Check out the changes headed this way (new PTS notes)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DeadAlive99, Apr 18, 2017.

  1. Kristan

  2. stalkish

    You deal your direct damage, plus splash for an infantry.
    So 650 + the splash (i think 500).

    Vehicles are not affected by splash.
  3. csvfr

    ... and thats bcs the only counter (an implant) was removed with the revamp.
  4. Direlithe

    Try shooting at them?
  5. Kristan

    ... So much imbalance flaws, I can't even. Do devs read this forum? At least Test Server section? Or reddit only?

    Hornets are anti-aircraft missiles now, it takes 2 of them to destroy an ESF and 4 for a Liberator. Yet it takes 12 to destroy a Vanguard. G30 Walker is as effective as Vulcan against tanks. Swarm kills ESFs with 4 missiles, while faction specific AA launchers with 3 missiles, which takes far longer. Typhoon rocklet ammo is inferior to default ammo. It gives only smaaall addition to damage with tradeoff of double the gravity and lack of AA capability.