Cheater on Cobalt

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BlackHandCommando, Mar 16, 2022.

  1. BlackHandCommando

    Met a cheater a few minutes ago on Cobalt while playing on Hossin that was invulnerable.
    Couldn't die even tho. basically everyone was shooting him, stating that he knew its a bug and still kept playing.

    Character Name is SapoSuPp

    Got proof here and good shot starts at 2:12

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  2. JibbaJabba

    I've not seen that bug so not sure I'm buying his story that he's not cheating.

    But... assuming he's telling the truth this then falls under "exploiting". If you know you are invulnerable and don't immediately log off then you are exploiting. If you log back on and it's still happening, you best be logging out and opening a ticket with support.

    Send the clip to

    If it's a bug, he'll get an exploiting vacation for a few days.
    If it's not a bug, he'll be deleted.
  3. BlackHandCommando

  4. JibbaJabba

    now you go on Fisu and watch for his last-login time to not update or the account to get "weird" in the database.
  5. BlackHandCommando

    Well about emailing it, received this via two of my addresses:

    Delivery incomplete
    There was a temporary problem delivering your message to Gmail will retry for 45 more hours. You'll be notified if the delivery fails permanently.
  6. JibbaJabba


    I lied to you.


    I forgot the "2", sorry.
  7. BlackHandCommando

    This one worked, received an automated reply. Thanks.
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  8. Towie

    He's still playing now.

    However - although your video evidence is pretty damning, I suspect he just found himself in this super-human state. His stats are meh at best and do not suggest that he is cheating (if he found himself in god-mode - suspect he can't reproduce it and if so, doesn't do it often if at all).