Listen I do agree with this point but I can probably tell the difference, I’ve played for 5 years, I think I can. These people saying they are quitting is what makes me angry, not them saying there are hackers because I kno there are. So surely you can tell the difference between those two?
There are hacks out there that's a fact. But i saw very few hackers since i started playing 4 years ago. And by a few i mean a few, i can count them on my finger's hand. And most of them were low br pleb . What confused a lot of players in this game are Vets aware of games mechanics and using them a lot ( well, abusing them ) Wrel explain very well some of thoses mechanics in some vids. If you combine this knowledge , a good rig and some aiming skill with awareness , you can farm 90% of the player base without even trying... And 90% of this player base , under thoses circumstances, thinks thoses vets are cheating and do things that are impossible to do. From my experience, most of thoses Hackusations in game and forumside are a combination of this and some poorly designed mechanics, connections and detections issues unfortunatly.
I would like to know this as well. Having tried multiple scopes ranging from 4x to 12x on multiple weapons both as Engineer and Infiltrator I have not been able to see any cloaked Infiltrator, regardless of type of cloak they use, through these scopes anymore than I can without
I think this is probably just a graphical bug that happens sometimes. Happened to me earlier today when I was scoping out a mountain top. I caught the shimmer through my 6X scope and it took me a moment to realize that I was looking at an unmoving, crouching infiltrator. I've never had that happen before, but I certainly took advantage of it in that instance. I do see cloaked, running infiltrators at long range through a scope fairly often though.
That's not what Darkstar and strikearrow claimed though. The claim was that the cloak distortion is visible at any range - and that this was due to a unique aspect of sniper scopes. I have played this game for almost 6 years - with 50% of my time as infil, mostly sniper. I have almost 6000 kills with the Parallax and 12x scope alone, plus a further 1500 using other sniper rifles and scopes - and I have never noticed this. I have run many different graphics settings from low to ultra on multiple machines (from a GTX480 to my current GTC980Ti) - and in my experience, cloaked units, even large ones like Sunderers always turn completely invisible beyond a certain range. If this is actually true - it's should be a trivial matter for somebody to post a screenshot.
I guess we'll never see an answer to this..... Going to take a wild leap here and say the people claiming this are infact cheating and trying to cover it.
I suspect so too. I reckon subtle ESP, sonic radar and hitbox type cheats are far more common that people will have you believe. I vary rarely see blatant hackers/cheaters - but I often encounter enemies where I think "wow - really?". I really doesn't take a lot to give you an edge in this game - certainly nothing as blatant as autoaim or sheet through walls.
Well, the MAX on vehicle thing isn't anything bizarre. He changed classes while he was stuck in the vehicle queue. It only checks your class once - when you put in the vehicle order. Everything else is probably Flash turbo and the really weird collision detection of the warp gate building.
yep there a few running around magical head shots and they don't take any damage they move faster as well, must be a package deal they get oohh well!
I have been playing for five years on and off for 1500 hours and I have not seen one cheater. I don't doubt that there are some, but it is not a problem especially compared to other games. It was most likely a very skilled player, lag on either end, client-side, or a combination. Don't make it sound like an epidemic if it isn't.
How long you have been playing dont matter, if you have not seen any cheaters, then you either have been very lucky and not encountered any or simply not known it when you saw it and likely just chalked it up to skill or lag which is the whole point in many cases. The problem here is that many of these cheats are actually done is such a way as to pass being done by a skill-full player or be the result of lag.. Lag would only work as an explanation for at most a couple seconds after you left a window or door, not when you have not been near it for long after that. I'm well aware there are low walls where you can get hit by a lucky or well aimed shot, but I'm talking about walls or structures that are too high to look and shoot over or when you are inside a building. Lag or skill does not explain how a player can seemingly know exactly where you are when you are moving behind high cover or inside a building and be able to hit you the moment you break cover when there are no motion detectors active in the area. Lag or skill dont explain how someone can see you and shoot you when using the Infiltrators stalker cloak with chameleon module from over 100 meters away, while you are sitting still and have been for some time. I know there are some who claim that sniper scopes have some kind of unique ability to see it, but I have never seen that myself having played as both engineer and Infiltrator used many different rifles and scoped. And when these individuals are asked back up these claims with some kind of explanation or evidence they dont respond, suggesting to me they are just making it up. Then there is the construction exploits, where people manage to place repair modules under other structures making the structures literally indestructible. I have seen this myself more times than I can remember, and its a well known exploit that's being abused a lot more than you may think.
I've got roughly 1300 hours and have only seen two blatant cheaters: one VS engie parked on a high mountain over a base on Amerish and firing wildly into the sky... and getting perfect headshots on guys below him, and one TR guy who was screwing around on Hossin auto-aiming his burster MAX into his buddy's Scythe. He got my reaver and sent me a message apologizing, saying he was screwing with his outfit mate in the scythe (who I had spotted and went hunting) and his aimbot got me instead. That being said, I have seen a number of instances of that fun little trick where you adjust the head hitbox size and plug away to rack up tons of headshot kills. There's one guy in particular (I refuse to name names so don't ask) that I see all the time, the guy is pretty good and can back up his hitbox adjustment with decent aim. Whenever I see him I make it a point to fight him. Most of the time I lose but every once in a while I'll drop him and it's insanely satisfying when I do, making the previous deaths worth it.
i love how many people defend the battleye system but realy dont know a thing about bypasses or how the battleye system is not perfect. and how hackers are able to quite easaly bypass it without doing much. hell the best tool to bypass it that i have seen in this game that people use ragulerly is recursion. when it was done for that short time it was down. hackers on this game droped then suddenly when its patched so that people can use it again hackers seemed to pop back up suddenly hmmmm i wounder clould a third party tool like recursion be used to create a hack that oh i dont know gives you aim bot. or full bright or wire frames. hmmm wait whats this ? oh it can ? damn morons. -.-'' when you let a single third party tool be used on a game even one that is called an " over lay " they can and will be exsploited in ways to make hacks for the game that there used in. battleye was created to check GAME FILES not third party tool files for the hacks that are so often used. some one even with simple hacker knowlage understands that anything that can be done to a game will be done . and anything that can be used in a game to make a hack will be used. back to the battleye thing also. add into it that it is not a perfect way to remove hackers from a game. its not an end all kill all system. the end all kill all for a game that stops hackers 90% of the time. is removeing ALL base game files from player side clients. this means if they want to stop hackers they need to remove everything that could be used to create hacks. there have allready been people that have proven AND TOLD daybreak that there are files inside there folders that are compramised in player side files files that can and are used to create hacks for this game have they done something for it ? after someone proved that people could use these said files ? no not realy. yet they claim there working on the hacker issue and the other issues that come up ragulerly in this game. there not . hate to say it but i say it enough. this company is all about money. they dont care about hackers as long as someone is buying there product and puting money into the game. the more money you put into it the more they ignore you and let you do as you please. after all money makes this game go round.
I posted some of those explanations in other threads, but seeing the amount of misunderstanding here I will write something, since in a former life I have a been a Window/Unix C/C++/Java/Assembler software engineer. Sorry in advance for the long post: About Recursion Stat Tracker: It interacts with the main ps2 executable via a DLL ( that is attached to PS2 after being verified by BattleEye. The purpose of that DLL is to draw on the screen stats overlaying (hence the name) what PS2 is drawing. PS2 is therefore allowing that DLL to draw on the screen. About hacking game files/resources sitting on the client's PC: Those files could be altered by any Windows application at any point in time. Most of the games have some sort of basic protection against tampering (typically resource files are packed in some sort of archives and encoded with some basic encryption, needless to say the level of protection is rather low). So it is a fair assumption to say those files can be altered given a minimum amount of skills and knowledge. The next level of protection would be a signature or a checksum ( associated to each package. Each package has a known checksum (a number) and when BattleEye starts it can compute the checksum of each package and compare it against the known (unaltered) checksum. If those numbers are different --> then the package has been tampered with. Does BattleEye check that? I do not know, but if there are hackers who are able to change the head hit-box I would have some doubt. Most likely there are hundreds of resource files to check and a player does not want to sit down for 2 minutes waiting to play because all resource files are being checked... About hacking recoil, auto-etc/etc ... That is different and most likely easier and most likely 100% undetectable, You need to known the mouse position and you need to inject mouse/keyboard movement. Both things are possible via a myriad of third party/open source tools via scripts and, for people owning a programmable gaming keyboard or mouse, via the associated software. Gaming mouse are rather smart nowadays and have in-built chips and memory, so anything that goes there is 100% undetectable, even by BattleEye. As I mentioned in a previous thread, tools like AHK (which are not hacking tools, but instruments developed to automate UI interaction and testing) have been designed to find on the display a big red "OK" button and move the mouse inside the button and click LMB. Now, just replace the big red "OK" button with an enemy dorito and you have auto-aim. Get the mouse position while firing (another easy thing to do) and move back the mouse where it should be and you have auto-recoil management. Tools like AHK are not blocked by BattleEye and maybe they should, but again, there would be ways to go around that. So it is pretty much useless. Gaming mouse/keyboard software again could be detected by Battle Eye and blocked, but that would mean suicide: a gaming software house blocking gaming mouse/keyboard software... Last but not least, the "real" hacks, not what can be done by the average internet warrior, are applications which interact with the in-game memory (that is, when PS2 is running) and given a far higher degree of knowledge and skills, the sky is the limit.