Characters not loading?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by MapleSyrupViper, Apr 21, 2014.

  1. MapleSyrupViper

    So I was going on planet side 2 about, 10 or so minutes ago. when i got on it asked me VS, TR, or NC at the character creation screen. not sure if this should be posted somewhere else or if it has happened to many people. But I had already created 3 characters, (which i had each for a long time) one for each race, PooSnot, MarkofPoo and Poolicious, not sure what happened but if someone knows whats going on i would appreciate help.
  2. MapleSyrupViper

    Well then, sorry to take up space in the forums it appears my accounts have returned, the server was "locked" or something and i couldnt load the accounts
  3. Deschain

    hate to break it to you buddy, but do you not see the Status: 4/21/2014 9:35 PDT - We are currently investigating a potential issue with servers, in Blood Red Text..
  4. Tbone

    Its maintenance.No servers, no character list.When maintenance is finished it will be a server, and your characters will be there.Stay calm.
  5. Aglethe

    Hmm, not sure if I'm an isolated case or not, but two of my five characters are gone even after the servers are back up, including one of my mains... *sigh*

    I've got to head and do some stuff this evening anyway, perhaps there'll be some more information or a fix by tonight, but I'm afraid this is going to have to involve a CS ticket... joy. ;)
  6. I0dine

    Yeah i`m missing one of my characters too, on Connery