witnessed it first hand. Is this tactic common amongst all Liberator operators? Or is it Faction specific? or what gives? I've spent some time in a Liberator, mostly as a gunner, and not once has my Lib mate suggested "Hey. Let's go to the middle of nowhere and destroy some turrets for chEASY xp." I seriously would like an answer to this question. Thanks!
It happens all the time? It's been a while since i used my lib but can't the tank buster nose gun down a turret in 1 volley anyway? It's quick and easy.
If it gives out xp, someone will destroy it, hence why vehicle and weapon terminals are all ways just blown up when they should be hacked. As for the turrets I guess one could argue they just dont want the enemy to be able to use them.
Because it's common sense to kill something that can kill you right. Nothing is more annoying then flying around and having a few AA turrets open fire on you when you have friendly vehicles close by who could easy kill them.
Yes, it was faction specific. TR players are drawn to destroying turrets. Because turrets are freedom and TR stomps all signs of freedom.
If it was just AA turrets, then it's because those turrets can be a threat, and at the very least a very annoying source of occassional damage. If it was all turrets, well, turrets are worth the same as a normal kill, and amp stations can have over 20 turrets I think. Lib tb will onceclip turrets when you're put a few hundred certs into it, and shredder, well, shredder is free and is the most versatile weapon. It's an easy farm if you need certs that bad and can't find a decent farm of players.
there's actually decent exp gain on destroying turrets.. especially with boosts. anyway.. most libs/esfs who do it, do it to soften enemy defence in advance. flak is a mutha****a.
Farming XP; nothing serious. Sometimes I farm XP by repairing them all. Not exciting, but free and easy certs with little risk. That, and sometimes, thos esame farmers go looking for easy targets away from the battle. Those turrets pose a risk to their KDR's and they cant be allowed to remain. In fact, this is commonplace on Waterson. Where a Mossie couldnt fly through both VS and NC territory without great risk, a VS Scythe has a far better chance of sneaking through NC territory to come in behind TR and NC battles for s few easy and unexpected kills. Same goes for TR; they routinely crash battles where they have no place just because no one expects a squadron of Libs and Mossies to roll in behind the fight.
One day I wondered how well farming turrets paid. So I spent 30mins at nott amp station killing turrets. 3min video of all the kills and cert total count: Reward: 36 CERTS (9000XP) That be 18,000 score per hour, so 300SPM. I am not surprised people farm turrets.
Probably the same reason ESF hover over enemy bases, shooting at infantry, when there are no friendly ground units advancing. Or even more obnoxious, at bases deep in enemy territory that they can't even capture. On the flip side, I make it a point of repairing all the turrets at a base before I move onto the next one. Please do continue to blow them up. Most of my certs have come from repairing them.
It can be advantageous to leave terminals destroyed in some situations. Like if you don't want the enemy to be able to sneak in with infiltrators and switch to MAX or heavy, or don't want them spawning a sundy directly from your base. On the other hand terminals can make tasty bait for enemy infils.
It was Wokuk, so that's essentially the bottom left corner if the map so it's on the way to .........nowhere. It's turrets AA, AV, AP were all being destroyed. They were definitely not "softening" it up for any advancing attack. There was no TR squad or activity within 5 territories. Given Wokuk's location and the lack of ANY enemy advance near Wokuk, I believe it's obvious that they are simply gaining XP and other ego massaging stats like SPM etc. How truly pathetic and sad. I kind of feel bad for those that do this. They must have really low self-esteem or I don't know, some other form of mental anguish etc. I have never once destroyed a turret for XP. Never. The thought never even crossed my mind. I have however destroyed empty AV turrets on a base we were attacking to prevent them from being used against our platoon. Oh well. If it can be done, it will be done I guess. To each his own way of gaining XP. I'll stick with getting mine the way the game was designed to be played....Attacking and Defending bases through engagements with enemy forces. Besides. It's alot more fun that way isn't it?
Either they were planning ahead for an attack and I'll go ahead and say "not bad", or they were baddies who can't get certs any other way in which case "who cares."
To the OP that was me that you seen ;-) and if you do it efficiently, killing turrets is over 60,000 xp per hour, though you'd run out well before an hour. I do it when battles are moving zones or if the battle is soon to be at an amp station or if the game on the cont I am on is just slow before I end up switching continents. Its not just about xp either you can get your resources to go from 0 back up to 750 from a single amp station which only takes a few minutes to kill. A lot of people will do something similar to this just after spawning a vehicle just to get their resources back. And yes like other players have said flak is annoying and people will start hopping into aa turrets even if the battle is 2 zones away, taking care of those early helps contain it a bit instead of showing up and there is 5 people sitting in aa turrets. I can easily take out 2-3 manned aa turrets at the same time, but when there is any more than that it's either saying good bye to my libby or just leaving the area to find another battle.
From a roleplay point of view, it makes sense to destroy turrets...especially in advance of an attack. Of course, they could have just been bored and destroying turrets for the exp. Personally, I don't think Turrets should be worth as much exp as they are unless they're manned (or were manned in the last 10 seconds anyways).
People still do this? I can make more certs and better SPM by shooting actual players - no need to turn the game into World of Farmcraft.